Modern pace of life, stress and fatigue often lead to the emergence of nervous or endocrine pathologies.
Tic lips or tremors of the facial muscles can result from these disorders.
Facial tic reasons
- Vascular
- Emotional Disorders
- Chronic fatigue syndrome
- Other factors
- Why can the lip shake in newborns and older children?
- Treatment methods
- When should you see a doctor?
Facial tic reasons
Facial tics (the correct name for the problem) are systematic muscle contractions that are not suitable for a particular moment.
This excessive, "independently" emerging movement, depending on the degree of complexity, can be manifested in the following:
- muscle twitches under the eye;
- forehead wrinkles;
- eyebrows rise;
- the nerve on the face twitches;
- a violent smile arises;
- the corners of the lips descend;
- neck twitches;
- lip trembling and so on.
Common reasons why an adult is so “pulled” by the face are problems with blood vessels or nerves, lack of sleep and fatigue.
Vascular pathologies are considered the most common provoking factor of facial tics.
Thousands of nerve endings receive their nourishment through the bloodstream. Any changes in the state of blood vessels can lead to twitching of the muscles of the face.
So, changes in the tone of arteries and capillaries are often provoked by vegetative-vascular dystonia. Any narrowing-expansion of blood vessels causes a general deterioration in well-being and spontaneous contractions of the facial muscles.
Numbness and pulsation of the upper or lower lip also occurs with congenital anomalies of the arteries and capillaries.
Another cause of tics is a blockage of the lumen of blood vessels. Foreign bodies (emboli) circulating in the blood temporarily block the blood stream (until the body's defenses take up the elimination of the pathology that has arisen). This happens with hypertension, ischemia, cardiomyopathy, arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, or diabetes mellitus.
Emotional Disorders
The load on the human nervous system increases every year. The level of the pace of life is increasing, which not everyone can cope with. Some individuals, in order to live in harmony with themselves and nature and remain healthy people, go to ecological settlements, away from the bustle of the city. Those who try to keep up with progress risk paying for their successes in life with neurasthenia, a nervous breakdown, or a depressive disorder.
Psychological stress disrupts the metabolic process of neurotransmitters or other substances that ensure the transmission of nerve impulses by chemical means, and the result of a malfunction in the body is a tic.
The muscles on the face are also capable of twitching situationally, due to fear or at moments of nervous excitement (during a quarrel, scandal, screaming). Usually, after neutralizing the emotional state, the problem also disappears.
Video from Dr. Malysheva about a nervous tic:
Chronic fatigue syndrome
The main symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome are chronic sleep deprivation, persistent fatigue, lack of vitality and facial tics. Similar signs are more common among residents of megacities. Already in the morning they feel overwhelmed and exhausted. Life rhythms are shifted, and the period of activity coincides with the night time.
Typical manifestations of the syndrome:
- pallor of the skin;
- circles under the eyes;
- the corners of the lips are lowered;
- there is no opportunity to smile;
- the lower lip throbs.
Important! Only a doctor can determine the exact provoking factor of facial muscle tic.
Other factors
The reasons for the upper lip twitching can also be:
- hypothermia;
- long stay in a draft;
- head trauma;
- uncomfortable sleeping position;
- operations;
- anti-aging procedures;
- vaccinations;
- complications after dental procedures.
Important! If the lip trembles only on the right or left side, it is advisable to urgently visit a neuropathologist and psychotherapist for a diagnosis. To dull the symptoms, you are allowed to take a tablet of No-shpy and valerian on your own.
The provoking factor for twitching the lower lip can be:
- stressful situations;
- avitaminosis;
- viral infections;
- traumatic brain injury;
- heredity.
Folk signs will serve as some consolation in the event of a facial tic. According to popular belief, if the lower lip twitches, soon cash injections will come unexpectedly or career prospects will appear.
According to another sign, when the upper lip twitches, the girl is waiting for a marriage proposal. For a married couple, tremors bode well for a sudden surge of forgotten feelings.
And twitching of the whole mouth foreshadows pleasant life events.
But no matter how pleased such an interpretation of the problem is, too frequent manifestations of facial tics are a serious reason for contacting a specialist.
Why can the lip shake in newborns and older children?
The phenomenon when a newborn's lower or upper lip is shaking, and even a chin, can be considered the norm up to 3 months of age. Usually, such a facial tic is observed with prolonged crying or excessive fatigue of the child and is explained by the fact that, due to insufficient the formation of the nervous and endocrine systems, the brain is not able, even with strong emotions, to control the contractions of individual areas body.
Worry should be shown if the baby has:
- trembling persists at the age of more than 3 months;
- tremor appears at rest;
- not only the mouth trembles, but the whole head.
These signs may indicate:
- intrauterine fetal hypoxia;
- hypertonicity of muscle tissue;
- frequent stress in pregnant women during gestation.
Tremor of the lips and chin in older children is considered the norm in the case of emotional stress and a short, mild nature of the course.
Pathological abnormalities in the work of the child's central nervous system are evidenced by:
- trembling limbs (other than lip tremor);
- short sleep;
- irritability;
- headache.
Important! If you find any deviations from the norm in children, you should consult a specialist, since the diseases do not go away on their own.
Treatment methods
Diseases accompanied by facial tics can lead to pathological changes in the body of an adult or a child, and therefore require complex treatment. Most often, twitching will go away along with the disease that provoked them.
If the tic is not associated with serious diseases, then after a thorough examination by a specialist, diagnosis and establishment of provoking factors, it is necessary:
- Change your diet and eat more foods that are high in potassium and magnesium.
- Get rid of bad habits.
- Take a multivitamin to support nerves and boost immunity. The drugs Complivit Antistress, Aevit or Asvitol are ideal.
- Take sedatives (such as valerian). Tea with honey based on lemon balm, mint, motherwort or chamomile also helps well.
- Do soothing exercises and massage sessions.
- Normalize the daily routine and provide enough time for sleep and rest.
- Use aromatherapy to relax.
When should you see a doctor?
Most voluntary tics and spasms go away on their own. If the twitching becomes chronic or accompanied by additional symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.
The reason for the appeal may be:
- High pressure, numbness on one side of the face, tremors of the lips and chin, and a twisted mouth. Symptoms are typical of a stroke, so urgent hospitalization is needed.
- Pulsating corners of the mouth, soreness and fever. These are clear signs of trigeminal neuralgia.
- Inappropriate behavior and obsessive thoughts. In this case, tremor is a secondary sign of schizophrenia or manic-depressive psychosis.
- Trembling of muscles around the mouth. It occurs due to the inflammatory process.
A healthy lifestyle and positive emotions are the best ways to prevent facial tics. If the pathology has already made itself felt, it is better not to self-medicate. Timely consultation with a doctor will help you quickly and effectively eliminate the problem.
The site is for informational purposes only. Do not under any circumstances self-medicate. If you find you have any symptoms of illness, contact your doctor.