The rash in a child on the face, abdomen, legs, back, pope and body: causes. What if the baby has a rash and itches?

In this article we will talk about the rash in children, about what it can be and when it comes to allergies, and when about infectious diseases.

Contents of

  • Symptoms of an allergic rash in children
  • Why does the baby have a rash on the body?
  • Why does the child have a rash on the face and head?
  • Causes of rash on the abdomen and legs in a child
  • Causes of a rash after antibiotics in a child
  • Why does the child have a small rash with fever?
  • Why does the baby have a mild rash without fever?
  • The baby has a small rash - what should I do?
  • rash Treatment of a child on the body: drugs and money
  • Video: Rash - The School of Dr. Komarovsky
  • Alarm symptom a rash in baby is sign not only possible allergic reaction, but the and development of is more of the dangerous disease . Experienced dermatologist or infektsionistu not hard determine character rash and put faithful diagnosis
  • instagram viewer
  • But that same do parents , that not can understand in origin of these are the spots and of the points . We try tell of possible symptoms rash and of disease , which she can match
  • For start let will understand that is rash and any species it can be .
  • itself rash is primary manifestation various pathological reactions organism to change state in body

It is following types :

Nodule or papule looks , like tubercle and not has recess or holes , its dimensions s average 1 mm to 3 cm in diameter and its possible probe
Blisters represent itself formation without cavity , which rises over surface skin , hyperized and itchs
bubbles have cavity with lid , their size is to 0 . 5 cm in diameter , cavity their filled transparent liquid( serous effusion ).If these size exceed 0 . 5 see , the education called bubble
pustules or abscess like on bubble , but contents education purulent
Spot manifested change color skin in defined and its dimensions can be different
Roselaola represents itself spec in diameter before 5 mm , which can have color from pale - pink color to red
Hemorrhage - is bruising or bleeding under skin and have views spots or small points

After healings rashes can remain different traces , which is called secondary elements rashes in form scars , pigmentation , scales , erosions , abrasions , ulcers or cracks . Post worth with most common reaction - allergic rashes .

Symptoms of allergic rash in of children

Symptoms of allergic rash in children

Basic symptom , of course , is the presence of themselves of rashes . When manifestation contact allergic reaction rashes arise in field contact with allergen ( cream , diapers , things laundered with certain powder and m . to .).
If rashes connected with manifestations food or dosage allergic reaction , the rashes may occur by around body , or on tibiae , buttocks and cheeks .

Symptoms :
Flushing individual areas skin covers
Occurrence different elements rash ( blisters , vesicles , roseola , and spot t. -.
irritant , often its not possible tolerate
With damage elements rashes can occurhiccup wounds or erosion
child very restless , appetite bad , sleep broken

Time of occurrence rash depends from form pathology , which can be acute or chronic .

1 . When acute manifestation rash occurs practically immediately after contact with allergen and often legalized in region cheeks and upper portion torso ( in folds )

2 . If rashes not pass at during 6 weeks , then should say about chronic form pathology . Symptoms of rashes not differ from acute reactions , however general state of health suffers much stronger . addition reduced appetite , bad sleep and irritability child starts lose in weight , his view becomes pale , exhausted and tired

In breast age allergic rash is called atypical dermatitis and , is often , has chronic over . periods exacerbations such allergic reactions are replaced by with long periods remission . In thoracic age allergy most often is food .

Why in child rash spots on body ?

  • Sure causes to rashes can be set , we will parse only part of from them . However reading , not try put diagnosis own , so how for this necessary pass examination and pass certain analyzes
  • And so , start with most frequent causes rashes in form spots becomes allergic reaction . With allergic , rashes can occur scarlet of heel in result of of contact with allergen . So same allergy can manifest red points on certain areas or body everywhere
  • Allergy so same can be themselves in a urticaria - is redness, externally similar to burns . Those who often is susceptible to allergic reactions , as rule , know as treat such as rashes . However, if you first noticed similar rash worth urgent appeal to doctor

Psoriatic rash so same look at body how red spots. Distinguish such rashes can by characteristic of peeling of and by the presence of scales . This is a genetic caused by disease , which is completely not is curable and is exposed only of therapy for of excretion in state of of remission.

Psoriatic rashes

Vitiligo as same has in as symptoms appearance of on skin of red spots . General state of health patient with this does not suffers . These rashes possible temporarily to remove with aid drug therapy .

Scleroderma - is another disease , which on skin manifests itself with red spots . This disease is congenital and has autoimmune origin of . In , the effect of 's own immune system suffers from the connecting fabric of . With this is disrupted operation minute blood vessels and arise characteristic spots .


This only some diseases which manifest with red spots . Any manifestation of symptoms of requires diagnosis of and of the correct treatment of .

Why does have child rash on face and head ?

Appearance of rash on face of toddler suffices frequent phenomenon .

Often is total only manifestation adapts to conditions surrounding environment . AND arise it can as on face , so and on head and on to all body .

Why does the child have a rash on the face and head?

In , the dependencies from of the , symptoms that accompanies these rashes , need to determine with cause of this phenomenon .

Is whether temperature , pain in throat from toddler and other manifestations of disease . So as rash can have not only benign flow and pass independently , but and carry infectious character .

most often encountered disease, that appear rashes may become :
Chickenpox ( rash in a bubbles around body and head )
Erythema infectious ( large spots with light center )
Measles ( originally rash strikes face , and afterit extends on all body )
Scarlet fever
Roseola ( rash pink color , that not go on over about 5 days )
Rubella ( common rashes by to the entire body , which disappear through 5 days )

So that the diagnosis of the disease and is differentiatedka allergies from infection very important and requires special attention in children.

reasons rash on stomach and feet in child

reasons this rashes can be several :

Let more detail analyze as exhibit itself rashes with each from lesions and become familiar with with photo :

1 . Measles is an infectious disease of . With this rash manifests after several days , after then as was marked rise temperature . There is pain in throat with swallowing , cough and runny nose . Rash originally occurs on face and head , and then covers all body . Spots with this suffices large and rise over skin .

Measles of

2 . Smallpox chickenpox rash appears , which so same in beginning disease begins with face with followed spread to all body . first arises reddish specks , which then become bubbles , filled with serous liquid . bubbles then dry out and formed itchy crust . Can rise temperature of body .

Smallpox chickenpox

3 . Rubella is characterized by rashes , which in beginning disease formed on face and in folds of joints . Usually child with this fever , present signs poisoning , occipital lymph nodes increased . Rash similar to shallow points , which sharply disappear later several days .


4 . Scarlet fever symptoms manifest angina in child , rash when this occurs on 3 - th day after start disease. Spots not too large and are distributed to to the entire body . Local temperature skin in the area rashes rises . After disappearance rash skin is peeling

Scarlet fever

5 . Allergy occurs abruptly after contact with stimulus . With this rash on the touch is relief and can be accompanied by with other signs of the allergic reaction . Arise rash can where anything , at this have small children she not painted and not very noticeable


6 . Scabies shows itself in as of soft , filled with liquid blisters . When this rash strongly itching . Located rashes pair at distance several millimeters friend from friend . Most first first rashes always arise between fingers hands


7 . Traces after bites of insects often confused with symptomatic various infections . The skin in the bite place of the bite is inflamed and itches , with combing is covered with the crust . Such rashes pass alone

Traces after insect bites

Causes rash after of antibiotics in of the child

If rash there in result treatment baby antibacterial drugs , the reasons this can serve :

allergic reaction
Dysbacteriosis in result reception drug

If is allergic reaction , then will occur it practically immediately after receiving first doses of means . With this needs immediately discontinue reception antibiotic and contact with doctor for with and consultation for therapy after receiving medication .

Causes rash after antibiotics the child

In cases dysbiosis in result reception antibiotic and occurrence rash on this background , your path should lie through gastroenterologist and dietary food . With this is assigned therapy for recovery normal microflora intestine of the child . on this reasons on the series with therapy with antibacterial with medications is assigned reception bifidumbacterin and probiotics .

Why in child shallow rash with temperature ?

reason high temperature often all is an infectious disease , although and allergic reaction not exception and may provoke hyperthermia .

All depends from external type rash , possible variants of which we described above . Each rash and character its appearance will tell about disease , to which it belongs to .

Why in child shallow rash without temperature ?

1 . Practically all infectious disease accompanies rise temperature . Without hyperthermia rash can occur with lesions skin with scabies .The rash may striking handle , legs and stomach baby , so same buttocks and crotch , inner surface thighs.

The reason for of these rashes is scabies ticks , which settles in surface layers of skin . In result of its penetration of and of vital activity of occurs strong itch and many children comb these rashes to blood . Itching is more intensive total in night time day .

Why does the baby have a mild rash without fever?

2 . So same without hyperthermia can leak pyodermia . Eruptions with this not itches and are scattered chaotic on to the entire body . This bubbles with purulent filling .

Subsequently bubbles burst and dry , after drop grayish crust traces not remains . General state child enough vigorous . This form rash so same requires adequate therapy

3 . Hives - form allergic reactions , which externally is similar to with burn and is treated by accordingly of the allergic reaction . It so does not gives enhancement temperature body

4 . Another single species rash without temperature is of erythema . This is a chronic disease of , which is originally is manifested by on face of , then on joints of and wrists . Often rash manifests on the rear sides of the brushes and stop . Child becomes nervous and whiny . rash looks like reddened bubbles , which inflamed and edematous , skin crack , and of cracks bleed serous fluid.

child itches shallow rash - that do ?

In any case not let child combing rash , so how it affects skin and can lead to additional infection scratching .

to determine with tactics treatment it is necessary to apply to to doctor for inspection of and of setting of the correct diagnosis . So as from correct diagnosis depends correct treatment .

Treatment rash in child on body : drugs and means

rash Treatment of a child on the body: drugs and money

If you found rash in his child necessary spend The following events :

  • Doctors should call home . It need and for setting faithful diagnosis and in avoid infection other children time visit clinics , if is infection
    When high temperature can be suspected meningococcal infection . In this case need to urgently call ambulance help
    Doctors not recommended own smear rash ointments or , no Zelenko . Doctor must adequately evaluate the entire picture of disease . Self therapy prohibited categorically
  • What concerns medicines , the for each disease exists number ointments and funds , that appointed it for therapy disease which was detected by in each specific case of .
  • Be attentive to its health and to its toddlers ! ! We the same we wish you and to your babies health .

Video: Rash - Dr. Komarovsky's school

  • Mar 10, 2018
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