To which Saint to turn with prayer for healing from a dental disease, with what words

What Prayer Can DoPrayer is a powerful remedy for any ailment and toothache is no exception. In some situations, turning to God or the Saints remains the only way to relieve suffering.

Of course, you should not neglect the help of qualified doctors. But there are situations when it is not possible to get medical help quickly, and the pain becomes simply unbearable.

There are many examples when absolutely unbelievers, having resorted to this weapon, found deliverance from the disease tormenting them.

In Orthodox practice, various prayers are used to the Holy Fathers, to whom God has given the talent to heal people from torment.

Scientists are skeptical about miraculous healings. But even they do not deny the fact that in the history of mankind there are many examples of getting rid of incurable diseases through prayer. Sometimes illness makes us look differently at life and the people around us.


  • How to read a prayer correctly
  • Which Saint to turn to with prayer for healing from a toothache
    • Hieromartyr Antipas Bishop of Pergamon
    • Holy Mother of God
    • Matrona of Moscow
    • Healer and healer Saint Panteleimon
  • instagram viewer
  • To whom and how to pray for children
  • Trust in God, but go to the doctor yourself

How to read a prayer correctly

You can resort to prayer help anywhere, anytime. But it is better to choose a quiet place and focus on the main thing: to fulfill the request sincerely, with faith and an open heart.

Simple rules, but if they could also be simply followed, people would have long forgotten not only about toothache, but also other troubles and troubles.

Which Saint to turn to with prayer for healing from a toothache

Hieromartyr Antipas Bishop of Pergamon

Antipa of PergamskyA powerful Saint, patron of Christians and a spiritual healer was cruelly executed in the 1st century AD. pagans for faithfulness to faith and Christian principles.

Since then, people have turned to him for help in healing diseases.

It is believed that Antipas especially patronizes dentists, and prayers addressed to him with a request to diminish the suffering from toothache quickly find a response.

The Orthodox Church honors the memory of the Holy Martyr April 24 (n. Art.)

Holy Mother of God

People turn to the Mother of God with different requests. Prayer to her helps to get rid of toothache.

It is advisable to have in front of you an image, an icon of the Mother of God (most often it is advised to take the famous icon of the Quick to Hearken). But remember that you should not pray to metal and wood. Not picture, gold and silver.

It is easier to focus simply by having a calming image in front of your eyes. Try to say the words of the prayer calmly and with firm faith.

Matrona of Moscow

The holy matron was born in an ordinary Russian village into a peasant family. The girl was born completely blind and remained that way all her life.

From an early age, the gift of healing was revealed in her. Despite her illness, Matrona had a spiritual vision and healed many people. Often people turn to the saint for help in getting rid of a toothache.

There is a known case when a blind healer, with the help of only one prayer, delivered a patient who was suffering in severe pain for a whole week.
Before praying, it is advisable to mentally ask for forgiveness from everyone you have upset or offended.

Healer and healer Saint Panteleimon

Saint Panteleimon was born into a family that was far from being Christian. His parents were pagans, and Panteilemont himself studied the art of healing in a pagan school.

After the adoption of Christianity, Saint Panteleimon became widely known for his miracles. Tradition, in particular, ascribes to the doctor the case of the resurrection of a dead child.

For more than 1000 years, not only suffering patients, but also doctors have turned to the holy miracle worker for help. The prayer should be read thoughtfully and without distraction. And in no case should you be discouraged and embittered in case of failure.

To whom and how to pray for children

It is believed that the Most Holy Mother of God is the first intercessor and helper in all our troubles. If your child has a toothache, be sure to seek help from a saving source in prayer.

Even if your child is under the supervision of a qualified doctor, you can speed up the victory over an evil ailment by the power of your love and faith. Mother's love is itself a powerful remedy.

The healer and healer Saint Panteleimon became famous after he resurrected a dead boy who had been bitten by a snake. So he will cope with the problem of toothache.

Do not forget that our most important protector and guardian, the Son of God Christ, never refused to help anyone who asked him with faith and hope.

Trust in God, but go to the doctor yourself

Don't take on too much. That is why there are clinics to help sick people.

Do not confuse the worldly and the spiritual and try on the role of a Saint who is able to resurrect and heal, using only the word as a tool.

It is not bad to distinguish between when to heal and when to pray for the salvation of the soul. And Orthodox prayer has always been, is and will be a strong weapon in the hands of a person who is struggling with a disease.

The site is for informational purposes only. Do not under any circumstances self-medicate. If you find you have any symptoms of illness, contact your doctor.

  • Oct 28, 2021
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