Is it possible to treat teeth during menstruation: fill, clean, prosthetics?

dental treatment during menstruationFor most women, critical days are a special period. Often plans change at this time, and some girls cannot even do their homework. In the same time toothache can occur suddenly and require immediate action - treatment, pain relief, and so on.

In such a situation, many women do not know how to do the right thing - is it worth postponing a visit to the dentist or you can decide to carry out the necessary dental procedures and heal your teeth right during menstruation.


  • Critical days are so critical ...
  • What are the risks?
  • When shouldn't treatment be delayed?
  • Is it possible with menstruation ...
  • Necessary safety rules
  • How to relieve a toothache at home

Critical days are so critical ...

Due to hormonal changes in a woman, her health often worsens, sensitivity increases, and immunity decreases. Often, critical days are accompanied by painful sensations.

Due to the many uncomfortable sensations of girls and older ladies, they are interested in whether it is possible to treat teeth with painful periods or if it is still worth postponing a visit to the dentist. Doctors do not recommend treating teeth during this period, but it is impossible to give an unequivocal answer to this question, since several factors affect the possibility or impossibility of the therapy process:

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  • planned or unscheduled treatment (acute pain);
  • the patient's well-being;
  • features of the course of menstruation (how they affect the general condition of the body);
  • type of procedure;
  • the body's reactions to the drugs used, and so on.

What are the risks?

Dentists may ask a woman about the menstrual cycle during certain procedures. The fact is that treatment and tooth extraction during menstruation can carry such risks:

  1. Due to a decrease in immunity, the risk of developing infectious diseases and complications in the form of suppuration of the gums increases.Stomach hurts during menstruation
  2. During menstruation, blood clotting decreases (a normal physiological phenomenon), which can lead to severe bleeding when soft tissue is removed or incised.
  3. In some women, the sensitivity and susceptibility of the body changes. Hypersensitivity can cause severe pain during dental treatment. Sometimes pain relievers do not work well during menstruation.
  4. Rejection of foreign materials can occur due to hormonal changes. In other words, the filling can quickly fall out. Besides photopolymer filling may change its color.

In this regard, it is better to postpone a visit to the dentist during menstruation, if possible. If this is not possible, be sure to tell your doctor about your condition.

When shouldn't treatment be delayed?

Despite the possible risks, sometimes a visit to the dentist should not be postponed. You need to seek medical help when:

  • strong and sharp toothache;
  • suppuration inside a tooth or gum;
  • swelling of soft tissues;
  • strong bleeding gums;
  • suspicion of flux;
  • emergence cysts.

In addition, you should not refuse to go to the clinic if you got the ticket for an appointment with great difficulty or through a business trip, a long trip or other events that may interfere with the visit are planned for several days doctor.

Acute toothacheBe sure to inform the doctor about your condition before starting the procedure so that he can choose the right medications.

In some cases, not complete treatment is carried out, but only unpleasant symptoms are eliminated and the solution of the problem is postponed for several days. For example, for acute pain or inflammatory process, the doctor can conduct professional cleaning, apply medicine and deliver temporary filling, and full treatment (canal cleaning, removal of nerves and other complex activities) to carry out at the end of menstruation.

Is it possible with menstruation ...

Various dental procedures differ in their characteristics, so some of them during menstruation can be carried out without risk to health, while others are better off.

So, is it permissible:

  1. Tooth filling. In most cases, the period of menstruation is not a contraindication in order to fill dental treatmentteeth and treat caries, especially if the bone tissue is not severely damaged. During critical days, sensitivity may increase, so you should ask your doctor to do anesthesia.
  2. X-ray. X-rays are often taken to determine the area of ​​damage. The procedure does not carry any danger during menstruation, so it can be done without fear of health. The burst of waves is short-term, therefore it has no effect on other organs and systems of the body.
  3. Conduct prosthetics. The prosthetics process consists of several stages. Do not install during special days pins, because due to disruptions in the hormonal background and a large production of prostaglandins, rejection of a foreign body may occur, and then the preparatory measures will be in vain. In this case, it is better to postpone the procedure for a few days. All other procedures (preparation, fitting, and so on) can be carried out during critical days.
  4. Remove teeth. Surgery is not recommended during menstruation. If possible, tooth extraction should be postponed, as bleeding may occur due to reduced blood clotting. In addition, a blood clot in the hole is formed much longer, which can lead to the penetration of infection into the wound. If surgery is required in an emergency and cannot be postponed, it is important to warn the doctor about your special situation and strictly follow his recommendations. It is especially dangerous to carry out the removal on the first day of menstruation.
  5. Professional cleaning. Cleaning your teeth during menstruation is not prohibited, since damage to soft tissues is excluded. And the procedure itself is painless.

Most patients say that menstruation does not affect the conduct dental procedures, but there are also such reviews that confirm that it is better to visit to postpone the clinic.

During critical days I was removed tooth with cyst. Everything went as usual. No complications or unpleasant consequences. In addition, she repeatedly treated her teeth during KD without any problems.


Once the extraction of a tooth coincided with menstruation. The doctor could not stop the bleeding for a long time. Both he and I were terribly frightened. I didn’t warn about the critical days and I think I made a big mistake.


Necessary safety rules

If you nevertheless decide to treat (remove) your teeth during your period or you have no other choice, follow a number of simple rules to minimize possible risks:

  • quit smoking, do not drink alcohol before the procedure;stomach ache
  • do not take pain relievers on your own if you do not need them;
  • if the toothache was severe and you drank analgesic medications, be sure to inform your doctor about it;
  • do not eat or drink a lot of water before going to the dentist to avoid the gag reflex;
  • after dental procedures, especially in the case of extraction, avoid hypothermia and overheating, as this can cause bleeding.
  • do not engage in physical activity and sports;
  • do not go to baths and saunas, do not take hot showers and baths;
  • follow all the doctor's recommendations regarding oral care;
  • do not touch the socket of the extracted tooth with your tongue, do not try to remove food particles with a toothpick.

After tooth extraction, it is better not to rush home, but stay at the clinic for a while until a clot forms.

Avoid nervous and physical strain, as well as any factors that can lead to increased blood pressure and bleeding.

If bleeding occurs, weakness appears, or fainting occurs, consult a doctor immediately.

Helpful tips for girls how to get through these days:

How to relieve a toothache at home

If you decide to postpone a visit to the dentist, then you can get rid of a toothache that has arisen against the background of menstruation with any pain relievers that are available in the first-aid kit. Before taking, read the instructions and make sure that you have no contraindications.

You can also use folk remedies:

  1. Most commonly used soda solution. In a glass of warm boiled water, you need to take a teaspoon of baking soda. Can add Rinsing the gumsthe same amount of salt. Stir until maximum dissolution. Rinse a sore tooth every 2 hours until the pain subsides.
  2. They relieve pain well and decoctions of medicinal herbs. Chamomile, calendula, sage, St. John's wort will do. Pour a tablespoon of the herb with a glass of boiling water and let it brew. When the infusion is warm, strain and use for rinsing.
  3. In the fight against pain, and will help essential oil of fir, clove. Saturate a small piece of cotton wool and apply it to the aching tooth.
  4. Calamus root decoction also used for rinsing. Mix a tablespoon of the root with a glass of water and hold the mixture for several minutes in a water bath, and then let it brew. Strain.

Thus, menstruation is not a direct contraindication for dental treatment, but nevertheless the possibility of a visit to the doctor should be postponed, especially if a tooth extraction is planned or installation of the pin.

The site is for informational purposes only. Do not under any circumstances self-medicate. If you find you have any symptoms of illness, contact your doctor.

  • Oct 28, 2021
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