Personal care archives

The problem of rough and cracked heels is a fairly common occurrence, which for some is just cosmetic. disadvantage, while others bring a lot of inconvenience and even physical suffering, since deep cracks can deliver a strong pain. Is it possible to get rid of them and what can be done to prevent cracks and corns on the heels from reoccurring? To deal with the problem, you must first establish the cause ...

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A lot has been written and said about the benefits of apple cider vinegar. Only the lazy in our time did not try to use it for weight loss or for the treatment of their diseases. The people speak of it as a panacea for all kinds of diseases. My grandmother told me about the beneficial properties of this product. In the village, she had an apple orchard behind her house. There were so many apples that we didn't ...

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A problem like cellulite is a problem for many women today. If you notice the first manifestations of cellulite, do not panic, but immediately start fighting it. After all, neglected cases are no longer so easy to eliminate. Proper nutrition and homemade anti-cellulite cream will help remove cellulite. The effectiveness of an anti-cellulite cream The most effective anti-cellulite cream must fulfill its main task - to improve ...

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For women, appearance is an integral part of life. After all, appearance is associated with the face and its grooming. Facial care has become an indispensable attribute of a successful life. Sometimes it is easier for us to understand the stock index than to understand that unhealthy diet, bad ecology, modern pace of life, age, and, in the end, stress manifests itself on our face. We don't want to solve the problem by having plastic surgery. ...

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Often there is a situation when acne on the face disappears, but after them red spots remain. This is usually due to the fact that the correct treatment and disinfection of acne was not carried out at the beginning of their appearance or as a result of their self-squeezing. Acne spots can be pink, reddish, and sometimes even purple. To eliminate them, you need to act immediately. But how to remove stains after ...

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Healthy and well-groomed nails, being the pride of every woman, make it possible to always feel confident. The beauty of nails is largely determined by the shape of the nails from nature, their strength and health. This is also superimposed on the regularity of caring for them, which largely determines the overall appearance of the nails. Consider how to care for your nails. How to properly care for your nails? Since only one can be beautiful ...

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Dry skin of the face delivers no less inconvenience and discomfort than oily or combination skin. Therefore, it is wrong to believe that she does not need careful care. Thin, dry skin ages and wrinkles faster, especially if not properly cared for. Facial care with a tendency to dryness includes the use of ingredients that ...

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A problem such as increased dryness of the skin of the body most often occurs in winter. Lack of vitamins, cold, windy weather - all this badly affects the condition of the skin of the hands and other parts of the body. To restore the skin's normal moisture level, expensive cosmetic products can be used. means, but you can give preference to natural products, from which you can independently prepare creams and lotions. Vegetable oils are an excellent remedy for effective ...

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  • Oct 28, 2021
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