Dita von teese without makeup. Photo and video

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  • Look and compare: charming and stunning Dita von Teese
  • Dita Von Teese without makeup
  • Beauty Secrets from Dita Von Teese

When it comes to such cult figures in the world of fashion and beauty as Dita von Teese, women immediately become interested: how good is this beautiful lady in life? Does she have natural beauty? Of course, many girls want to breathe a sigh of relief, making sure that the star does not look so amazing without professional makeup. But there is also another side of the coin.

It is important to find out how such chic images are created, how exactly such an amazing effect can be achieved. What is the secret of the beauty, sexuality of Dita von Teese, who conquered millions of men's hearts and achieved overwhelming success without patronage, experience and large incomes, high social status? A photo of Dita von Teese without makeup and a revelation of the star herself will help answer all these questions.

Look and compare: charming and stunning Dita von Teese

Now we have an interesting research ahead: we will find out how beautiful Dita is without makeup, how she achieves attractiveness. Her shots with minimal makeup, which are really rare, will tell a lot.

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Hidden natural appearance

It is worth noting that Dita prefers not to show her appearance without makeup. When a woman goes to the store or for a walk, but does not want to create a perfect image, she simply uses sunglasses of impressive sizes. Under them, curious glances will not be able to discern the nuances, features of the eyes. The beauty still uses foundation, her lips also shine with bright shades.

Ordinary people who do not know Dita personally can only guess: what is she like in life? Does she hide flaws? What does the very foundation look like, without which, of course, such a chic image cannot be created? Resourceful journalists, photographers are looking for different ways to "expose" the stars. Of course, they find them, thanks to which we can see Dita with little or no makeup.

Two shots: a familiar image and Dita without makeup

Here it is, this picture! Clear enough, colored enough to appreciate the natural beauty of Mrs. von Teese. In addition, we can do a little analysis. Let's find out how much the created image differs from the true face of Dita, whether this diva is good in life. What is the main secret of her attractiveness, catchy appearance?

Compare two photos. On one, Dita is captured in her usual royal image. There are famous arrows, perfectly defined eyebrows with a confident hand, chic hairstyle, purple lips and light blush, snow-white skin of a breathtaking marble shade, and high cheekbones... All this conquered more than one thousand men. Everyone who knows von Teese is already used to this look.

Next is our photo of Dita without makeup. It is worth noting that the woman looks very attractive. The main thing is amazingly young! Many women who managed to discuss the beauty in the comments, on the forums, were able to make sure of the natural cuteness and freshness of Mrs. von Teese. Those who had a chance to look at this photo of Dita without makeup noticed: she attracts with freshness, unique charm, interesting facial features.

We can safely conclude: the beauty of von Teese looks great even without makeup, while the picture without makeup revealed even such advantages that we did not know about. It turns out that the star's skin shines with cleanliness and health, tonal means do not hide any serious flaws. In addition, we see that Dita looks noticeably younger than her years.

Dita Von Teese without makeup

The incredibly popular, sexy, attractive classic beauty Dita Von Teese literally created her image with her own hands. Does she have the natural appeal of how she looks without makeup? Let's see!

There are several more images of different quality levels. By them, it is quite possible to judge Dita's natural appearance and conduct a small analysis of her data without makeup. Let's consider everything in order.

Facial features

Yes, Dita has rather small facial features. Someone likes larger, catchy features. But in appearance, first of all, harmony is important, and with this woman everything is in perfect order. A miniature beauty with medium-sized features looks great.

True, it should be noted that without makeup, small features still look less impressive. Cosmetics allow you to add bright accents and define all the lines more clearly.


Gorgeous porcelain skin is one of Dita's main assets. This is exactly what immediately set her apart from other stars. What do we see in the photo of a woman without makeup?

  • The leather looks great here too! It shines with snowy whiteness and has the very specific bluish tint that is characteristic of fair-skinned people.
  • Of course, foundation and powder provide a perfectly even color, more catchy and harmonious. However, even without cosmetics, it is clear that such skin can be proud of. The tone is almost even.
  • There is also a key point here. It is worth looking at the pictures of Dita without makeup in order to understand: the beauty's skin is healthy, fresh, there are no noticeable imperfections on it that would have to be purposefully hidden with makeup. Everything is fine!

We have already found out that the striking feature of Dita's image - her gorgeous, radiant whiteness, as if the skin glowing from within - is completely natural. It wasn't the “tons of powder” that made Von Teese so irresistible! It is worth reflecting on this, wishing to achieve perfection. Apparently, the star is working on himself, taking care of the skin.


We are used to seeing perfectly clear eyebrows of this diva, black, impressive with a beautiful line. It blends flawlessly with the lash line and eyelashes for a truly stunning look.

In the photo of Dita without makeup, her eyebrows are also clearly visible. And here it can be noted that their form plays the main role. The woman watches her carefully.

Eyebrows conquer with the clarity of the lines, everything is perfect in them. They are literally decorated hair by hair. And such eyebrows, even without makeup, become a worthy touch in the image!


Dita has beautiful green eyes, which she skillfully emphasizes with her branded eyeliner. Indeed, without clear arrows, the eyes look somewhat unusual and seem smaller. But this is precisely what makes the star in the photo younger! She looks like a girl, her face is very pretty.

However, here we will not be able to see the branded attractive look from under the half-down eyelashes, the original arrows. Yes, the eyeliner that made von Teese famous is a key factor in creating the sexy star's unique look. Eye makeup plays a huge role for her.


Purple lips are another signature feature of Dita. In the photo without makeup, we see a beautifully outlined lip line, but that charge of energy, a sensual message without saturated color can no longer be achieved.

Mrs. von Teese herself notes that without brightly painted lips, she feels uncomfortable.

She will never make her lips faded, beige, slightly pinkish. She likes exactly the shades of red, purple.


Dita's face captivates with sculpturality even without makeup. The cheekbones stand out perfectly, although they are not emphasized by blush, tone, and the woman cannot be called thin. On a beautiful, slightly plump face, the cheekbones are perfectly visible!

Of course, the secret of such harmony and clarity of lines, forms in proper nutrition and moderate physical activity. The beauty will not allow excess volumes to appear, will not allow the "disappearance" of the beauty of the face due to excessive plumpness, puffiness.


Yes, Dita's nose from certain angles can show a little too big. Curiously, professional makeup masks this with ease. There is a slight disharmony in the pictures without makeup.

It is interesting that in her youth, Dita was a blonde, did not make a branded eyeliner and styled her hair in a completely different way. In the photo of that time, it is really difficult to recognize her!

If you compare this snapshot from the past and current photos of Dita without makeup, you will notice that now the star has really "created" her look. Even without cosmetics, it is quite recognizable! Although arrows on the eyes and purple lipstick remain its main distinguishing features.

Beauty Secrets from Dita Von Teese

Looking at the photo of Dita without makeup, it is easy to be convinced: this woman looks gorgeous even without makeup. The beauty generously shares the secrets of attractiveness, talking about her work on her appearance in interviews. It is worth listening!

  1. Good nutrition, moderate and balanced, is the key to beauty. Steamed fish, boiled meat and vegetables, still water help Dita to keep fit. She eats in small portions, follows the menu. As a result, excess volumes do not appear, toxins are removed on time.
  2. Von Teese protects her skin from the sun with glasses, an umbrella, and protective creams. Therefore, it shines with snow-white, has an even tone. Of course, Dita also notes the huge role of observation by a dermatologist. Any skin problems must be promptly addressed with a specialist.
  3. Moderate physical activity is also important for maintaining health and beauty. The body must be perfect, the skin toned.
  4. The correct regimen, good sleep helps to stay fresh, attractive, sexy. Dita says that she will definitely use the opportunity to rest and sleep. The whole body is restored, cells are renewed. The skin shines from within!
  5. The psychological aspect is very important. The beauty encourages women to accept and love themselves along with all the shortcomings, to improve and go towards their goal confidently. This is what she always did.dita von teese photo no makeup 1

Dita's experience, her attractive appearance, beauty even without makeup are inspiring. It is enough to look at the photo to understand: even without makeup, a gorgeous woman who is remembered for her catchy makeup can look great. Her shots don't disappoint. It is worth heeding the advice of the star, wanting to become more sexy, feminine and beautiful.

Look video how to do makeup with the style of Dita von Teese:

  • Oct 28, 2021
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