Litovit B - complex treatment of hemorrhoids and diseases of the digestive tract

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BIT Litovit B has hemostatic, laxative and detoxifying properties, so it can quickly get rid of hemorrhoids and accompanying symptoms.

Its use facilitates the course of the disease, relieves an inflammation of the anus, pain and bleeding.

In addition, dietary supplements improve the digestive system.

Due to the fact that it contains a large number of biologically active components, it can be used to eliminate other gastrointestinal diseases.


  • Form release and component parts
  • Characteristics of the substance and its composition
  • Pharmacological properties
  • Why the BAA is effective in hemorrhoids
  • Scheme for the treatment of hemorrhoids
  • Contraindications and cautions
  • Non-BAA are unified - consumer reviews
  • Price

Form release and components

Litovit B is produced in the form of tablets. It is a biologically active additive to food, which consists only of plant components.


  • zeolites - 35%;
  • medicinal blood-groove - 30%;
  • almost 15% of wheat and rye bran;
  • 5% of drinking water.
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Characteristics of the preparation and its composition

Litovit B refers to biologically active food additives, which are often used in hemorrhoids, the purpose of using this tool is to provide hemostatic, laxative and detoxification effects.

The effect of dietary supplements is based on its composition:

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  1. Wheat and rye bran .These components have in their composition dietary fibers, the constant consumption of which contributes to the normalization of intestinal peristalsis when it is disturbed, and also softens the stool masses. In addition, dietary fiber contributes to the normalization of the intestinal microflora.
  2. Roots and rhizomes of the bloodlet flies .These components are widely used in all areas of folk and traditional medicine. This herb is a herbal blood-restoring, antiseptic and astringent component.
  3. Zeolite .This element serves as an enterosorbent, it absorbs toxic components from the intestine.

In addition, the medication can not only eliminate stool disorder, namely constipation, but also has a positive effect on the hemorrhoids and promotes their healing.

Pharmacological properties

Supplements have an effective effect in all conditions with strong bleeding from the anus. In particular, it is often used in cases of severe bleeding during hemorrhoids, fibroids of the uterus, and also in the postoperative period after of various surgical interventions. With all this, it normalizes the tone of the venous walls.

Litovit B eliminates the seasonal fragility of the structure of the capillaries, relieves the vascular "mesh" on the surface of the skin, and numerous reviews of phlebological patients prove that the drug effectively helps with varicose veins.

In addition, the drug helps to slow the growth of fibromatous nodes inside the uterus body, and sometimes even can reduce the size of these nodes.

The drug reduces the likelihood of pathological reactions to changes in the magnetic field, eliminates the signs of meteosensitivity.

Helps improve the tone of the body's defenses, improves blood pressure, prevents the development of vegetative dystonia.

Why BAA is effective in hemorrhoids

Due to the fact that the drug stops bleeding, strengthens the tone of the walls of the capillaries, facilitates the process of bowel evacuation, this tool can be included in the complex therapy of hemorrhoids.

The high efficiency of this pi hemorrhoids drug is provided by the constituent components, namely:

  • dietary fibers of rye and oat bran improve the state of intestinal peristalsis, promote softening of stool;
  • constituent herbal components improve the state of the intestinal microflora;
  • herbal substances improve the structure of capillaries and veins;
  • when taking the drug there is a rapid reduction in the inflammatory process and accelerates the healing process of inflamed hemorrhoids;
  • quickly stops bleeding, turns antiseptic;
  • zeolite contained in the drug, helps reduce pain, relieves inflammation, and strengthens the structure of capillaries.

Scheme for the treatment of hemorrhoids

Because Litovit B is available in the form of tablets, it should be taken orally.

It is recommended to take dietary supplements 2 times a day. You need to take the pill in the morning and in the evening. This remedy is accepted until the intestinal activity is fully normalized. Before knocking out the tablet, it is recommended to chew it, then it is washed down with a sufficient amount of liquid.

It is not recommended to use a medicinal supplement at the same time as other drugs. This is due to the fact that the zeolite, which is part of the product, has an adsorbing effect on other drugs, as a result of which the effect of these medicines decreases.

The duration of the interruption between the use of Lithovit and the intake of other medications should be at least 1.5 hours.

Contraindications and cautions

Supplements should not be taken if there are the following violations and contraindications:

  • should not be taken by people with peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, especially at the stage of exacerbation of this disorder;
  • is not recommended for patients who experience allergic reactions to constituents, or if the ingredient is intolerant to any individual;
  • is contraindicated in those with celiac disease;
  • in the presence of individual intolerance to group B vitamins.

Among the side effects, there is sometimes an allergic reaction, as well as a decrease in the effect of other agents while using them with Litovit B.

Non-dietary supplements are unified - consumer reviews

Reviews of ordinary people who drank the courseLitovita B and decided to share their opinions.

Our readers recommend!
For the treatment and prevention of varicose veins and hemorrhoids, our readers use the method first voiced by Malysheva. Having carefully studied it, we decided to offer it to your attention. Opinion of doctors. .. "

I have had hemorrhoids for a long time and how much discomfort it delivers to me, just do not convey it in words. Recently, the pains have simply become unbearable, and the inflammation has only increased.

After another examination, the doctor said that you need to remove the nodes surgically, but I do not really feel like falling under a knife.

Therefore, I asked him to choose alternative methods of treatment. He recommended to drink Litovit tablets. I took them for 3 months, also lubricated the inflammation with heparin ointment. Surprisingly, during the entire period of treatment, hemorrhoids completely disappeared.

Sergey, 58 years old

During pregnancy I had hemorrhoids. Before that, I did not have it, but then I came, I think it all arose because of the severity. As a result, I had severe pains, yes such that I could not even sit.

When it became quite bad and I could not endure the strength, I went to the doctor for an appointment. After the examination, the doctor recommended me to take Litovit B.

The medicine has a plant composition, so it does not harm the child. In addition to the use of this medicine, I made warm baths. A month later it became much better for me, all the hemorrhoidal nodes healed.

Larissa, 28 years

Asking price

Price of one can of dietary supplements Litovit B from 700 rubles. But, despite the relatively high cost, this tool fully justifies it. Already many people were able to completely cure this unpleasant illness with the help of him.

The drug is able to quickly cure hemorrhoids, as well as normalize the digestive system. Its application improves health, has a beneficial effect on internal organs. It can be taken even during pregnancy. But all the same before application it is necessary to consult with the proctologist.

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  • Feb 28, 2018
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