Any woman, without waiting for the monthly, starts to think about the birth of a new life within her. Often, it is. But not always events develop as standard: sexual intercourse, absence of menstrual bleeding and pregnancy. Sometimes it happens when a future mother, who has no doubt that she is expecting a baby, suddenly starts menstruation. The situation is not entirely clear and frightens the future mother. How can we find out what is happening in the female body at that time, and can the pregnancy test during the menstrual period tell the truth?
Contents of
- 1 Do I need a test?
- 2 When are the tests lying?
- 3 Pregnancy or PMS?
- 4 Delayed monthly
- 5 Conclusion
Do I need a test?
If before a woman could learn about the beginning of a new life in her womb a few weeks later, now this period has only a few days. And this is possible even before the month. But it happens that conception has occurred, but the monthly ones still went. Therefore, with the hope for the best, many ladies are extremely interested, but suddenly there is nothing curious about this and pregnancy develops further. After all, more than once you could hear from friends and acquaintances that women were pregnant and at the same time they were going on monthly. And in general, whether it is possible to carry out the test for pregnancy with monthly and how much it is reliable. Obviously, a positive test and monthly tests are perfectly acceptable concepts. And if conception has taken place, a positive test after menstruation, in most cases, is guaranteed.
According to the doctors, the discharge with the monthly can not affect the composition of blood and urine, and of course the level of the chorionic gonadotropin too. As soon as fertilization takes place, the indicator of this substance rapidly begins its growth, and first in the blood, then in the urine. More accurate information about whether "pregnant or not pregnant" at the minimum time will be given a blood test for hCG, and then a test.
Many mothers can not wait to find out about their excellent position as soon as possible. And very often they make a pregnancy test without waiting for menstruation. After sexual intercourse, it's better not to rush to study your own urine, but wait a few days and buy a test. Then the answer will be much more accurate.
The longer a woman refrains from testing, the more truthful the answer will be to her question. Even one day plays a great role. Of course, you should not rush and run right after the sexual act in the pharmacy after the test. A reliable answer will be five to seven days after conception, not during menstruation or before its onset, but rather after.
When are the tests lying?
For various reasons, research by tests can give the wrong result, both in one and the other direction. These factors include the following factors:
- of the genitourinary system;
- not observing the rules of sterility and hygiene during the test;
- untimely testing;
- conception, which was interrupted at short notice.
Pregnancy or PMS?
The symptoms of a perfect position are very similar to premenstrual syndrome. Therefore, it is difficult for a woman to determine her condition even before the planned monthly schedule. Therefore, she buys a test in a pharmacy with the hope of seeing two strips, as a reliable indication of her position.
Characteristic signs, reminiscent of pregnancy, include:
- frequent changes of mood;
- swelling of the mammary glands;
- increased sensitivity of the skin;
- occurrence of headache, nausea and vomiting;
- fast fatigue, a desire to sleep;
- the emergence of a feeling of depression;
- change in taste preferences.
If such feelings occur and the probability of becoming pregnant is present, there is nothing to stop the test. And it is better to do it several times in a row. Moreover, for today not only simple test strips are on sale, but more modern devices are cassettes and jet tests.
Delay of monthly
Most often the pregnancy test is carried out because of not starting menstruation. If a woman is going to become a mother and she has a delay in menstruation - the test will be positive for sure.
Testing is performed on the first day of the delay in the morning, using the first portion of urine. It is not recommended to drink a lot of liquid on the eve of testing, in order not to lower the concentration of hCG.In the morning, the toilet of the genitals is performed, especially if the procedure is performed during menstruation. It is recommended that you insert a tampon into the vagina, so that no blood gets into the sterile vessel with urine.
Literally all future moms dream not just about pregnancy, but of course and quickly learn about it. They are concerned with the question of whether the test for pregnancy will indicate the cherished two strips a week before the month. There are cases when the test for pregnancy before the delay of the monthly had two stripes. Such cases are not frequent and occur mainly in the long menstrual cycle with early ovulation. The best option is to know the truth - wait for the end of menstrual flow or repeat the test at the end of menstruation.
At the beginning of pregnancy for a month or two, it is very often possible to observe spotting. And they pass exactly in those days of menstruation, which on an individual schedule went before the onset of pregnancy. Such discharges differ from ordinary ones in that they are not so abundant.
For the confirmation of pregnancy, no one forbids to conduct a pregnancy test during menstruation. But for reliability it is desirable to determine hCG and talk with a gynecologist.