How do eutiroks and menstruation combine?3

Hormonal imbalance in the body - this is not a joke, it can cause harm to health. And the sooner the measures are taken, the less damage the patient will bring to his "riot".One of the drugs that stabilizes the shortage of thyroid hormones is eutirox. With the help of this medication( in a complex or separately), which is an artificial substitute for the biologically active substances of the body, the patient's health comes back to normal.

Despite the obvious advantages, there are a number of points that are alarming. For example, how does eutirox and monthly combination? How does the drug affect the female reproductive health on the whole?

Contents of

  • 1 What is the prescription for
  • 2 ? Possible "pobochka"
  • 3 Eutiroks and pregnancy
  • 4 Eutiroks and menstrual cycle
  • 5 Can I combine with other drugs?

Why is the drug

Eutiroks is a synthetic "colleague" of one of the hormones thyroid-thyroxine. This drug "wedges" into metabolic processes, becomes their catalyst. It promotes the normal growth of biologically active substances in the body and cellular recovery.

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The pharmacological effect depends on the dosage of the drug. For example, low dosage stimulates the processes of protein and lipid metabolism. Medium dosages can cause reactions that enhance the fusion of nucleic acid and proteins, stabilize growth, promote tissue respiration and make central nervous and cardiovascular systems more active.

The effect of the drug is quite stable and grows in seven to twelve days. If the patient is treated for hypothyroidism, the effect of the drug is observed at a much faster rate. For the first visible results, no more than three to five days are required. After the withdrawal of the drug, its effect continues for another two weeks.

Possible "pobochka"

In the instructions for eutiroxu, isolated side effects are possible as a separate item, the most minimal of which are itchy skin rashes. If to one of the components there is sensitivity, the drug is also not recommended.

Serious consequences can be for those patients who have a history of cardiovascular pathology, problems with the adrenal cortex. Diabetes and pituitary insufficiency also add to the list of possible contraindications. Often the treatment with eutiroxom is corrected already on the basis of a poor reaction to the drug.

If the recommended dosage is exceeded, severe headache, tremor, febrile condition may occur. In addition, the appetite disappears, the muscles cramp, there are painful sensations behind the sternum. The woman becomes irritable and nervous, suffers from insomnia and nausea.

Overdose can cause rapid weight loss, heart problems and respiratory problems. All this occurs against the background of weakness, apathy, skin and GI problems.

Eutirox and pregnancy

Future motherhood is not a contraindication for taking this medication, but it is not recommended to do it yourself. Before using any medicine, it is best to visit a doctor.

The following rule applies to the administration of eutirox in pregnancy: the dosage may be increased, but it is strictly prohibited to mix this medication with others in this group. The fact is that when mixed they acquire the property of seeping into the placenta. Which, without a doubt, is fatal to the fetus.

Breastfeeding mothers also need specialist advice, although the drug excreted in breast milk does not harm the baby. However, in each case, the doctor will look at the related drugs and a number of factors that may affect the child.

Eutirox and menstrual cycle

Sometimes it is possible to meet complaints of patients to the drug, connected with malfunctions in the work of the reproductive system. Say, "I drink eutiroks, there are no menstruation."Experts confidently deny this connection. They explain the disorders of the cycle with problems with the thyroid gland, and not the oppressive effect of the synthetic hormone.

In addition, doctors strongly recommend before starting treatment to make sure that the drug does not coincide with seasonal( for example) exacerbation of allergies. In order not to confuse the symptoms of diseases and the side effect of taking the drug.

Can eutirox affect monthly? Gynecologists assure that the changes will be exclusively for the better. The work of the reproductive system stabilizes and becomes accurate, like a clock. Many patients not only do not experience problems with the cycle afterwards, but they also feel all the delights of restoring the monthly eutiroxomes.

In any case, all initiatives for prescribing medication and recognizing the pimples should come from the attending physician. As practice shows, there are usually no problems.

Can I combine with other drugs?

Before taking eutirox, you should see how it affects the body, along with other medications.

  • This drug may enhance anticoagulants and antidepressants.
  • Eutirox increases insulin dependence. Therefore, accordingly, it is required to increase the intake of antidiabetic drug, if it is vitally necessary. If these two groups of medicines are prescribed simultaneously, it is necessary to control the dosage of the glycemic preparation and glucose in the blood.
  • The hormonal preparation is peculiar to reduce the effectiveness of treatment with cardiac glucosides.
  • If eutirox is "mixed" with colestyramine, colestipol and aluminum hydroxide, the absorption of the main component of the drug in the gastrointestinal tract is significantly reduced, and its plasma concentrations decrease.
  • Anabolic steroids have the properties of changing in one direction or another the connection of the components of eutirox with the blood protein.

It can be concluded that the question of whether eutirox affects monthly is more likely to be invented than physiologically justified. Take the drug, not being afraid to break your menstrual cycle, you can and even need to. After all, it has a beneficial effect on the hormonal background and allows "critical days" to be made regular, like a clock.

  • Mar 10, 2018
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