Opposomenenrhea is a disorder of the menstrual cycle( nmc), in which its duration increases to 36 or more days. Disease is one of the types of hypomenstrual syndrome. This pathology in a number of cases is the cause of infertility. How to treat it?
Contents of
- 1 What is opdomenorea
- 2 Symptoms and symptoms of pathology
- 3 Reasons for the development of this pathology
- 3.1 Dysfunction at the level of the uterus and ovaries
- 4 Changes in the level of the pituitary and hypothalamus
- 4.1 Other factors that affect the occurrence of the problem in women
- 5 Therapy of the disease
- 6 Prophylaxisdevelopment opdomenorei
What happens opsonenoreya
Often a woman does not pay due attention to her menstrual cycle. Usually this happens until the moment when the desire to become pregnant suddenly becomes an unattainable dream, while gynecologists and reproductologists are already getting their hands up.
Menstruation reflects the state of a woman's health and her ability to procreate. Normally:
- bleeding persists for 3 to 5 days;
- intervals between "critical days" 21 - 35 days( from the first day of the beginning of one cycle to the first day of the beginning of the second cycle);
- blood loss of about 40 ml.
Allocate the primary and secondary form. The types of opdomenorei vary depending on the manifestations. In the primary form of the woman's menstruation initially have a pathological character. In secondary disease develops as a result of disruption of the organs of the reproductive system - the normal cycle is prolonged to 36 or more days. Primary and secondary nmz by the type of otomenorrhea is also sometimes called congenital and acquired, respectively.
Signs and symptoms of the pathology of
The main symptom of otformenorrhea is no monthly for 36 or more days. Sometimes the break between cycles can be up to 4-6 or more months. Other symptoms typical of hypomenstrual syndrome may also be associated:
- decrease in the volume of menstrual blood( the norm is about 40 ml);
- decrease in the number of "critical days" less than three.
With careful questioning, you can identify other non-specific signs and symptoms:
- decreased libido;
- miscarriage at different terms;
- changes from the skin: excessive dryness, acne and others;
- reduced performance;
- frequent depression;
- increased irritability;
- headaches;
- abdominal pain, including during sexual intercourse.
Reasons for the development of this pathology
In order for the menstrual cycle to last longer than 35 days, a violation in the functioning of the female genital organs or a change in their regulation is necessary.
Dysfunction at the level of the uterus and ovaries
The manifestation at the level of the female genitalia is expressed as follows:
- Hypoplasia of genital organs is a significant decrease in the size of female genital organs while maintaining proportions in the structure.
- Sexual infantilism is an asymmetrical underdevelopment of the organs of the reproductive system.
- Perimenopause, when the function of the ovaries fades. NMC, oposomenorea in particular, always accompany this period in the life of a woman lasting from 2 to 4 years on average.
- The formation of menarche. Within two years from the beginning of the first monthly period, any significant fluctuations of the cycle are permissible in any girl.
- Insufficiency of the ovarian function.
- Frequent abortions and other manipulations inside the uterine cavity can lead to the inferiority of its internal lining - the endometrium, and subsequently the development of opsoniformes. In addition, termination of pregnancy has a negative effect on the ovaries and the hypothalamic-pituitary system.
- Inflammatory diseases of the genital organs.
- Polycystic ovary syndrome.
- Autoimmune diseases of the ovaries.
Changes in the level of the pituitary and hypothalamus
Pituitary and hypothalamus are structures of the brain that release a large number of active substances that regulate the functions of all internal organs in the body, including sex. The control of the latter is carried out by regulating the production of sex hormones. To problems with the menstrual cycle lead:
- hypothalamic-pituitary insufficiency, as well as an imbalance in the production of hormones;
- Shihan syndrome;
- brain tumors, including the pituitary gland.
Other factors that affect the occurrence of the problem in a woman
In addition to the above, problems with the menstrual cycle can be influenced by such factors:
- excess or insufficient body weight;
- psycho-emotional overload;
- disrupting the work of other endocrine glands( thyroid, adrenal glands, etc.;
- intoxication of the body against a background of chronic pathology( tuberculosis, HIV and others), and after severe infections;
Therapy of the disease
Treatment of oposmenorei must begin with the definition of reliable causes of the disease. This is often necessary to consult not only the gynecologist, but also other related specialists - endocrinologist, psychiatrist and psychologist, neurlogician, nutritionist, therapist and others.
The most common treatment:
- Assignment of hormonal drugs: analogues of female sex hormones, thyroid gland, adrenal glands. Dosage, regimen and duration of treatment are determined by the attending physician.
- Therapy of STIs and other inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.
- Body weight correction. In the female body, adipose tissue, in addition to all its functions, is the source of female sex hormones. Therefore, with an excess or a lack of lipids in the body, the reproductive system suffers.
- The appointment of sedatives, including antidepressants.
- Phytotherapy, reception of homeopathic preparations.
- Physiotherapy - acupuncture, electrophoresis, massage, etc.
We recommend reading the article about algomenorrhea. From it you will learn about the types and classification of the disease, primary and secondary algomenorrhea, the causes of painful periods, diagnosis and treatment.
Prophylaxis of development of opromenoreis
The mother should take care of the future reproductive health of the girl when the baby is just starting her life in utero. Favorable psychological climate in the family, school - all this affects the development of the girl. In adulthood, a girl follows her health, which includes:
- prevention of sexually transmitted infections;
- minimizing all manipulations inside the uterus, including abortion;
- competent management of childbirth and the postpartum period;
- regular sexual activity;
- a diet rich in vitamins, minerals, trace elements, cellular;
- sufficient physical activity.
Opposomenenrhea is a disorder of the menstrual cycle, often indicative of serious diseases in the body of a woman. Treatment of this pathology should be carried out on time and high-level specialists. This is the only way to avoid unpleasant consequences of this condition, including infertility. A quivering attitude towards one's health will lead to a happy, sometimes long-awaited motherhood, as well as family well-being.