In modern gynecology, there is a whole range of ways to prevent unwanted pregnancies. The most suitable for most women is the use of hormonal contraceptives. However, using this method of birth planning has its own side effects. One of the complications is bleeding when taking birth control pills. Disorders of the menstrual cycle with the use of hormones - a fairly common phenomenon. First of all, its appearance depends on the type of hormonal drugs used by a woman during sexual activity.
Contents of
- 1 What you need to know about the effect of oral contraceptives on the body
- 2 Dabbling at the time of ovulation
- 3 Causes of bloody discharge when taking birth control pills
- 4 Types of excretions
- 5 What you need to do
- 6 What you need to know about a woman before taking birth control pills
What you need to know about the effect of oralcontraceptives on the body
As is known, the main hormones of the female genital area are progesteron and estrogen. They regulate the course of the menstrual cycle, affect the process of ovulation and the possibility of conception.
All hormone tablets from pregnancy are divided into two main types of chemical composition and mechanism of action. If the capsules consist of one progesterone, pharmacists and gynecologists call each other "mini-pili".The main function of these drugs is to increase the resistance of the cervical canal to the movement of spermatozoa. This becomes possible with an increase in the viscosity of the mucus released.
In addition to interfering with the movement of male germ cells, medicines consisting of progesterone change the structure of the mucous wall of the uterus. This process reduces the possibility of complete attachment of the egg by about 40%.
Dermatitis in the period of ovulation
If a young woman has a discharge that is not associated with the usual monthly cycle, experts say that the pathological bleeding is of an intermenstrual nature. Similar gynecological problems are encountered quite often. Literally every second woman noticed at herself or this or that disturbance at monthly.
Bloody discharge in the middle of the cycle can be one of the options for the normal course of ovulation, but most often it is a symptom of some pathology. If the blood from the vagina appeared before 3 weeks from the end of the last month, you need to immediately seek help from a doctor. Only after the examination, ultrasound and various tests the gynecologist will be able to determine the disease that caused the pathology.
Intermenstrual bleeding can be provoked for a variety of reasons. These include hormonal disorders in the ovaries, various benign neoplasms in the uterine cavity, tubal pregnancy. All these diseases may require the appointment of appropriate treatment, often even prompt.
The main factor that provokes the appearance of such symptoms may be hormonal contraceptives. Admission of these drugs changes the hormonal background of the female body, which causes a violation of the menstrual cycle:
- Most often, this pattern occurs in the first weeks of taking the tablets. Experts believe that this is a normal phenomenon, the patient's body adapts to new conditions. It takes time for a full hormonal adjustment.
- If the problem of persistent bloody discharge lasts for more than 5 months, you must stop taking the pills and seek medical advice. Perhaps the reason is an increase in the allowable dosage or a violation of the recommended schedule of taking the drug.
To correct the effect of hormonal birth control pills, one has to resort to the appointment of special medicines, which neutralize their effect. One such drug is Duphaston. Most often, this medication is prescribed for ovarian abnormalities, but bleeding in the middle of the cycle can be an indication for use.
The effect of this drug is used in many diseases of the female sexual sphere. Hormonal problems of patients are often not limited to bleeding, so the drugs will be devoted to a separate material.
Causes of bloody discharge when taking birth control pills
The process of maturation of the ovum, the period of ovulation and removal of the rejected female sex cell from the body is controlled and regulated by the hormones of the female sexual sphere. The fluctuation of the content of progesterone and estrogen in the patient's blood is quite large and depends on the phase of the reproductive cycle.
In the first half of the monthly cycle of oocyte maturation, estrogen is more active. The maximum of its effect on the female body is at the time of ovulation. If fertilization does not occur, progesterone comes into effect. It is this hormone responsible for the rejection and removal of the egg from the body of a woman.
The natural percentage of sex hormones in a woman's body will always be much greater than the dosage of active substances in the recommended drugs. It takes some time to adapt to their actions.
A normal reaction of the patient's body is the smearing of the discharge for 2 to 3 months of taking the birth control pills. If the spotting does not increase, and the endometrium of the uterus does not reject the egg before the time, then the dose of contraceptives is well chosen. Bleeding in the middle of taking tablets suggests the need for correction of the dose of hormones in this particular case.
Types of excretions
Most specialists are guided by the effect of hormonal tablets on the body of a woman on the amount of the drug taken to her. If immediately after the beginning of admission the patient has spotting, one can assume an insufficient dose of estrogen for a given woman.
Bleeding may worsen after taking almost complete package of drugs. A similar symptom is indicated by the low concentration of progesterone in the proposed contraceptive. And in either case, in order to stop bloody discharge it is enough to choose the necessary dose of hormones.
Most often, this situation occurs when women take synthetic hormones to prevent unwanted pregnancies.
Bleeding after the abolition of birth control pills has the same nature as spotting caused by contraceptive substances. The patient's body has already adapted to constant replenishment of hormones, the percentage in the bloodstream of estrogen and progesterone stabilized.
Discontinuation of medication and even skipping one or more tablets causes a sharp disruption of the hormonal background and, as a consequence, of the menstrual cycle. In addition to these situations, acyclic bleeding can be the result of taking along with hormonal contraceptives antibiotics, tranquilizers, drugs.
We recommend that you read an article about menstruation when taking birth control pills. From it you will learn about the types of contraception and the mechanism of their action, the peculiarities of menstruation in women when taking drugs Postinor, Yarin and Janine.
What you need to do
For massive uterine bleeding, regardless of the causes that caused them, it is necessary to immediately seek help from a doctor. Often a woman, in addition to drug therapy, requires an instrumental audit of the uterine cavity.
If there is no possibility to go to the gynecologist for various reasons, the doctors recommend a paradoxical solution for patients: if there is marked bloody discharge from the vagina, especially if there are clots or scarlet blood, you need to increase the dose of oral contraceptives, and instead of taking one tablet every morningand in the evening until the termination of bloody discharge.
Of course, this tactic assumes a large consumption of the drug, but in this case, the savings are inappropriate. Taking a double dose of birth control pills does not negate the use of traditional means of stopping bleeding.
What you need to know a woman before taking birth control pills
Bloody discharge throughout the use of hormonal drugs from unwanted pregnancy is the most common side effect of this method of contraception. If in the first few weeks from the beginning of taking the tablets, the discharge of different strengths began regardless of the period of the menstrual cycle, this is not a reason for panic.
Modern methods of contraception are quite diverse, and specialists will be able to help any young patient. At the same time, it is necessary to avoid the majority of negative consequences for the female body, than, of course, bleeding when taking hormonal tablet contraceptives. If they have arisen, you do not need to panic, but you must visit a doctor.