X-ray examination of menstruation

Critical days impose many restrictions. Some of them just bring inconvenience, others can touch on important things. In particular, many are not sure whether it is worth doing an X-ray at a month. After all, medical manipulations significantly affect the body, and menstruation is a process dependent on external factors.

Contents of

  • 1 What are X-rays?
  • 2 When is the procedure allowed?
  • 3 When is the research worth going through?
    • 3.1 Pelvic region
    • 3.2 Reproductive organs
  • 4 Delay diagnosis: possible or not?
  • 5 Influence on changing menstruation

What are X-rays?

The essence of the X-ray examination is the property of electromagnetic radiation to penetrate through human tissues, enabling them to obtain their image. Many internal structures are available to him. Radiation carries an energy that can interact with each molecule, ionizing it.

And although the examination is short-term, it has time to influence the studied tissues. The strongest impact is on those of them through which the rays pass. But others can be affected by manipulation. Therefore, many experts doubt whether it is possible to do x-rays during menstruation.

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The effects of radiation can have both immediate and potential manifestations. And although it is considered safe, because in the apparatus its power is minimal, the X-ray should not be taken as a simple examination by a doctor. Its appointment and timing is the prerogative of a specialist.

At the same time, some of the women passing through this study did not inform doctors about critical days, because nobody was interested in this. So is X-ray examination acceptable during menstruation or not? The answer depends on many factors.

We recommend to read an article about the possibility of performing fluorography during menstruation. You will learn about the effectiveness and safety of the examination, the possibility of the procedure for menstruation, its effect on the fetus during pregnancy.

When is the procedure allowed?

Whether it is possible to do x-rays at monthly intervals depends on the following factors:

  • The area of ​​the body that must be studied. Radiography or fluoroscopy is done to determine the condition of the teeth and jaws, all parts of the spine, chest, pelvis, bones and joints of the limbs. Obviously, you can do x-rays at monthly intervals, if you need to examine the upper half of the body, hands or feet. Electromagnetic radiation has a short wavelength and a direct direction. Its effect is limited to a special coating that can be used to protect the pelvic area, that is, the one where the process of menstruation occurs, and its regulatory organs are located. You can do x-rays during menstruation, when it comes to toothache. It is capable of damaging the cycle and everything associated with it, is stronger than radiation;
  • Urgency of the study. If it is necessary to immediately diagnose and start treatment when it comes to saving lives, such a circumstance as menstruation is usually not taken into account. And x-rays during menstruation are done even in the field of reproductive organs;
  • General state of health of the patient. If menstruation causes a strong deterioration, any impact can affect the negative side. But this circumstance among the others influencing the possibility of carrying out the manipulation is in the last place.

When is the research worth going through?

A study using short-wave radiation since its discovery helped save a lot of lives. But not always an x-ray is advisable with menstruation. This process is subject to influence, which can be attributed and the impact of radiation.

Some types of X-ray examination during menstruation will be uninformative due to the inability to use contrast agent.

Pelvic region

In the pelvic area are not only bones and joints, in the study of which there may be a need, but also the uterus, ovaries. To save the reproductive organs during manipulation of a special apron will not work. It is logical to doubt whether it is possible to do x-ray of the pelvis with the monthly.

Many physicians claim that it is better to delay if it is a question of examining bones and joints, as well as genital and urinary organs for several reasons:

  • The reproductive system is experiencing an update related to the replacement of the endometrium and the release of the follicle in the ovary. The body is weakened by the decrease in the level of hormones, as well as the loss of blood in the amount of 50 ml. At the same time the hematopoietic system works intensively, which should replace the loss. X-ray of the pelvis with the monthly directly to it does not work, but it can speed up the removal of the previous layer of the endometrium, that is, increase the loss of biological fluid. It will not have time to replenish it quickly, which will worsen the well-being;
  • Intestine for examination should be released, including from gases. With menstruation, this is difficult, since some women have problems with it - its indispensable accompaniment;
  • The X-ray of the tailbone with monthly ones should not be done for the listed reasons, but also because it will require lying on the couch and exposing the lower part of the body. The gasket to be held in the crotch without linen is unrealistic, and the tampon can interfere with the results of the examination.

Reproductive organs

Radiation is able to give information not only about pathologies of bones and joints, but also help in clarifying the condition of the reproductive organs. For this purpose, hysterosalpingography and pelvigraphy are carried out.

If we are talking about studying the causes of infertility, obstruction of the fallopian tubes, the presence of tumors in the uterus, polyps, it is easy to explain why it is impossible to do x-rays during menstruation. With these types of examination, the body is filled with a contrast medium and an inert gas.

During menstruation, manipulation would be unhygienic and therefore dangerous to health due to the increased likelihood of inflammation and infection. As a rule, both types of manipulation are carried out in the second half of the monthly cycle.

We advise you to read an article about the possibility to stop and postpone the monthly. You will learn about what can and can not be done, how to delay the onset of critical days, what medications can be used for this.

Delay Diagnostics: Possible or Not?

If some physicians consider the examination in the menstrual period to be completely safe, then the X-ray at a weekly delay of monthly risk creates a very definite and unquestionable no one.

One of its causes may be pregnancy. And the harm of ionizing radiation for the fetus is considered proven. It consists in affecting its cells, which at this stage are continuously divided. To this point, the embryo has already descended into the womb of the uterus and has penetrated into its mucous membrane. At the same time, it is rather weak and defenseless, since there are no fetal tissues.

X-rays with direct passage through the embryo create the danger of its rejection. Miscarriage is the main threat provoked by them.

If the embryo managed to stay in the uterine cavity, the correctness of its development remains in question. The risk of oncological diseases in the baby is also increasing.

A similar threat is created by the X-ray before the delay of the monthly. At this point, the embryo, if it exists, is still in the fallopian tube. Therefore, here it is more about the probability of interruption than the developmental defects in a future baby. Ionizing radiation can accelerate the process of moving the embryo into the uterus.

Here, doctors prefer to rely on nature. If the fetus received a high dose of radiation, the pregnancy will soon cease itself. At its normal development it is considered that the danger has passed, and the child should be born without pathologies.

Given all this, going to the X-ray, it is important to know exactly about the absence of pregnancy.

Influence on the change in menstruation

Some women find that the monthly after X-rays go somehow differently than before the manipulation. The most common oddity is the delay. But it is more caused not by radiation, but by stress associated with malaise, pain caused by it, and the very fact of the examination.

Some women in the cycle after the X-rays have become pregnant, although before conceiving were uncertain nature of the problem.

Whether it is necessary to do an x-ray at monthly, remains a contentious issue. In some clinics, women give a receipt that at the time of the examination they have neither critical days nor pregnancy. In others, they do not attach much importance to this. But for those who care about reproductive health, should take care of oneself and to delay the procedure at a later date, in order not to burden the body and loads more from ionizing radiation.

  • Mar 10, 2018
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