Puree, juices, teas
For the nutrition of children, both vegetable purees and fruit are used, and it is recommended to start the introduction of fruit purees in the diet no earlier than from 3.5 months, and it is advisable not to add sugar in the puree. After taking the first dose, it is necessary to assess the tolerance of this product to the child's organism within 5-10 days. The best puree types available for sale are prepared without heat treatment and, in addition, are enriched with vitamins and minerals. All kinds of purees of Russian origin contain sugar in their composition, as well as they are cooked during cooking, which leads to the loss of part of the vitamins.
Puree are divided into one-component and multicomponent, i.e.consisting of one kind of vegetable or fruit, or of several. Homogenization of puree, or in other words, the homogeneity of its mass, is achieved by careful grinding of the components that make up its composition. The degree of homogenization can be different. The smaller the degree of homogenization, the purer is intended for the older child.
It is recommended that juices be administered to the children's diet not earlier than 3 months, starting with 5-7 drops per day, from the pipette, and then assessing the tolerance for 5-10 days. And only after the absence of negative reactions from the child's body, you can gradually increase the volume of one serving of juice. The juice is divided into clarified and uncorrected, i.e.containing pulp. The advantage of juices is the lack of sugar content in them. In addition, there are nectars, consisting of a concentrate of juice, sugar, water, fragrances and other components. Products of this type are better for children under one year of age.
There are a lot of different teas in the trade network, such as "Dana", "Khin", "Tip-top", "Vevey".The first three of these are soluble. It is not recommended to introduce teas into the baby's nutrition before 3-4 months. Most teas are designed to improve the performance of the child's gastrointestinal tract. So, for example, dill tea reduces colic, tea from chamomile eliminates spasms of the intestine, from rose hips increases the overall resistance of the body to various colds. Herbal and raspberry-lime tea can be given to a child, starting from 7 months. In addition, separately there are various teas intended for nursing mothers, which contribute to stimulation and prolongation of the lactation period. The use of such teas can lead to increased lactation by 15%.
Used materials:
Shilov VN, Mits'yo VP"Healthy food"