Age changes in the eye
As the hair grows gray, it loses its elasticity and sagging skin, so the eyes undergo changes every year. And although many of them are quite a natural process associated with age, some have very different reasons. Such unnatural changes lay the foundation for the development of more serious vision problems. With age, muscles weaken, the skin becomes thin and flabby;this can cause the upper eyelids to hang or the skin under the eyes becomes less elastic. Eyebrows and eyelashes thin out, the development of a tear fluid that creates a protective, oily film on the surface of the eye, is also shortened, since the lacrimal glands located behind the upper eyelids and the conjunctiva( the transparent mucous membrane covering the inner surface of the eyelids and the anterior part of the eyeball)as clearly as before.
Similar changes can lead to stickiness, the formation of an adhesive film on the surface of the cornea( curved transparent tissue on the front open side of the eyes) or all dryness, causing irritation or discomfort in the eye. To help you cope with such uncomfortable sensations, you can regularly use special eye drops, which you can buy at a pharmacy.
In the process of aging, the conjunctiva thinens, becomes more fragile and, due to the increase in the number of elastic fibers, acquires a yellowish hue. Sclera( a dense white tissue on the front, open side of the eyes) also turns yellow due to lipid( fatty) deposits. The conjunctiva of the anterior part of the eyeball also undergoes age-related changes, and the cornea( the transparent arc-shaped part of the eye's shell) can form an opaque ring on its periphery.
Of course, most people do not face eye diseases, and everything that they will need in the future is reading glasses and stronger lighting. Nevertheless, this does not negate the need for a regular eye exam in the ophthalmologist.
Early and correct treatment will not eliminate glaucoma or cataracts, but will stop their further development and thereby preserve your vision for a long time.
Yu. Saveleva "Methods for improving vision"