- Botanical Description
- Chemical Composition
- Useful Properties of Grass
- Useful Properties of Essential Oil
- Ways of Using Essential Oil
- Precautions
Lemon wormwood is a perennial half-shrub of the genus Wormwood of the Sacred Color family. In natural conditions, it occurs on the territory of Russia( the European part, the North Caucasus, Altai, Western Siberia), Turkmenistan and many European countries. This plant, like some other species of the genus Wormwood, is used in folk medicine. Useful properties of lemon wormwood are due, above all, to the presence in its composition of an essential oil, which possesses not only a pleasant aroma, but also valuable medicinal properties. Fresh shoots of the plant are widely used as a seasoning in cooking. Beautiful openwork leaves, collected in lush bushes, allow the plant to be used as decorative for decorating gardens and creating screens covering the neighboring plants from the wind or as a background for low colors. Due to its properties and appearance, the wormwood lemon also received other names: Wormwood, high, balsamic, curly, dill, oak-grass, divine tree.
Botanical Description
Lemon Lemon is found in forests, on fringes, along roads and river banks. For growing prefers well-lit, warm places and fertile soils, although it is resistant to drought, colds, diseases and pests. Propagated by seeds and vegetatively, by dividing rhizome, cuttings or layers. At the same place, an average of 10 to 15 years can grow.
The height of the plant is 50 to 120 cm, the diameter of the bush is 50 to 100 cm. At a young age, intensive growth is observed, which slows down during the appearance of buds and flowers. Each bush of Artemisia consists of 10 - 20 shoots, at the base of rustling and having a gray color. Stems erect with branching. The root is thick, woody.
Leaves are light green or greenish-gray in color, at first they appear pubescent, and then they become practically bare. The leaf plate is twice or thrice pinnatized into very narrow and long lobes.
Interestingly: The whole above-ground part of wormwood citron has a pleasant citrus aroma with notes of pineapple, orange and lemon.
Flowering plant from July to August, starting from the first year of vegetation. Flowers are bisexual, tubular, small, five-membered, collected in spherical baskets, forming elongated friable paniculate inflorescences. Fruits ripen from August to October, they represent grooved achenes. Seeds are light gray in the form of small balls.
Chemical composition
For medicinal purposes lemon worm shoots are used. They contain:
- ethereal little;
- bitterness;
- alkaloid abrotanin;
- flavonoids;
- essential amino acids;
- resins;
- tanning agents;
- vitamins.
The amount of essential oil in the leaves becomes the maximum during the flowering period, it is at this time that the harvesting of plant material for its isolation is performed.
Useful properties of grass
As a medicinal plant, wormwood lemon is used in homeopathy and folk medicine. The essence of its fresh leaves is effective in anemia, angina, scrofula and other diseases. Rhizome are used to treat epilepsy and tuberculous meningitis.
The leaves of the plant have the following effect on the human body:
- stimulates the secretory activity of the stomach;
- improves appetite;
- increase the secretion of bile;
- contribute to the normalization of the menstrual cycle in women;
- helps to get rid of helminthic invasions.
When used externally, lemon wormwood remedy helps to relieve toothache, accelerate the healing of long-term non-healing wounds and abscesses, relieve muscle pain and pain during sprains and sprains.
Interesting: Branches of a plant are sometimes added to a bath broom. Useful properties of wormwood citrate contribute to the normalization of sleep, muscle relaxation and the elimination of headaches after visiting such a bath.
Dill is widely used in cooking. As spice it is added to tea, various alcoholic( vermouth, wine, liquor) and non-alcoholic drinks, pastries, confectionery, bread, salads, first courses, meat and fish dishes to give them a pleasant aroma and more interesting, exquisite taste. Also, Lemon Lemon is used to flavor vinegar, mayonnaise, various sauces, pickles and marinades. As a seasoning, you can apply not only fresh, but also dried leaves of the plant, which are harvested in advance. Dry leaves, in comparison with fresh, do not have bitterness, since bitteries present in the plant volatilize during the drying process.
Useful properties of essential oil
Essential oils, extracted from various species of plants of the genus Sagebrush, have quite high toxicity. Their independent use in medical or cosmetic purposes without prior consultation of a specialist may be dangerous to health. The only exception is the essential oil of wormwood lemon, which is much less toxic.
The concentration of essential oil in the aerial parts of the plant is 1 - 2% for raw materials. Isolate it by hydrodistillation from the tips of young shoots with inflorescences and leaves. The finished product is a clear liquid without color or pale yellow color. The smell of it can be described as fruity, sweet, tart, citrus, due to pronounced candy notes, the herbaceous aroma is practically not felt. It is used for inhalations, massages, rinses, compresses, baths, aroma lamps. With some diseases in very small doses it is taken orally.
Ethereal little wormwood lemon contains the following chemical compounds:
- linalool( up to 19.5%);
- geraniol( up to 13.5%);
- geranilacetate( up to 13.3%);
- geranium( up to 12.6%);
- neral( up to 7.8%);
- α-thujone( up to 4.5%);
- is terpinolen( up to 2.8%), etc.
Inhalation of essential oil wormwood wax relieves fatigue, helps to recover from stress and fatigue, eliminates neuroses and insomnia, normalizes the nervous system, increases vitality, improves performance, mental activity and the ability to perform accurateand quick action. This remedy is effective in migraines, relieves such unpleasant symptoms as a throbbing headache, nausea and dizziness. In addition, it contributes to the emergence of a romantic mood, increased sexual desire, creative processes, the development of imagination, has an inspiring effect.
Essential oil of wormwood lemon is used in cosmetology and perfumery in the manufacture of perfumes and colognes. It can be used in the formulation for oily skin, prone to inflammation and acne. It increases the tone of the skin, so it is effective for mature skin. Apply it in a diluted form, adding to the base vegetable oils, creams, lotions or tonics, in a ratio of 1 drop of essential oil to 5-10 ml of the selected base. In cosmetology, it is still used to fight warts and cellulite. It is included in the compositions for anti-cellulite wraps and massages.
Interesting: The fine aroma of wormwood lemon has also been noted by Queen Cleopatra. In the composition with other essential oils, she used her ether to make toilet water.
Among the medicinal properties of essential oil of Artemisia lemons there are:
- anti-inflammatory;
- anticonvulsant;
- is antimicrobial;
- is an analgesic;
- is tonic;
- is hypotensive;
- expectorant;
- is antispasmodic;
- immunomodulating.
This tool helps improve blood circulation, respiratory system functions, increases the resistance of the organism to pathogens of acute respiratory infections. It is used in the treatment of certain pathologies of the cardiovascular system, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, pharyngitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, impaired functions of the nervous system, asthenia, for the prevention of acute respiratory infections and the period of epidemics.
Essential oil of God's tree is used for domestic purposes for refreshing and disinfection of indoor air, protection from insects.
Ways of using essential oil
For the preparation of medicinal and cosmetic products, buy lemon wormwood essential oil in pharmacies or specialty shops. It must be packed in a sealed container of dark glass. Store the purchased product after the first opening should be in a cool place.
Inhalation for inflammation in the airway
Pour a quarter liter of hot water into a bowl or saucepan and add 3 drops of essential oil. At a distance of at least 30 cm, closing your eyes and covering your head with a towel, tilt over the container and inhale for 5 to 10 minutes the resulting vapors. After such a procedure it is not allowed to go out immediately.
Compresses for headache, joint and muscle pain
Add 2 to 3 drops of essential oil to a glass of hot water, moisten a tissue from the tissue in the resulting mixture, squeeze out excess water and apply to a sore spot. The compress is held until the napkin cools down to about body temperature. Then repeat the procedure. With muscular pain, its duration should be 40 - 45 minutes. For convenience, the napkin can be fixed from above with a food film. These compresses are effective for back pain, arthritis, rheumatism. With a headache, the cold compress is applied to the same proportions and applied to the forehead or occiput, depending on the localization of pain.
Rinse with sore throat
In 200 ml of warm water, dissolve 1 tsp.table salt, 1 drop of alcohol solution of iodine, ½ tsp.soda and add 3 drops of essential oil. Instead of the usual salt, you can take iodized or sea salt, then iodine need not be added. The received preparation in a warm kind three times a day rinse a throat.
Means for ingestion in case of gastrointestinal problems
2 drops of essential oil drip onto a piece of sugar-refined sugar or crush them in 1 tsp.honey. With food poisoning, the product is slowly dissolves in the mouth 3 times a day until the condition improves, but no longer than three days in a row.
This remedy is also effective for spasms in the gallbladder, for worming, for removing heat, for preventing rapid intoxication when consuming alcoholic beverages.
Headache remedy
In ¼ cup water add 3 drops of essential oils of lavender, mint or lemon balm and lemon wormwood, mix thoroughly. In a small amount, the resulting product is applied to a cotton pad and rubbed the forehead, whiskey and the back of the head. The mixture is suitable for reusable use, it should be stored in hermetically closed containers of dark glass in the refrigerator, and shake vigorously before each use.
Massage oil
To 10 ml of cosmetic oil( peach, olive, sesame, corn, almond or other) add 4 drops of essential oil of wormwood lemon and mix. Apply a small amount of the product on the palm and rub into the skin with massage movements for 5 minutes until the product has completely absorbed. Such massage is used to relieve muscle spasms and pains, improves lymph and blood circulation, tones up and moisturizes the skin.Relaxing bath
Essential oil of wormwood lemon( 5 drops) is mixed with 2 tsp.milk or yogurt or 10 g of liquid honey. Pour the mixture into a filled bath with a water temperature of 37 - 38 ° C.Take it before meals or 2 hours after. The duration of reception of such a bath should not exceed half an hour, after the procedure it is recommended to go to bed and rest there for at least an hour. The pleasant aroma of this essential oil while taking a bath helps to relax, helps to relieve fatigue and tension.
Scent of the room
Add 5 - 6 drops of essential oil to the aroma lamp filled with water, light a candle and enjoy a pleasant aroma. If the house does not have an aroma lamp, you can simply apply a couple of drops of oil on a napkin or add to a container of hot water that should be placed on the radiator.
For aromatization of premises it is possible to make special aromatic pads. For this, pillows of any size and shape are sewn, which are filled with a mixture of dried shredded plants consisting of wormwood and thyme grass in one part and two parts of hop cones. Then add 5 drops of wormwood to the herbs, lightly mix and sew up the pillow. With neuroses and problems with sleep, these pads should be placed in the bedroom.
Remedies from Artemisia Lemon are contraindicated in the case of:
- susceptibility to allergies;
- individual plant intolerance;
- pregnancy;
- of bronchial asthma;
- of breastfeeding.
Essential oil of wormwood lemon can not be used in its pure form. In case of external application, do not let it get into the eyes, possibly irritation and reddening at the place of application of the agent with this essential oil. In case of overdose, irritability, hallucinations, seizures, dizziness and nervous disorders may occur.
On the properties and reproduction of lemon wormwood: