- About the benefits of honey, everyone has known for a long time, but we learned about the beneficial effect of raw water on the human body relatively recently. However, our ancestors used a mixture of these substances, successfully curing many diseases and ailments. Honey with water they drank on an empty stomach, preserving health, with honey water our grandmothers drank their grandsons, protecting them from childhood diseases and autumn colds.
- gastritis;
- colitis;
- bronchitis;
- of laryngitis;
- constipation;
- is a common cold;
- of hepatitis;
- cirrhosis;
- of child enuresis.
- antiviral;
- is antimicrobial;
- antiparasitic;
- restorative;
- antidepressant;
- is an anti-inflammatory drug.
- in the period from 5:00 to 7:00 am the thickest part of the intestine shows the greatest activity;
- from 7 hours to 9 hours, the stomach is activated;
- from 9 o'clock and up to 11 o'clock intensifies the activity of the pancreas.
Benefits of honey water
Useful properties of water with honey are widely used nowadays for the treatment of many diseases, for example:
Honey water also has the following effects on the human body:
Soaking in the morning on an empty stomach, it promotes the splitting of fat stores in the body. This quality is used in the preparation of a variety of diets for those who want to lose weight.
Immunostimulating property of honey is preserved in aqueous solution, so it is often used in the treatment of various colds and chronic diseases.
Water with honey in the morning is an excellent anthelmintic. It creates unfavorable conditions for parasites, in which their development ceases and they perish. For these purposes, use a 30% warm solution of honey on an empty stomach.
Honey water is successfully used in the treatment of trophic ulcers and sluggish wound processes as a disinfectant and wound-healing agent.
How to take honey water?
For health, only raw water with honey is useful. Boiled water is considered dead, because when heated from it, oxygen and nitrogen are volatilized, ion-molecular bonds are destroyed. Useful microelements for our body, contained in "living" natural water, are destroyed and precipitate, deposited in the form of scale on the walls of teapots.
If you drink a glass of boiled water and raw, the difference will be immediately felt. The body can not be deceived, and no matter how we are told about the benefits of boiling, the taste of water from the spring can not be compared to drinking from a teapot.
The temperature of the drink is also important. In order for honey and water to digest well and bring maximum benefit, you can not heat it above 40 degrees C. However, cold drinking will not have a good effect on health. Optimal option - warm, room-temperature water with honey. It is this drink that is most useful for health.
An interesting fact! Without water, a person can live no more than 3 days. If during this time the body cells do not get so much moisture they need, then the body will begin irreversible processes.
When should I drink it?
How well water is consumed with honey depends on its health benefits. For example, the morning reception helps to enhance metabolic processes and tone. Evening - will help to relax and prepare the body for a night of rest.
Studies have shown the following pattern of our body:
In accordance with this knowledge, nutritionists have developed the most optimal scheme for taking honey solution, which is as follows:
- To clean the body of toxins and wastes, honey with water should be taken until 7 am. This will help get rid of harmful substances and significantly increase immunity.
- Honey water, drunk from 7 o'clock to 9 o'clock in the morning, will help prepare the body for daily activity, assimilating in the best way and being an excellent food for the brain.
- A glass of water with honey from 9 o'clock to 11 o'clock in the morning will promote weight loss. The active activity of the pancreas will strengthen the metabolic processes and splitting of fat, therefore, all the extra pounds will "float away" by themselves.
Advice! If you set yourself a goal to lose weight, then for this it is enough to drink on a fasting every morning a warm glass of water with a spoonful of honey. It is also desirable to exclude bread and flour products from the ration.
Recipe for honey water
In order to prepare a healing drink, it is necessary to dissolve a dessert spoon of bee honey in a glass of warm raw water. The result is a 30% solution, which is the closest in composition to the blood plasma.
If you add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in such a drink, you will get a means for enhancing intestinal peristalsis.
You can add ginger and lemon juice to honey water. It turns out a stunning by its taste qualities cool drink, which at the same time will retain all its properties. We told about the benefits of this mix and the use for health and beauty in the article: Ginger, honey and lemon - the body is healthy and peaceful!
Information on how useful honey with water, you can also find out by watching this video: