Coagulopathy: varieties, causes, symptoms and treatment of the disease

Coagulopathy is a series of diseases that cause bleeding, the cause of which is a complex of disorders of anticoagulant and coagulating mechanisms of blood.

The disease can be hereditary or acquired and is caused by either a small number of plasma components or its low quality, but in both cases the genetic factor plays a role.

The main symptoms of coagulopathy are pallor of the skin, hemorrhagic syndrome, with effusions of blood in the surrounding tissue or out of the walls of the vessels.

There are three main stages in the process of blood clotting:

  • primary - lasts only five minutes, but during this time the formation of platelet clot takes place;
  • secondary : it takes fifteen minutes of time, during which fibrin is formed, which holds the thrombus;
  • the third stage of : during this time the thrombus dissolves.

If one of them causes any failure, this leads to the development of a type of coagulopathy.


  • Causes of disorder
  • Species and classification of the disease
  • instagram viewer
  • Features of the disease in pregnant women
  • Children - hemophilics
  • Diagnosis and treatment
    • Treatment of coagulopathy in pregnant women
    • Approach to treating children
  • Can disease be prevented?

Causes of the disorder

The cause of the disease is a number of factors:

  • large blood loss in the absence of blood clotting;
  • deficiency in the body of vitamin K( improves the functioning of proteins that participate in the process of blood clotting);
  • DIC-Syndrome;
  • liver failure;
  • coagulopathy can cause the poisons of some snakes( vipers, botrops);
  • in some cases of leukemia;
  • infectious diseases;
  • cause viral hemorrhagic fevers;
  • genetic disorders;
  • disease can occur as a result of exposure to the human body by physical, chemical and mechanical factors.

Species and classification of the disease

In medical practice, kogualopathii are divided into two types: hereditary and acquired. Hereditary disease is associated with a decrease in hemostasis components or their violation. Thus, there is a failure of the body's system, responsible for preventing, stopping bleeding.

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Acquired coagulopathy develops against a backdrop of malignant tumors, liver problems, infectious diseases, severe forms of enteropathy.

Hemodilution coagulopathies occur due to a large blood loss, and, consequently, a drop in protein, white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets.

Features of the disease in pregnant women

Pregnancy is the normal state of a woman, but, in any case, stress for the body. Moreover, this stress is accompanied by multiple changes: hormonal background, exercise, and blood composition.

At this time, hereditary and chronic diseases can worsen. They can manifest themselves even in case of predisposition. So, if by the influence of factors the composition of the blood changes towards decreasing or increasing any indicators, a pregnant woman can develop coagulopathy.

Causes of the disease in women "in position":

  • exacerbation of varicose veins, chronic thrombophlebitis and other vascular diseases;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • thromboembolism, as a result of injuries, operations with significant blood loss;
  • excess production of various hormones;
  • heredity( lack of blood thromboplastin): the disease can be transmitted from generation to generation, and through generations;
  • oncology;
  • excess in the body of fibrin enzyme;
  • infectious diseases;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • improper power supply;
  • failure of the immunity;
  • kidney and liver disease;
  • bleeding gums;
  • reception of any drugs that reduce the level of platelets.

Disease in pregnant women manifests itself in the following symptoms:

  • internal bleeding;
  • DIC-Syndrome;
  • nasal bleeding due to changes in blood pressure;
  • of a spotty hemorrhage, "spider" on the abdomen and legs;
  • multiple manifestations of hemorrhoids;
  • bleeding of the laryngeal mucosa;
  • numerous bruises and bruises, even with little impact on the mother's body.

Children - hemophiliacs

Coagulopathy in children is called hemophilia. The causes of this disease can be:

  • heredity( in case of congenital disease): as a result of a lack of blood in the thromboplastin, the disease is more often transmitted to boys than to girls;
  • acquired coagulopathy also has a number of reasons: insufficient amount of fibrin enzyme;
  • disorders in the process of formation of clots of platelets;
  • excessive accumulation of fibrin, leading to thrombocytopenia and coagulopathy;
  • large blood loss in a child;
  • infectious diseases;
  • failure of the liver and digestive system;
  • overdose with antitumor drugs;
  • oncology of blood and internal organs;
  • infections, leading to malfunction of the cardiovascular system.

Symptoms of coagulopathy in children:

  • lean physique;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • during the cutting of teeth there are constant bleeding;
  • frequent bleeding of the larynx, for this reason the child can not breathe normally;
  • large bruises and bruises for a long time not absorbable and exciting nerve endings, this can lead to further gangrene or paralysis of the baby;
  • joint bleeding, accompanied by acute pain;
  • nosebleeds that do not stop for a long time;
  • internal bleeding, accompanied by acute pain at the point of outflow;
  • even small scratches can lead to prolonged bleeding( up to several hours).

Diagnosis and treatment

To begin with, the doctor prescribes the delivery of a general blood test, with particular attention paid to the number of platelets, the number of which in the presence of the disease is reduced.

Next, using a special analysis determines the duration of bleeding. Unlike the norm, the value will be significantly increased.

The next stage is the study of blood and its composition on the ability of platelets to aggregate, the magnitude of clotting factors, the analysis of the coagulogram.

Treatment should be carried out exclusively in a complex manner. The effectiveness of treatment in many respects will depend on following the appointments of the attending physician.

The patient needs a transfusion of canned blood and plasma( intravenously), the serum can be injected intramuscularly. During these procedures, the doctor must constantly monitor the indicators of hemoglobin, prothrombin, hematocrit.

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During the treatment, vitamins are important, which will help to speed recovery and maintain the body in the process of treatment. With this disease, the intake of vitamins of group K, C, P, calcium, corticosteroids is prescribed( dosage and reception characteristics depend on the patient's age).

If the disease is not hereditary, in parallel with the treatment of coagulopathy, it is necessary to produce therapy and prevent the development of the underlying disease, which has become more complicated and dangerous.

Treatment of coagulopathy in pregnant women

Treatment of any disease in pregnant women should be not only sparing, but also effective, as this affects the health of both mother and future baby, therefore women in the "position" are appointed:

  1. Medications Prednisolone and Dexamethasone .At a later date, the lungs of a baby with the reception of these drugs ripen faster.
  2. Immunoglobulin Injections .During pregnancy is administered 3-4 times and once before and after childbirth.
  3. If the life of a woman is at risk, is produced by the platelet transfusion.
  4. If, during the first trimester, platelet levels can not be raised, is performed to remove spleen ( at the latest at the second trimester).This is the only way to avoid pathological effects on the fetus.
  5. Folk methods of .Herbal treatment is a common method and gives a good effect in combination with basic treatment. Herbs are safe for the baby and the mother, but their admission should always consult a doctor. So, it is useful to take a drug based on milk and nettle juice from the calculation of 1: 1.Prepare 100 ml of the drug and divide into three meals during the day 30 minutes before eating.

Approach to the therapy of children

In case of a trauma with blood loss, it is necessary to immediately introduce hormonal drugs that will prevent a strong loss of blood. After taking the medication immediately go to a medical facility where all the necessary measures will be taken.

There is no special treatment for this disease in children, symptomatic therapy, so the main task of doctors and parents is to monitor the presence of internal bleeding that is treated in a hospital. With abundant blood loss, blood and its components are transfused to replenish the balance.

To ensure that the life of a person with coagulopathy was as complete and qualitative as possible, treatment should be performed at the earliest stages. The earlier the patient turns for help, the greater his percentage of recovery. In the case of a failed state, a lethal outcome is possible.

Can disease be prevented?

Coagulopathy prophylaxis is topical in cases of predisposition to a disease or after severe injuries with blood loss, surgeries and diseases that can lead to this problem. In such cases, drugs are injected intravenously to increase blood clotting.

It is also necessary to comply with a number of rules:

  • to lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • adhere to the diet;
  • in time to treat the vessels.
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