The cat lost its voice - the reasons and what to do, treatment options at home

When a pet is sick, nothing is nice around, because you want to help the cat in every way. However, absolute helplessness is felt, because the domestic pet can not say in words what is the matter. What if you noticed, for example, that the cat had lost her voice? This is facilitated by various reasons, which can not always be clarified immediately. However, expert assistance to a specialist will not hurt you in any way. Why this happens in cats / cats, you will learn from the detailed information below.

Why the cat lost its voice: the possible causes of

The reasons are a lot, ranging from the most innocuous, ending with serious diseases, even mechanical damage to the larynx is possible due to ingestion of a foreign object. However, any symptoms that have arisen have their consequences, so it is important to quickly find out what the cat is preventing to fully maintain a normal lifestyle further. Read more in detail about the possible factors that can lead to loss of voice in the pet. In addition, you will learn not only how to eliminate them, but also about possible methods of preventing problems with the larynx in a cat.

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  • If you abuse smoking right in the room where the cat is constantly, it also affects the pet's voice. Due to the negative effect of smoke on the vocal cords, the larynx dries up, the risk of parallel infectious or viral diseases increases.
  • A domestic cat who has undergone a complicated operation and departs from anesthesia will not vote for a long time due to the fact that the body is very weak.

Angina, otitis and other infectious diseases

Among the main causes of dumbness in a pet - all kinds of infectious or viral diseases. The cat can get sick, like a person, because the viruses are transmitted by airborne droplets. Another point - the disease as a result of the already transferred colds, hypothermia in the street, etc. Read more about common infectious diseases in cats:

  • If you have constant drafts at home, especially in a cold period, your pet will probably have otitis. During such a disease, the ear can become inflamed so much that you will notice how the cat lost its voice. In time, consult a doctor if you notice something is amiss, immediately start treatment.
  • Another disease that leads to loss of a cat's voice is rhinotracheitis. This is a kind of virus that affects the respiratory system. If you take time to get treatment in time, then in the near future the cat will quickly recover, and the voice will return.
  • Laryngitis( angina) is another disease during which inflammation of the entire mucosa in the mouth occurs. The larynx swells, the mucus accumulates in the vocal cords, the cat loses its ability to voice. Such a disease is a complication of a transferred flu or any other harmless cold.
  • The next factor, which leads to loss of a cat's voice is such a disease, as calicivirosis. This is a dangerous viral disease that affects the painful ulcers of the larynx. The cat's dumbness in this case is an inevitable phenomenon.

Foreign object in the throat

The most common cause of loss of voice in a cat is mechanical damage to the pharynx by an extraneous object. This can be a regular bone, twig or even a needle. During a trauma such a foreign object is likely that not only the larynx will suffer, but also the upper respiratory tract and esophagus. It is very important to keep track of what lies on your floor and what the cat is playing with. These are very painful feelings that can lead not only to dumbness, but also to other irreversible processes.

Dehydration as the cause of dry mouth

Make sure that the cat always has free access to drinking. Let there be a permanently open bathroom if you are not at home for a long period, all the time filling a bowl with clean water. A pet should not feel thirsty, because its body is more easily dehydrated than a human. As a result, the cat dries up in the mouth, the ability not only to mew, but also to move freely, the animal feels a strong weakness.

Poisoning by poisonous vapors - if the cat wheezes and it vomits

If you live in a cat at home - be careful with methods of disinfection, removing various insects and other pests. A pet through food that it will eat off the floor can get poison into the body, which will entail not just a loss of the ability to make sounds. The cat can get acute poisoning, which will be accompanied by wheezing, vomiting and possible fatal outcome. It is also undesirable to walk in contaminated places.

The same applies to toxic fumes of paintwork materials that you can use indoors. Even an ordinary hair spray, whose couples accidentally get into the cat's respiratory tract, can lead to poisoning, the pet will begin to cough. In such cases it is better to immediately transport the pet to a vet clinic, where he will be provided with qualified assistance. But while you get there, try to water the cat with plenty of water.


This dangerous disease, like rabies, can also lead to a cat losing its voice. This virus disease is dangerous not only for the animal, but also for the owner of the cat, because it affects the nervous system. It is worth remembering that a domestic pet could get sick long before the first symptoms of rabies appeared. It is fraught with infection and the owner himself( through saliva, for example), and his children.

You must closely monitor your pet's condition and be responsible for your health, too. This is an extremely serious case, during which it is important to mobilize all your strengths and exclude any contact with the animal. Carefully read further with signs of rabies, in order to avoid irreversible consequences in time.

  • The animal becomes inadequate, aggressive.
  • The cat behaves sluggishly, all movements become inhibited.
  • An animal can for a long time( within a few days) completely refuse food, no appetite.
  • In more advanced stages of the disease, paralysis appears.
  • Sudden death of a cat.

What to do if the cat has lost the voice: treatment options

If you notice that the pet is a bit sluggish, does not show up on your eyes, does not eat well, observe it more closely. Try to examine the cat, lightly touch the neck, you may be able to find out why he does not give a vote. The right decision will be urgently to contact the veterinarian. However, there are cases when access to such a doctor is limited( night or you live away from the nearest veterinary clinic), then you should provide first aid to the cat and treat at home, and next morning you should take it to the hospital.

Appeal to the veterinarian

If you understand that you can not treat the animal at home, then immediately contact the veterinarian. An experienced specialist will immediately find out what exactly is happening with your cat, identify the causes that caused this condition, and prescribe the necessary treatment. Carefully listen to all the doctor's recommendations to provide the right help to your pet at home after rehabilitation. How can a doctor help when you contact him with an animal problem:

  • If there is mechanical damage to the larynx, the doctor will remove the foreign object and process the affected tissue. At home, you will need to provide the animal with the appropriate peace and care. It may be necessary to handle the wound with the prescribed means - it all depends on the severity of the damage.
  • In the case of infectious or catarrhal diseases, therapy will be needed, which can sometimes be in injections. You yourself are unlikely to be able to do their cat, so for the first time you will have to visit the veterinary clinic regularly for the necessary procedures.
  • Perhaps the veterinarian will prescribe just some pills, which you can treat with the cat and at home.

Inspection and treatment at home

At first you can render the first emergency help to the cat yourself, noticing that something is going wrong with the larynx. In different cases, this help may have a healing property, or it may just temporarily release the animal from painful sensations. It all depends on the reasons that led to a loss of voice in the cat. In any case, do not be afraid to help the cat or cat, while you get to the veterinary clinic, take the following measures yourself:

  • In case of foreign body entry into the pharynx, do not try to extract the animal yourself, so as not to worsen the condition of the victim. Just try to take the maximum measures to immobilize the head with the jaw, while you get to the vet clinic. So the cat will suffer less from the pain.
  • If you notice swelling in the pharynx of a cat and redness is a clear sign of a sore throat. Until you deliver the animal to the veterinarian, give him any antihistamine medication in a mini-dose( baby dosage).
  • If in the house there is a repair and the cat could be poisoned with a pair of paint and varnish, take out the animal to fresh air. Give him a drink, better milk, not water. Immediately take to the veterinary clinic, so that the condition of the pet does not deteriorate. Do not forget to indicate the cause of the poisoning, this will help the doctor to orient.
  • Mar 10, 2018
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