Ulcers in the mouth are a common ailment that mostly affects young people, as well as those who have psychological problems and are regularly in nervous tension or stress.
It is known that almost 1/3 of the world's population meets this problem annually.
Quite often, people do not pay attention to the wound in the mouth and do not deal with their treatment, because they often heal in a short time. This process is explained by the rapid regeneration of the cells of the oral mucosa.
In some cases, such wounds can cause discomfort and pain. Emergency medical care is needed in such situations. As otherwise, other co-morbid diseases may appear, which in turn will aggravate the person's well-being.
- Because of what appear oral wounds
- Local diseases of the oral cavity
- Traumatic factor
- Other causes of wound formation
- Symptoms of the disease
- How to get rid of the
- wound Professional methods
- Home help
- Cauterize the wounds by yourself
- When you need to address the wounds yourself
Because of what appear the wounds in the oral cavity
Among all the variety of causes that cause the occurrence of ulcers in the mouth, special attention should be paid to the following groups of factors.
Local diseases of the oral cavity
Very often an ulcer can occur due to the course of another disease. In this case, it will be a concomitant symptom, which in no case should be ignored.
Diseases that cause the development of sores in the oral cavity:
- Syphilis always proceeds with the formation of ulcers. In the initial stages of the disease, the sores do not represent any discomfort and the looks in the form of a small circle with a red bottom. Ulcers that appear during syphilis can heal for 3 to 12 weeks. And, after their tightening in the mucosa remains scar. During the course of tertiary syphilis, ulcers begin to heal and have a pronounced appearance and color shade. Such wounds can heal a couple of months. It is best to treat syphilis in a special venereology department.
- Tuberculosis of the oral cavity .The course of this disease is characterized by the manifestation of ulcerative formations, which in turn affect the cheeks, tongue and entire oral cavity. Such wounds do not cause pain to the patient and over time can significantly increase in size. Ulcers during tuberculosis are not deep, but loose enough. Very often they can bleed and have uneven edges. Treatment of such symptoms should be carried out only in a hospital under the strict supervision of specialists.
- Gingivostomatitis necrotic nature .This ailment can develop because of weak immunity, injuries of the oral cavity, with insufficient amounts of vitamins, the presence of allergic stomatitis and hypothermia. During the course of the disease, ulcers can form on the cheeks, gums, sky, tongue, tonsils and even arches. In this case, the wounds can be covered with yellow or green coating, which in turn will cause the appearance of unpleasant odor from the mouth. The wounds are shallow and have uneven edges. Very often such lesions cause minor bleeding. Treatment is carried out in a hospital using medication.
- Stomatitis herpetiformis .Ulcers with this disease are very often similar to herpes. Usually they are localized in the tongue and the bottom of the oral cavity. Usually disappear after a few days. But when the wounds do not heal independently, you need to seek medical help.
- Stomatitis recurrent .Ulcers in this situation cover the tongue, cheeks, palate and the area around the lips. During eating, they cause pain and discomfort. To avoid possible complications, treatment should be started when the first non-specific symptoms appear. Necrotic periadenitis .In the initial stages, small seals may appear, which after a while turn into ulcers. Wounds affect the tongue, cheeks and lips. They prevent a person from eating and even talking.
Traumatic factor
The presence of oral ulcers can be triggered by the following traumatic effects:
- teeth cleaning is not carried out according to the rules;
- soft tissue cracks after bites;
- improper sanitation of the oral cavity;
- illiterately installed prostheses, crowns or braces.
Other causes of wound formation
Ulcers can also appear due to the use of various medications, alkalis, acids or food, which in turn can cause irritation of the oral mucosa.
Symptoms of the disease
Modern medicine has not established specific symptoms of manifestations of ulcers in the oral cavity. Only the fact that if one does not treat this kind of violation is known, then the wound will arise again and again, and each time it will be much harder to cope with the manifested signs of it.
Special attention should be paid to those ranniks that do not pass on their own 3-4 weeks after the onset.
The clinical picture is most often similar to the signs of concomitant diseases and has such features:
- sharp increase in body temperature;
- feeling of discomfort in the oral band;
- burning and rubbing in the mucosa and throat;
- appearance of blood in the mouth;
- pain syndrome;
- frequent headaches;
- decreased appetite;
- deterioration of general state of health.
How to get rid of
wounds The purpose of treatment is to eliminate the initial causes of ulceration in the mouth. If the sores in the mouth are due to the development of another disease, then the treatment of the underlying disease is performed, which in turn will lead to a reduction in the formation of the wound in the oral mucosa.
Most experts claim that there is no specific treatment. A sick person and all healthy people are advised to devote more time to oral hygiene and maintaining a healthy diet.
It is necessary to give preference to those products that contain a lot of vitamin B12, phosphorus and iron in their composition. Those people who are prone to frequent stresses and nervous overstresses, need to protect themselves from this kind of negativity.
Professional methods
You can get rid of jazvochek in the mouth with the following tools:
- Medical ointments .Very well proven itself Benzocaine. This ointment has anti-inflammatory effect and therefore quickly enough eliminates the inflammatory process. The components of the drug have an analgesic effect. Use ointment is required in accordance with the recommendations of a specialist. For young children, it is best to use other medications, since benzocaine can cause an allergic reaction. You can also use Kemistad ointment.
- Xichain gel, 2% .Helps reduce pain, relieves inflammation and destroys pathogens and microbes. Strictly forbidden for the treatment of young children, since it contains toxic components.
- As a positive effect has an ointment Solcoseryl .
- Antibiotics .Most often, they are prescribed for severe disease. The type of preparation and the duration of treatment are set individually for each individual case.
- Pain management injections .Their only advantage is that they quickly eliminate the pain syndrome with ulcers. But, unfortunately, such injections do not help to get rid of the causes that provoke the disease.
Home care
For the treatment of ulcers in the oral cavity at home, most often resort to special solutions for rinsing. The simplest and best known is a solution based on salt and soda.
It is prepared according to this recipe:
- For a couple of cups of boiling water diluted 5 tablets Furatsilina.
- Then, add a teaspoon of salt and soda to the contents.
- Rinse with this liquid for 30 seconds. After that, the solution can be spit out, and repeat the procedure a couple of times.
- Rinsing is performed throughout the day at short intervals.
Medicinal herbs have a positive effect.
To treat wounds, you can use such plants:
- oak bark;
- chamomile;
- eucalyptus;
- thyme;
- calendula.
To help early healing of wounds and ulcers, you can use the usual olive oil. In some cases, helps eliminate the problem of oxalic ointment.
If the sores appear as a result of the course of herpes, then treatment with such drugs will be required:
- Acyclovir;
- Famciclovir;
- Valaciclovir.
Drugs aimed at strengthening the human immune system can also be used.
Cauterize the wound itself
It is possible to get rid of ulcers and wounds using special medications. These include chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide or a solution based on furacilin.
Cauterization of wounds is necessary as follows:
- pre-rinsing oral cavity;
- on a sterile cotton wool is applied a little peroxide or other agent, and then applied to the very wound;
- fleece holds for 5 minutes;
- during the day a similar procedure can be carried out several times.
When should I see a doctor?
Seek medical attention if the wound in the oral cavity does not pass by itself for 3-4 weeks.
It is very important to consult a specialist who will help to diagnose and prescribe effective treatment.
First of all, it is important to exclude the development of malignant tumors in the oral cavity.
Possible complications of
Ignoring or untimely treatment of ulcers in the oral cavity can cause the following complications:
- has a negative effect on immunity, which in turn can trigger other diseases;
- is a strong inflammatory process of the mucosa of the mouth, in severe cases, inflammation can spread to the genitals;
- a sharp increase in body temperature, which leads to a weakening of the entire body;
- transition of the disease into a chronic form;
- development of oral cancer.
Preventive measures
For prevention it is important to observe the following rules for oral care:
- not to allow injury to the oral cavity;
- properly brush your teeth;
- in time to visit the dentist;
- does not eat very hot or too cold food;
- to avoid stress and nervous overexertion;
- eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.
Treatment of ulcers is a responsible process. After all, the further health of a person depends on how correctly the methods of treatment are chosen.
To prevent sores in the mouth from becoming a daily problem, it is important to give time to one's own health and not ignore the alarming symptoms that the body sends to us.