Acupuncture: benefit and harm of acupuncture

Acupuncture is the most common method of reflexotherapy, also called acupuncture, acupuncture, acupuncture or zhen-chiu therapy. This method of influencing the biologically active points of the human body with the purpose of healing from various kinds of diseases came to us from Ancient China. However, it is important to understand that this method of treatment has a number of contraindications.

  • Uses and Harms
  • Indications
  • Contraindications
  • Treatment
  • For children
  • In pregnancy

The therapeutic effect in this technique is achieved by invasive puncturing of the skin with special needles at acupuncture points located on the patient's body. These biologically active points are responsible for the normal functioning of internal organs and general health, and also establish energy flows( Qi), restoring the energy and emotional balance of a person. It is Qi, its movement along the meridians, the doctrine of the five elements, as well as the vital principles of Yin and Yang, that underlie alternative medicine and any life activity on Earth.

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Acupuncture treatment is usually done using the finest needles made of medical steel or, if necessary, needles made of silver or gold. In ancient times for these purposes, virtually everything that came to hand - stones, bones, sticks, feathers, and later precious metals - was used.

Benefits and harm

Manual therapists are sure that the disease is an imbalance and a violation of the circulation of Qi energy, and each Biologically Active Point( or BAP) has a connection with a specific internal organ in the human body. Therefore, irritating a certain point on the surface of the skin, one can cause the influx of energy forces to the corresponding organ, thereby accelerating its recovery, and also restore energy flows and harmonize them.

Until the end, the mechanism of action of acupuncture has not been studied, but it is known that it successfully eliminates many types of pain, muscle spasms, motor blocks, nausea, dizziness, helps to lose weight, adjust metabolic processes, cope with many respiratory, orthopedic, neurological, digestive diseases,diseases of the organs of vision, oral cavity, etc.

Many physicians question the effectiveness and safety of acupuncture. They are convinced that the procedure is more likely to have a "placebo effect", and it is very difficult to find qualified specialists who can find active points on the patient's body.

In addition, like any other invasive method, it requires skin piercing and special sterility. Otherwise, acupuncture is fraught with side effects and complications( bleeding, bruising, pain, infection, damage to nerve endings or vessels, internal organs).

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Acupuncture specialists are most often recommended for:

  • Various types of pain: dental, headache, back and lower back pain, from osteochondrosis or herniation of intervertebral discs, pain in the legs with varicose veins or thrombophlebitis, with menstruation.
  • Treatment of alcohol or drug addiction, smoking.
  • Treatment of neuroses, depressive and anxious conditions, panic attacks.
  • Diseases of the nervous system: neuralgia( intercostal), neuritis( facial and occipital nerves, sciatic, trigeminal nerve), spastic paraplegia( limb immobilization).
  • Treatment of the spine, joints( arthrosis and rheumatoid arthritis), curvature of posture( scoliosis, kyphosis).
  • Problems with immunity.
  • In cosmetology it is used for weight loss, for rejuvenating the face skin and getting rid of wrinkles.
  • Problems with the vessels: atherosclerosis, to eliminate the consequences of ischemic stroke, after the transferred cardiovascular system diseases, hypertension, multiple sclerosis, insomnia, migraines, to improve blood circulation of the brain.
  • Treatment of skin diseases: allergic urticaria, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis.
  • Diseases of the throat and upper respiratory tract: sinusitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, glossitis, acute and chronic bronchitis, asthma.
  • Recently, it has become extremely popular to apply the method for curing infertility in women and men, gynecological and urological diseases, with mastopathy, cystitis.
  • For relaxation and gaining inner balance.

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Also pay attention to one more effective and relatively young method of injecting and rejuvenating the skin - mesotherapy of the face and body
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Strongly notit is recommended to conduct an acupuncture session with:

  • the presence of tumors of any etiology;
  • chronic heart, liver, kidney, respiratory and circulatory disorders, active bleeding, poor blood coagulability;
  • infectious diseases, especially those intensified by fever and high body temperature;
  • people over 75, children under 1 year, people with drug dependence and in a state of nervous overexcitation or alcoholic intoxication;
  • acute pain, which is best treated not at home, but in the hospital;
  • pregnancy, especially from the second half of the second trimester;
  • strong depletion of the body, bulimia, anorexia and similar metabolic disorders;
  • after heavy physical exertion or hot baths, baths or saunas.

Local contraindications to reflexotherapy:

  • rashes and other allergic reactions, the presence of maternity wounds, warts, papillomas at the site;
  • presence on the body of bruises, swelling, bruising or fractures at the site of the procedure;
  • venous occlusion, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis;
  • skin lesions: scars, spikes, scars.
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Treatment of

Before starting to inject the needles directly into the skin, the acupuncturist carefully feels the place where acupuncture is planned to be performed. This is necessary to determine the exact location of points, the depth of input, the degree of inclination, and so on. Then the skin is treated with alcohol or other antiseptic. Needles must be disposable.

There are two methods of administration: sedative and excitatory.

Sedative has a calming effect on the body. Needles are introduced to a depth of up to 8 millimeters and remain in the body for a fairly long time - from half an hour to several hours.

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The exciting effect of needles on acupuncture points is achieved by a short, but very palpable stimulation lasting 30 to 300 seconds. This technique increases the tone of the body, spurs and excites the nervous system.

To increase the effect of acupuncture on the body use weak discharges of electric current, heating the tips of the needles or physical impact by rotating them.

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For children

Acupuncture in children is used to treat many diseases of the nervous system, cerebral palsy, gastrointestinal tract, vegetovascular dystonia, nerves and depressions. Needles are smaller and thinner than for adults.

The procedure itself should take place in a calm and quiet environment, so the psychological preparation of the child is necessary. Parents are advised to take a favorite toy or towel for the session, the baby will be easier with them, or invite a specialist to the house. But if a child cries, breaks out, resists - the session must be stopped immediately.

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During pregnancy

Recently, acupuncture has become quite fashionable to use during pregnancy and to prepare future mothers for childbirth. It helps to cope with toxicosis, mood swings, insomnia, back pain and pelvic bones, with high or low blood pressure. In addition, acupuncture is used for fetal repetition, pelvic presentation, weak labor activity and for stimulating the production of breast milk.

The only difficulty in this matter is the search for a competent specialist who is familiar with all the subtleties of the "delicate situation", otherwise the sessions are strictly not recommended!

  • Mar 10, 2018
  • 54
  • 183