What is the dream of a tooth loss: the interpretation of sleep by modern dream books

Since ancient times people have been trying to unravel the secret meaning of their dreams, trying in some way or another to explain the imagery. Sleep from time immemorial was considered an important source of information, which comes in the form of a cipher.

Morpheus embraces everyday objects or phenomena in the arms of Morpheus. Visions about tooth loss are considered one of the most common. The tooth symbolizes vitality and health, its loss means any experience, loss. However, when interpreting a dream, it is important to pay attention to additional events. So what's the dream of a tooth loss? Consider different interpretations of dreams.


  • Psychological and folk version of sleep
  • Interpretation by days of week
    • From Sunday to Monday
    • On Tuesday night
    • From Tuesday to Wednesday
    • On Thursday night
    • From Thursday to Friday
    • On Saturday night
    • On Sunday night
  • Valuesleep: the tooth fell with blood
  • The value of sleep: the tooth fell without pain and blood
  • instagram viewer
  • Value depending on the kind of tooth
    • Loss of the front incisor in the dream
    • Loss of the root
  • What the famous dream bookers say
    • Sonnik Miller
    • Sonnnik Vangi
    • Dream interpretation of Freud
    • Dream of Juno
    • Dream of Nostradamus

Psychological and folk version of sleep

According to psychologists, dreams where people face tooth loss require that a person change attitudes toward certain things, understand his wrong. Such visions often reflect the anxiety about close people, the fear of losing a person: to lose physically, to remain without his care and love, to experience treason.

Also, psychologists regard visions of staggering or dropping teeth as a dreamer's fear of events that can lead to a decrease in his importance in society, a "loss" of the face, because usually a person who turns out to be with a toothless mouth, in a dream, worries about what others think about it.

In people, a dream about teeth is interpreted as prophetic. Sleep, where the tooth fell without bleeding, predict the illness of relatives. If the blood was, then serve as a warning about the death of one of the relatives or about depriving a friend from the familiar environment.

In the dream, the abundance of dropped teeth directly reflects the number of problems that a person will have to face in real life. If one tooth falls out in a dream, you should expect sad news, if two - there is a series of bad luck that will arise from the imprudence of the dreamer. Lose 3 or more - followed by serious trouble. The number of teeth dropped also reflects the severity of the disease, which will have to face.

Interpretation by days of the week

Not every dream can be considered fateful or prophetic, and not every night vision is worth paying attention to. In the interpretation of dreams, any detail is important, especially the day of the week in which the dream came.

From Sunday to Monday

At the beginning of the week, dreams are not fateful, so do not pay special attention to them. The pictures that the sleeper sees at this time show strong feelings and the state of the nervous system as a whole. Therefore, the nightmare that has been imagined speaks only of a man's nervous fatigue.

On the night of Tuesday

On the night of Tuesday, the dream is regarded as an important omen of the upcoming unpleasant events that can affect any sphere of life. Do not be frightened, you need to remember the details of what you saw, explain all the clues and use them for your own good.

From Tuesday to Wednesday

From Tuesday to Wednesday, dreams that normally come true if a person does not take any action to neutralize them. Even the worst sleep can be "neutralized" by reconsidering views on certain events and things. Nightly events can become a reality and after a long time, even after 5-7 years.

Thursday Night

From Wednesday to Thursday also come true dreams. If a person can not remember the details of the vision, then no change in life is foreseen, but if all the details are cut into memory it will help through images to anticipate events and get out of unpleasant situations with the least loss.

From Thursday to Friday

Dreams from Thursday to Friday are called prophetic, they come true in the period from one day to two years. If the dream is important, then it is better not to talk about it until it comes true. Bad visions can be neutralized, telling them about as many people as possible.

On Saturday night

Dreams seen on Saturday night are considered fatal. They say that fate has prepared a man a lot of trials, which will greatly change the habitual way of his life. You need to remember the smallest details of the vision in order to avoid trouble.

Sunday Night

Sunday dreams are a reflection of a person's mental state. Light and joyful dreams reflect a person's good health, anxious ones are considered a signal of the subconscious about a poor mental state and fatigue.

Meaning of sleep: the tooth fell out with blood

This vision has several interpretations. In the ancient dream books it is written that a healthy chisel, fallen with blood, symbolizes the death of a close relative. Modern dream book more details such visions:

  1. If there was a lot of blood .This indicates a deterioration in health, a decline in strength, the appearance of severe depression.
  2. Dropped after a fight, an injury. The plot warns about betrayal.
  3. Several of the teeth fell .There may be large material losses due to theft or other crime.
  4. For the girl .Dream means parting with the lover or shows her hidden discontent with her appearance, the fear of losing beauty.

Meaning of sleep: the tooth fell without pain and blood

A similar plot warns of impending troubles and illnesses, especially if healthy teeth fall out in a dream. It is painless to lose a rotten cutting tool, on the contrary, it speaks about recovery and improvement of the state of affairs.

Positive interpretation of such visions have in children and adolescents. This symbolizes their growing up, becoming as individuals. For girls, it may indicate the onset of puberty.

An unmarried girl, seeing her teeth fall out, should be afraid of dishonor, loss of reputation, unwanted pregnancy.

If it was imagined that the teeth fell from someone else, it indicates a hidden experience about the health of this person. Modern dream books also consider this vision a symbol of the longevity of a dreamed person.

Value depending on the kind of tooth

Very good if you remember which tooth you dropped or loved ones in a dream. This will help to more accurately decipher the meaning of the dream.

Loss of the front incisor in a dream

Reflection of anger that you have been harbored by a friend. The loss of lower teeth is dreamed - the death of someone from the old-timers of the family. Also, the upper and lower row of jaws often symbolize the representatives of the strong and the weaker sex, respectively.

Loss of root

Threatens health problems. But if you dream the fallen milk tooth foreshadows pleasant changes in life. Positive value has a dream, in which there is a child without a tooth: it predicts a successful acquisition. To remain without artificial teeth - the advice and opinion of others need not be trusted.

What say the famous dream books

Antique and modern dream books often interpret the same dream differently. Consider the most popular interpretations.

Sonnik Miller

According to the well-known psychoanalyst, such visions speak only of future troubles. It is possible to receive sad news or the onset of a disease. If the sleeper has not experienced pain in a dream, it is still a disturbing sign about the state of health. If the incisors were broken, G. Miller advises to look at the environment: perhaps there are enemies.

Dream Wangi

The dream interpreter explains such a plot as the loss of a loved one, while not necessarily the cause of death, a person can simply cease to be a part of your life.

Dream Interpretation of Freud

Represents an original treatment of an unpleasant dream. If the tooth was pulled out or it fell out, it speaks of a person's subconscious fear of being punished for masturbation. Lost in a fight - a loved one will go to the rival, establish relations with him will not work. If you dreamed that all your teeth fell out - predicts a lull in the sexual sphere.

Dreamer of Juno

Dream interpretation presumes a dreamer who had a tooth in his sleep, worsening of affairs, loss of health, serious conflicts.

Dream Nostradamus

In the dream book of the French astrologer and doctor Nostradamus, the loss of incisors( without bleeding) symbolizes a person's anxiety about the state of their health and those close to them, reflects their lack of self-confidence. Such dreams are caused by fear of illness or accidents. If the incisors crumble, then this indicates a missed time, which was given to make important decisions.

Of course, dreams can be trusted or not believe. Often images that have been seen at night, carry a hidden warning or show already existing problems. Sleep of tooth loss encourages the dreamer to take a closer look at his health, not to miss the first symptoms of the disease and in time to take the necessary measures.

  • Mar 10, 2018
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