Iranian cuisine

Iranian cuisine is one of the most delicious national cuisines of the world. In addition, she has a long history. Let's get to know her better.

The main products used by Iranian cooks for cooking are meat( mostly lamb), poultry, rice, vegetables and legumes. One of the differences between the Iranian culinary tradition is the almost complete absence of fish dishes.

Rice and meat - the basis of the Iranian national cuisine

Separately it is worth mentioning Fig. In Iran, it is eaten a lot, even very much. It is a side dish to most dishes. For cooking, Iranians choose friable long grain rice. It is served on a separate plate, and this dish usually looks like this: the white rice is topped with yellow rice cooked separately with curry or saffron. Among the most notable dishes of Iranian cuisine, in which this cereal is used, it is worth noting rice with meat and vegetables under nut sauce and many recipes of Iranian pilaf.

The lion's share of the recipes of Iranian cuisine is devoted to the preparation of meat dishes, the most popular of which is "abgusht".This dish is made from meat, beans and vegetables. The recipe for a dish can vary by additives. So, for example, it becomes truly extraordinary if you add quince in it."Abgusht" in Iran is loved both by locals and tourists.

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Exquisite and unusual dishes - a trump card of Iranian cuisine

Speaking about the culinary abilities of the Iranians, one can not but note their extraordinary ingenuity. For example, a real delicacy of local cuisine is the dish "Fesenjan".These are just meat balls, for the preparation of which any meat is used( and sometimes even take fish).But they are served with a unique pomegranate-nut sauce, which gives the whole dish its uniqueness.

Compared with the abundance of meat dishes, there are almost no first courses with the local culinary tradition. But even in the few recipes that exist, local cooks manage to combine products that are incompatible in the eyes of any layman. For example, soup "mast-o-khier".It is prepared on kefir, which is added cucumbers, mint and raisins.

Favorite drinks of Iranians

Of drinks in Iran, most often use a kind of kefir with mint flavor and tea. Tea should not be strong, but sweet. The rest of the drinks on the tables of Iranians are represented by beer, which has a bright bread taste( almost like that of kvass), which is combined with fruit shades.

In Iran, drink a variety of juices, and only freshly squeezed and, again, having the most unusual combinations. The most popular are plum, pomegranate and barberry juice. The latter can be noted especially. Those who try barberry juice for the first time should do it carefully - at first, its sour taste causes rather unpleasant taste sensations. But alcohol is almost never consumed in Iran.

This is an unusual and refined Iranian cuisine, full of its original secrets and secrets. Despite the fact that Iranian cuisine has a centuries-old history, it remains beloved and relevant today.

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