Timolol: therapeutic effect, indications and contraindications

Until recently, some eye diseases have been considered incurable, today the pharmaceutical industry offers drugs that can restore the old vision and eliminate its congenital malformations.

Timolol - eye drops that quickly normalize intraocular pressure( due to a significant decrease in secretion of secreted fluid), relieve spasms of the muscles of the eyes, and when the course is taken completely restore visual acuity.

In the article we will analyze the indications and contraindications that this medicine has, its side effects, prices and analogues.

    • 1. Instructions for use
    • 2. Side effects and contraindications
    • 3. Specific instructions
    • 4. Price
    • 5. Medication-analogs
    • 6. Reviews
    • 7. Quick tips

Instruction for use

Inwhat cases are used?

This drug is prescribed to patients in the following cases:

  • for the treatment of closed-angle and open-angle glaucoma,
  • with intraocular hypertension,
  • for the complex treatment of congenital glaucoma,
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  • with a sharp increase in ophthalmotonus,
  • to reduce spasms of the eye muscles.

With topical application, the active ingredient, which is part of timolol, is able to quickly penetrate the cornea, while absorbing the lacrimal tract.

The therapeutic effect manifests itself within 30-40 minutes after instillation, the drug continues for 20-22 hours.

Interaction of the drug with other drugs

Timolol is well combined with miotic agents, but there are medications with which this drug reacts in some way:

  1. Amiodarone, sympatholytics, verapamil combined with the possibility of violations of the reaction of automatism.
  2. Against the background of the use of timolol with calcium antagonists, there is a risk of cardiac dysfunction.
  3. In parallel with reserpine, there is a possibility of bradycardia and hypotension.
  4. Simultaneous reception with oral antidiabetics or with insulin can result in hypoglycemia.

Form release and storage

Timolol is available as a clear, colorless eye drop. They are placed in plastic bottles with a capacity of 5 milliliters, equipped with a stopper-dropper, and are sold in cardboard boxes.

Timolol drops should be stored in a dry and dark place, protected from penetration of small children, at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees Celsius. Their shelf life is two years, but after the initial use this medicine should be used for one month.

Composition of

One milliliter of drops of 0.25% contains 3.4 milligrams of timolol maleate, which corresponds to 2.5 milligrams of timolol. In one milliliter of drops of 0.5% contains 6.8 milligrams of timolol maleate, that is, 5 milligrams of timolol.

In addition, this medicine contains the following substances:

  • benzalkonium chloride;
  • dihydrogen phosphate monohydrate sodium;
  • disodium phosphate dodecahydrate;
  • sodium chloride;
  • edetate dihydrate dihydrate;
  • sodium hydroxide;
  • purified water.

How to use?

Due to the fact that this drug is available in different concentrations, its use in different situations will also differ.

Treatment begins with a 0.25% solution of 1 drop in the conjunctival sac of the diseased eye, and if the effectiveness is insufficient - a transition to a 0.5% solution with the same scheme of application.

As a rule, treatment is carried out for a long time, the duration of such treatment depends on the degree of the disease and is prescribed strictly by the attending physician.

As a child,

In the treatment of children from birth to ten years, Timolol drops 0.25%.They are injected into each conjunctival sac one drop twice a day.
Children over the age of ten are given one drop of Timolol 0.25% in each eye, twice a day, but if necessary, 0.5% drops can be administered at the same dosage.

In pregnancy and lactation

This drug is used on strict instructions from a doctor, since the action of timolol active ingredients on the fetus has not been fully investigated. The only thing is established - the agent passes the placental barrier.

It is believed that this drug can be used when the expected effect significantly exceeds the risk for the unborn child.

When timolol is administered before the birth of a newborn, the state of the mother and child is under special control in the first seven days after birth.

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With the first symptoms, immediately flush your eyes with plain water or saline.

Side effects and contraindications

Timolol is very well tolerated, however in some cases negative reactions are noted:

  • short-term( from 1 to 4 minutes) vision nebula,
  • sensation in the eye of foreign body,
  • itching and burning eyes,
  • dry eyes or vice versa- lacrimation,
  • development of conjunctivitis and blepharitis,
  • point surface keratopathy,
  • corneal sensitivity loss,
  • inflammation at the eyelid edges,
  • nasal congestion, bronchospasm,
  • olovokruzhenie, weakness, headache,
  • pruritus, rash urticaria.

Due to possible adverse reactions that threaten serious health problems, Timolol is contraindicated in diseases of :

  • increased individual response to the accessory components of the drug under consideration,
  • allergic inflammation of the nasal mucosa,
  • dystrophic diseases of the eye cornea,
  • bronchial asthma,
  • obstructive chronic lung diseases,
  • chronic and acute heart failure,
  • sinus bradycardia.

There are patients with diseases in which timolol is used with caution.

These are ailments such as:

  • emphysema,
  • nonallergic chronic bronchitis,
  • vasomotor rhinitis,
  • Reynaud disease,
  • severe form of cerebrovascular insufficiency,
  • diabetes mellitus,
  • hyperthyroidism,
  • myasthenia gravis.

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The article( here) analogues of Vitabakt.

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In case of an overdose, the following reactions may occur:

  • nausea,
  • bronchospasm,
  • arrhythmia,
  • dizziness, etc.

Special instructions

The function of lacrimation is to be controlled by physicians-specialists. It is always necessary to remove the control of intraocular pressure. When wearing contact lenses, they must be removed immediately before instillation.

When planning a surgical operation with the use of general anesthesia for 48 hours, the administration of timolol is canceled.

With special care apply the drug in question drivers of vehicles or people whose occupations are associated with concentration of attention.

It is strongly recommended that this medication is not used more often than permitted by the instructions to avoid overdose symptoms.


The price of this product varies depending on the manufacturer and is:

  • in Ukraine: domestic production - 6.15 - 6.56 hryvnia , foreign production - 22.8 - 24.3 hryvnia ,
  • inRussia: domestic production - 24-29 rubles , foreign production - 85-93 rubles .


Pharmaceutical industry produces a large number of drugs similar to the drug under consideration:

  • Xalatan,
  • Betoptik,
  • Pilocarpine,
  • Okumed,
  • Fotil, etc.


Reviews about the drops of Timolol are highly controversial. Some patients praise this drug for its speed and high efficiency, arguing that it helps reduce eye pressure and remove pain.

Another category of patients indicates that Timolol's effectiveness is significantly reduced over time. The disadvantages of Timolol are the presence of certain contraindications to its use, as well as unpleasant side effects.

Ophthalmologists consider Timolol one of the best drugs for the treatment of glaucoma and are often prescribed to patients. And that the described drops really helped to cope with this disease, they should be used only after consultation with the doctor.


  1. The drug timolol treats such a serious disease as glaucoma.
  2. The drug should be used in accordance with the instructions.
  3. There are contraindications to the use of this medication and side effects are likely.
  4. Timolol interacts with other medications, so it is necessary to take responsibility for the simultaneous use of different medications.
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