Employment is a difficult and important moment in the life of every person.
All is complicated even more if you want to get a high-paying position in a prestigious company.
In this case, send only a summary to the specified address - not enough. It is better to study how to write a cover letter to and increase your chances of success.
This document has recently become an indispensable element for employment, but more and more employers require that the job seeker know how to make it.
There are rules for writing such a letter, if your goal is to impress the future employer in the good sense of the word.
What is a cover letter and how do I write it?
If you are a young job seeker who claims a good position with a high salary, it is very important to learn how to compose the accompanying correspondence correctly.
Video cut - get the job of your dream
1) A cover letter is a way to increase your chances of getting a job. ..
I recently found out that not all applicants know what a cover letter is and how to write it.
Moreover, even some recruitment agencies( especially small provincial ones) have heard something about this, but they do not really know why you need to write this most accompanying document and how to correctly compile it.
This was confirmed by one of my facebook friends that lives in a small city, but dreams of moving to the capital.
To increase its chances to get a position in the capital company, she applied to the employment agency of her city with a request to make her a resume that would impress the future employer.
The summaries were compiled, but they completely forgot about the cover letter. The HR manager of the company indicated this, than confused the girlfriend, because she did not even know what kind of animal this is and how to make it up.
And in fact to write the letter-escort - it is simple enough if you know about the basic secrets.
A cover letter is a kind of an explanation to all the documents( first of all - to the resume) that you send to the future employer when looking for work.
This letter can also be compiled as an attachment to a package of documents for business partners, subordinates, counterparties, etc. But today we will focus on how to write an escort to the resume.
There are 5 basic types of letters that the job seeker can write:
No. | Name | Explanation |
1 | Request letter | Its purpose is to ask the employer for a list of vacancies that you could borrow |
2 | Letter of confirmation | You inform the employer that you are ready to take |
3 |
| Letter of Refusal You are informing the employer that you are withdrawing from your proposed |
4 | post. | Writing Application Addendum to the resume, the purpose of which is to present you more profitablylight and draw the attention of the employer |
5 | Letter of gratitude | It you thank the employer for what he has given you time to interview |
The most important thing for you - learn how to make an application. We will concentrate on it.
2) When you need to write a cover letter?
In principle, nothing prevents you from writing an escort every time you send out a resume to obtain a position in the company in order to increase your chances of success.
But there are several cases where a letter-attachment to a resume is simply necessary.
You should write a cover letter if:
You are yesterday's student and are just starting your career.
For those who can not yet boast an experience in a resume, getting a position is the hardest. You need to use any chance to stand out among applicants.
You are a person who changes the scope of his activities.
If the work that you did before, ceased to bring both money and pleasure, that is the sense to change the scope of activity.
Such a sharp change in the course usually worries employers, so in the accompanying document it is better to explain what prompted you to such a step.
You are applying for a position in a large international company.
Even domestic employers are beginning to understand the importance of letter-escorts, in Europe and the US it has long been practiced.
Do you want to work in a foreign company? Learn to compose a letter-application.
3) What can I do if I write a cover letter?
Any business that you do should help you achieve your goal, especially if it's about such an important moment in your life - how to work.
If you are not too lazy and write a cover letter, you can:
- Impress the employer and what you know about the relatively new way of writing a resume with a letter-application, and your great desire to get this post.
- Demonstrate an individual approach to the case, because you are referring to a particular employer, rather than nashtampovali a bunch of resume samples and let's send the same paper to everyone.
- Show that you are a competent person who can intelligently formulate your thoughts and express yourself beautifully.
- To increase your chances of taking a specific position, because you will tell more about yourself before the interview than other job seekers who did not bother to write such a letter.
- Even before the face-to-face meeting show your professional qualities, suggest a plan to improve the company's work, show what you will be useful to the company, etc.
How to write a cover letter?
It is very important to correctly write this letter so that your work is not in vain, and the result was positive, not zero. A) Structure of the cover letter.
Well-written cover letter has a clear structure, consisting of such elements:
You draw up a document in order to show: you are applying for a position in this, and not in some other company.
It is best to refer by name to the patronymic to the person who will directly deal with your resume: the HR manager or the supervisor.
Main part.
This is the most important part of the accompanying document, which consists of the following sub-items:
- indicate the position you want to occupy;
- inform you how you learned that there is a vacancy in the company;
- explain what exactly you are attracted to this work;
- offer several ideas that you can implement, if among all the applicants will choose you;
- offer a few ideas that you can implement, if among all the applicants will choose you;
- express willingness to come for an interview;
- emphasize that you are willing to work hard and hard for the benefit of the company.
To write "Goodbye" or something similar at the end of your letter is optional.
It is better to limit yourself to the classic business farewell, for example "Yours faithfully, Igor Petrov".But there are no strict rules about the farewell. B) Samples of the cover letter.
In the network, you can find enough samples of a cover letter that you can use to write your own.For example:
Recommendations how to write a cover letter
If you decide to write cover letter, try to do everything as best as possible so that the employer will select you among the applicants.
10 useful tips for those who want to write a competent cover letter:
- Do not be too creative, use business style in order to write your letter.
- Avoid cliches and clericals, for example: "I bring you to your information", "there is a place to be", "family ties", "profit", etc.
- Write "You" with a capital letter.
- Give in the text only specific information - no water and lyrical digressions.
- Show that you are a living person who, for example, has personal qualities, valuable in the team, or "loved the products you produce, even before you learned that you have a vacancy", etc.
- Emphasize the interest precisely to this company - the employer does not need to know that you sent out another dozen resumes with similar letters to his competitors.
- Stand out from the crowd of applicants, for example, by proposing to improve some workflow or a way to increase sales.
- Express hope for a positive result. For example: "I hope, my candidacy will interest you", "I will be glad to be invited to interview", "With the hope of an early meeting" and the like.
- If respected and well-known people in this field of activity can give you a recommendation, then their contacts should be indicated in the accompanying correspondence.
- Do not forget about the contact information - let it be in the summary, but to indicate your contact phone number at the end of the letter - not superfluous.
I can not find a job, what can I do?
And the last advice from foreign HR managers to those who want to write a good application letter is to adhere to the SMART principle, which has 5 components:
S( Specific) - specifics.
No common expressions and phrases about anything. Better less text, but sensible.
M( Measurable) - measurability.
Do not forget about the power of numbers. For example, it's better to write not like "At the previous job I increased my sales", and "Sales and profit increased by 25%".
A( Attainable) - reachability.
Promise only what you can accomplish. If you promise too much, the employer will decide that you are a liar and a frivolous person at the stage of reading. And even if he takes a job, he will soon fire for not fulfilling his promises.
R( Relevant) - actuality.
All information must be important and relevant to the employer. He should not jump over uninteresting paragraphs.
T( Time-bound) - boundedness in time.
If you put forward any suggestions in your letter, then indicate the time frame for which you will achieve the result.
Our video will help you,
write an excellent cover letter to resume:
5 errors that should not be allowed if you decide to write a cover letter.
Too much text.
Do not write an essay for a dozen pages - no one will waste their time to read your creation. A few paragraphs are enough to attract the attention of the employer.
One or two phrases you need to specify why you should be taken to work by you, and not by someone else. Do not be superfluous and a list of your positive qualities, but praising yourself too immodestly not worth it.
Literacy is something that is appreciated by everyone, so any errors in the text( spelling, punctuation, semantic, etc.) are simply unacceptable. If you have problems with literacy, have someone read your text.
Salary requirement.
Usually employers already in the announcement specify the size of the salary which the person will receive, that will occupy a post.
If you did not see the treasured tsiferok, then wait for the interview to raise this issue. In any case, the application letter is not suitable for demanding a salary.
Complaints against the previous leader.
If you quit your previous job with a scandal, then you should hide it, and do not brag about it.
And in the event that your dissatisfaction with the former boss was completely justified( paying little, violating labor laws, being a boor, etc.), it's not worth talking about. Start your working life in a new position with a clean slate.
If you want to increase your chances in the labor market, you should definitely find out how to write a cover letter .Modern, keeping pace with the time the tenant will necessarily allocate you from among other job seekers.