Interesting news of the world

In this article you will be able to find the top-5 funniest and interesting news of the world .

Expand your horizons, absorb more useful information and learn the most interesting facts from our life, as well as learn a lot of interesting news from the Patriots Nizhne newspaper to have something to talk with friends over a cup of tea.๐Ÿ˜‰

NEWS # 1: Google service found the devil's den.

Cartographic service Google with the help of its space satellites noticed a pentagram that is located in the northern region of Kazakhstan.

This interesting news of the world has flown around the entire planet!

The marvelous design that dozens of travelers saw, can not be called the lair of the devil, as it seemed at first glance.

The huge pentagram that was in Lisakovsk turned out to be nothing but an unfinished pioneer camp. This was stated by Emma Usatova, who is a well-known archeologist.

On the map, we clearly see the star, which is enclosed in a circle.

But these are just buildings, roads and trees.

instagram viewer

Everyone knows that in the former Soviet Union this symbol was used in all spheres of life, and in architecture in particular.

A mystical significance was given to this place, because the five-pointed star is also a pentagram that denotes witchcraft and devilish forces.

Many users of Google are discussing the subject of this picture, some argue that the devil really lives in Kazakhstan, and this symbol is a direct confirmation of this, even on this topic there is a video on Youtube.

But there are also those who do not believe in it, because these people know that this symbol was used as a guard for pagans even before the world learned about the devil.

But everyone decides what to believe in, and this photo is a confirmation.

NEWS No. 2: A resident of Mariinsky announced a bomb and went to sleep.

Also with interesting news of the world with us shared one very popular publication about a woman who was scared to death by the militia detachment.

In order to test the work of its phone, one of the residents of Mariinsky recruited police and said that a bomb was planted in one of the schools.

After her call, she calmly went to bed without even thinking that she committed the most serious violation, until she was not approached by a police squad.

In March, a call was received in the duty department, in which the citizen reported that a bomb had been planted in the local school. The duty group went to the scene.

A team of specialists began surveying the area using dogs and special equipment.

The bomb was never found. After that, the police started looking for someone who called and announced a bomb.

When the woman was found, she did not understand why the police came to her for a long time, because she did not violate the laws.

And she called the police to just check her phone's work, that's why she came up with a story about the bomb.

According to the verdict of the court, the woman received two months of correctional labor, and withholding 10 percent of the salary every month.

The court explained that such a decision they took with age, recognition of guilt, repentance, and positive characteristics of the defendant, so she was given one year suspended.

Is there life after death?

NEWS No. 3: The Novosibirsk metro offered the citizens of the city the symbol of the state to choose a zoo.

Novosibirsk measures V. Gorodetsky called on all the townspeople to vote for the city zoo in the all-Russian project.

At the moment Russian TV channels are conducting the contest project "Russia 10".

The project should select a visual symbol of the state by voting.

Only 10 objects will be defeated, which will be determined by counting internet votes.

The Novosibirsk Zoo takes part in this project, which already has 114 thousand votes and is located on the 37th place in the standings.

At the beginning of September, 30 winners will be selected.

Gorodetsky stressed that the zoo of the city will come out or not, depends only on the votes of the residents of Novosibirsk, and it depends on how much this object is dear to them, and therefore the measure calls residents to vote more actively for the contest object.

NEWS No. 4: A woman threw a pig's head into the official.

Another one with the most interesting news of the world tells about a woman who threw pig head into Pรคrnu officials.

The county police appointed a woman a fine, because she threw the pig's head on the desk to the district official.

The fine awarded is small, as the woman has material problems, but the law enforcement agencies did not say the exact amount.

As the offender's son's son is approved, his mother is currently in the hospital, and so far he does not know about the fine, not about his amount.

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In any case, a woman is given 15 days to appeal this decision in court.

Police offender said that she did so to take revenge on officials for their actions.

NEWS No. 5: The hedgehog, whose birthday coincided with Prince George's birthday, now live in a private castle.

African white hedgehogs that were born in one of Moscow's zoos were born on the same day as a birth with Prince George and now have their own castle.

Three hedgehogs were named just like the prince, and they designed wooden mansions with a red carpet laid for them. ๐Ÿ™‚

Inside their palace there is a bed decorated with a velvet canopy.

Little hedgehogs were born on July 22, 2013

We remind you that also in Britain, souvenirs were created dedicated to the birthday of the heir - these are vomit packages with the image of a prince.

This idea fired designer Lydia Leid.

Vomit packages were designed for those people who were bored with other products on which the Prince of Cambridge was portrayed.

I also advise you to watch a video of a selection of fascinating facts that you did not know yet.๐Ÿ™‚

  • Mar 10, 2018
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