Useful tips: unusual use of products at home, at home

If you think that food can only be used in cooking, then you are deeply mistaken. From our article you will learn how familiar products can help maintain cleanliness in the house, fight aging and get rid of colds.


  • Olive oil for shaving, ringlets, utensils, shoe cream
  • Banana peel for removing warts, teeth whitening
  • Mayonnaise for hair, flowers, against creaking, furniture cracks
  • Coffee grounds for fertilizing, against cellulite, odor from refrigerator
  • Eggshellfor seedlings, pictures, pores, sugar substitutions
  • Beer from brittle hair, from slugs
  • Starch for dogs' wool, from irritation, for cleaning silver
  • Cinnamon for slimming, lightening hair, from mouth odor, from ants, forlip augmentation
  • Video: 15 most unusual ways to use hydrogen peroxide
  • It just so happens that modern man lives according to certain rules. Every morning he gets up, washed, breakfasts and starts to work or ordinary household affairs.
  • . Of course, in order to facilitate his life he fully enjoys all the achievements of the trade industry. Every person in the house has a lot of household chemicals, cosmetics and a variety of medicines. All these resources help him to deal effectively enough with mud, dust and microbes, and also maintain his beauty.
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  • . The most unpleasant thing is that some people do not even imagine their life without all these chemicals at all. And although they understand very well that the purchased products contain a lot of harmful substances, they all continue to use them
  • . Only some people try to replace the purchased household chemicals with more useful natural substances. And they use for this the usual food for us

Olive oil for shaving, ringlets, utensils, shoe cream

Unusual use of olive oil in everyday life
  • We all know that olive oil is very useful for the human body, so very often we season vegetable salads orwe use it for frying lean fish and meat. Women like to add this natural fat to all kinds of maxi for hair and skin
  • But, besides this, olive oil can solve many more household problems, the main thing is to know how to use it properly. The most pleasant thing is that for these purposes it is not necessary to buy a very expensive product, if you do not use it for food and cosmetic preparations, then you can easily buy cheaper analogs

. So:

  • Shaving aid. If your loved one has run out of foam or gel, then ask him to use olive oil. It simply needs to be applied to the skin with a thin layer and with the help of a razor remove all unnecessary hairs. After the process of removal is completed, the face will have to be wiped with a cotton swab dipped in chamomile broth. This will help you to minimize irritation
  • Polishing agent. If people living in your house are prone to allergies, then try replacing household chemicals for polishing with olive oil. To make a miracle remedy, you will need butter and lemon juice. Finished product pour into a bottle with a sprayer and you can start to bring your furniture in order
Olive oil will prolong the life of your curls
  • Washing dishes. No matter how ridiculous it may sound, you can also use olive oil to wash dishes. If you sprinkle spoons that were used to apply honey, jam, sugar candy or boiled condensed milk, they will wash much faster
  • Hair curling. If you want to extend the life of your curls on a windy and humid day, then simply sprinkle the hairbrush with olive oil and lightly comb it with your hair. Just remember that the amount of oil should be minimal. If it is very much, the curls will disintegrate, and the hair will look untidy.
  • Removing paint and varnish. If it happened that during the repair you dirty the skin with paint, and there is no solvent at hand, then try replacing it with olive oil. Just apply it to the contaminated skin and leave it there for 5 minutes. After the time has elapsed, rinse the dermatological cover with warm water and soap
  • Shoe Cream. All you need to do in this case is simply to spray the oil over the surface of shoes or shoes. After this, allow it time to soak and polish shoes with a dry woolen cloth
  • Mastic. This miracle tool will help you replace industrial floor mastics. To make it, you need to mix three parts of olive oil and one part of lemon juice and vinegar. All the ingredients must be mixed very carefully and you can begin to rub the floor covering

Banana peel for the removal of warts, teeth whitening

Remedy for caries

When buying a banana, we simply eat its tasty and sweet flesh, and without hesitation throwing the peel into the trash can. If you do the same, then be sure to get acquainted with the information given below. Believe me, you will be very surprised when you realize that a banana peel can be a good help for you in everyday life.

Using banana peel:

  • We are putting silver in order. From banana peel, you can prepare a fine paste, which will help restore the gloss to silver products. To do this, take the peel and crush it thoroughly on the blender. Then add a little water to the resulting mass, and mix it well. You should have a mass, in consistence resembling thick sour cream
  • Restoring computer disks. If it turns out that you scratched the surface of the CD very badly, do not rush it out immediately. You can try to revive it with a banana peel. To do this, simply rub it with the skin for 2-3 minutes, and then remove the remnants of the product with a glass cleaner. After the disc has dried, you will again be able to use it
Restoring the disc with a banana peel
  • Whiten your teeth. In the peel of banana contains a huge amount of substances useful for our oral cavity. Therefore, with the help of this tool, you can calmly lighten your teeth for a few tones. All you need to do for this is to rub them with the skin for 2-4 minutes. If you repeat this procedure 2 times a day for two weeks, then a snow-white smile will be provided to you.
  • Remove warts. If you are afraid of carving a wart, then try to get rid of it with a banana peel. Just cut a small piece and fix it on the problem area with an ordinary plaster. Repeat the procedure every day until the tumor completely disappears

Mayonnaise for hair, flowers, against creaking, cracks in furniture

Mayonnaise will clear the skin of fuel oil

For many of us, mayonnaise is just a tasty sauce for salads. Sometimes we add it to marinades for meat or baking. But except in cooking, we do not use it anywhere else. And we do so, of course, in vain. After all, this delicious sauce, if desired, can help us solve a lot of everyday problems.

Ways of using mayonnaise:

  • We improve the condition of the hair. If you are sure that this sauce was made from natural ingredients, you can try to replace them with a purchased air conditioner. Eggs and vegetable oil will have a positive effect on your locks and make them more docile, shiny and lively
  • Struggling with traces of dirt. If you stain your hands with fuel oil, wood tar or oil products, then treat the dirty skin with mayonnaise and leave it there for 1-2 minutes. Then you can rub slightly the dirty spots and wash the skin with warm water with fragrant soap
  • Refresh the flowers. All of us know how quickly fresh flowers lose their festive appearance. If the room is very hot, then within a few hours their petals begin to fade. Mayonnaise can cope with this problem. To do this, apply a very slightly sauce on a cotton swab and gently wipe the stems and leaves of the fading plant. Literally in a couple of seconds it will look more green and fresh
  • Remove the traces of pencils. This way you can get rid of the darkest shade. The best part is that you do not have to put much effort into this. You will just need to apply a thick layer of sauce on the trail from the pencil and wait until it is completely absorbed. After that, simply wipe the surface first with a damp cloth and then with a dry cloth.
Mayonnaise helps to repair scratched furniture.
  • . Struggle with cracks in the furniture. Treat the scratched areas of furniture with the maximum fat mayonnaise. The more it contains vegetable oil, the better result you will get. After applying the sauce do not have to remove. It will be better if it is absorbed and dried naturally. While this happens, the wood will start to swell and scratches will become almost invisible. After the mayonnaise dries, you can polish the furniture with the help of olive oil
  • . Get rid of the creaking. If you began to notice that the hinges of the entrance doors started to creak very strongly, then smear them with a small amount of mayonnaise. Then intensively open and close the doors until the sauce is evenly distributed along the loops. Surpluses that remain on the surface after these actions are best removed with a soft sponge

Coffee grounds for fertilization, against cellulite, odor from the refrigerator

Application of the coffee grounds
  • Perhaps it is difficult to find someone who does not like delicious and fragrant coffee. Coffeemons drink this fragrant drink for breakfast, lunch and dinner. This allows them to always remain vigorous, cheerful and full of energy
  • But, probably, no one thinks that the coffee grounds left after a delicious meal can also bring quite a lot of benefit. This product is able to cope well enough with household problems without requiring much effort and time.


  • We fertilize plants. Coffee grounds contains a huge amount of substances that are vital for fruit trees and flowers. Therefore, you can safely gather the thick for several days and feed it your garden cultures.

In order for it to penetrate as deeply as possible into the ground, it is first diluted with water, allowed to stand and already in this form is introduced into the soil. In addition to the fact that such irrigation fertilizes the soil with useful substances, it also helps to scare off all kinds of pests that like to damage the roots and leaves of plants.

Coffee scrub against cellulite on the stomach
Deodorant for refrigerator. Coffee grounds sufficiently effectively absorbs all unpleasant odors. If you dry it, put it in a jar and put everything in the refrigerator, then literally in half an hour it will just smell nice fragrances. To maintain this effect, change the coffee grounds once every 7-10 days.
  • We fight with cellulite. Coffee grounds is an excellent tool for combating orange peel. If you mix it with olive oil and regularly make this massage the problem zones, then literally a month later the dermatological covers will become more equal and more elastic and elastic.
  • Clean the kitchen sink. Every housewife knows how difficult it is to polish the shell to a shine, in which the dishes are washed several times a day. Cope with this task will help you coffee grounds. Since it consists of fairly solid particles, it will replace you with a detergent abrasive. The most pleasant is that after washing the washbasin will not only shine, but it is very pleasant to smell.
  • We remove the smell of cat urine. If your house has a small kitten that is not yet accustomed to the toilet, then try to do this with coffee grounds. Its smell is not very popular with animals, so if you put the thick in places where your four-legged friend likes to foul, then he will start to bypass them by side. To make the smell felt tangible for the cat, change this miracle remedy at least once every three days.
  • Eggshell for seedlings, pictures, pores, sugar substitution

    Eggshells as fertilizer
    • We usually perceive eggshell as garbage. Therefore, eating an egg, we just take it and throw it away. But still, the egg shell can be useful to humans in the same way as protein. It is a real treasure of natural calcium, which is so necessary for the human body
    • Scientists have long proven that if you chop the eggshell into flour and take it 2 times a day, then you can forget about calcium deficiency forever. But remember, the reception of egg flour should be carried out on an empty stomach and necessarily with the addition of freshly squeezed lemon juice

    In addition, the shell can be used:

    • We fight with a cold. Egg shell eggshell is an excellent medicine to help fight sore throats, flu and colds. If you mix it with honey and milk and take the resulting mixture in small portions throughout the day, it will help to raise the body's resistance sufficiently well
    • Narrow pores. If you can not find a cosmetic for constricting your pores for your skin, then try to get rid of this problem using a mask of egg shell and protein. These two ingredients must be mixed until uniform and applied to a pre-cleaned skin with a thin layer. The field of that as the mask will dry up it is necessary to remove warm water, and on the person to put a nutritious cream, suitable to your type of a skin
    Picture from an egg shell
    • We replace sugar. Egg shell eggs can replace your purchased sweeteners. If you add a small amount of this product to coffee or tea, this will make them less bitter and tart. Such a small trick is particularly suitable for sweet tooths, who really want to lose weight, but can not refuse to eat sugar
    • We eliminate clogging in the pipes. Eggshell is able to attract fat, dirt and hair, so if you periodically pour ee into the pipes in the kitchen and in the bathroom, then no clogs will not be scary to you. But in this case it is best to use shells, ground to the flour
    • We decorate the interior. Eggshell is inexpensive, but it is quite original material for decoration. The easiest way to make the space of your home more creative is simply to glue the shells of the shell with large outdoor vases and paint them in whatever bright colors. If you are ready to spend even more time, then try to create from it an original picture and add, for example, dried flowers and small pebbles.
    • Grow sprouts. If you want your seedlings to grow healthy and strong, then try to grow them in the eggshell. To do this, fill it with quality soil, put it in the egg package and take out several seeds in these containers. While they sprout do not water them, and every day sprinkle the soil from the

    sprayer. Beer from brittle hair, from slugs

    Use of beer in the household
    • Beer in our country is considered an exclusively alcoholic beverage that can relax the body after a long and difficult work week. But, for example, in Germany, this drink is taken more seriously
    • In this country people like to replace this drink with painkillers. They believe that a glass of fresh and natural beer can save you from a mild headache and toothache. Local beauties add its bath water, and thus rejuvenate their dermatological coverings of the
    • . But besides this, beer has other interesting uses. With the most popular we will introduce you to this article


    • Get rid of brittle hair. Most often, hair breaks due to the fact that they lack nutrients and. For this reason, they become very dry and begin to fall out. Return a healthy shine to your hair will help mask of beer. It contains substances that nourish the scalp, strengthen the roots of hair and make the curls stronger. To prepare this remedy you will need to mix natural beer with water in a proportion of 3: 1 and apply the resulting liquid to the hair. After five minutes, the hair should be rinsed with the nettle broth and let them dry naturally.
    • Struggle with slugs. These vile creatures really like strawberries and all kinds of cabbage. The most unpleasant, they eat vegetables, which at a certain point can not be treated with chemical herbicides. In this case beer can become an excellent substitute for purchased means. And for processing you do not need to buy a very expensive product. Since the slug attracts only a smell, then you can quite safely do with very cheap products. After buying beer, simply pour it into small plastic containers and bury them at ground level. Change the containers until the slugs of
    cease to drown in them. A bath with beer will help to relax and improve
    • We return the shine to the gold ornaments. Gold items become dull over time and covered with dark spots that do not clean out. But if you wipe such rings and bracelets with a cloth soaked in beer, then literally after the first treatment to them, their former shine will return. If the stains did not disappear for a long time, then the decorations will have to be soaked in beer, and then polished with a dry woolen cloth
    • We renew the lawn. Often in the summer on the lawns are formed ugly brown spots, which do not disappear even after repeated digging and planting grass. This is due to the fact that fungi multiply in the soil, which all the time amaze the grass in this place. But if you regularly water the affected area with beer, then in a couple of weeks you will notice that the grass will start to grow green and grow normally. During this time, the enzymes that are in the beer will kill the entire pathogenic microflora and contribute to a more intensive development of vegetation.

    Starch for dog hair, from irritation, for cleaning of silver.

    . Several ways of using starch in everyday life.
    • Starch can be found in the kitchen of any hostess. This white powder helps women cook delicate batter for chops, air cake biscuits and useful fruit jelly for small children. But our mothers and grandmothers used starch not only in the cooking of
    • . They used it to fight the greasy stains that inevitably appear in the kitchen during the frying. To do this, they simply applied a thick layer of starch onto the contaminated surface and allowed it to soak up unnecessary dirt.

    Interesting ways of using starch:

    • We are sorting out the wool of dogs. If pets live in your house, then you probably know how important it is that their wool is always clean. But unfortunately, the fast pace of our life does not allow us to bathe four-legged friends very often. A good alternative to bathing can be dry cleaning with starch. It allows you to rid the animal's fur from dirt, an unpleasant smell and make it as smooth as possible. All you need to do in this case is to put starch on the fur of a cat or a dog and comb it well
    • We fight with scorch marks. Sometimes during ironing, the iron overheats and things are not very beautiful on the items. Get rid of them you can with all the same starch. The stuck place should be slightly sprinkled with water and abundantly sprinkled with starch. Wait for the stain to dry out and carefully walk over it with a brush with a soft bristle
    Cleaning the silver with starch
    • Clean the silver. You can return the beautiful shine to silver products using liquid starch paste. Mix the starch and water in a 2: 1 ratio and apply the product to the silver. After about ten minutes, take a soft sponge and gently remove the remnants from the surface of the products. At the end, do a polishing with flannel cloth
    • . Remove irritation on the skin. If you were bitten by an insect and the skin started to burn very hard and itch, then treat the irritated space with starch diluted in water. This mixture will help to get rid of unpleasant symptoms and slightly cool the dermatological cover.

    Cinnamon for slimming, lightening hair, from smell from the mouth, from ants, to increase lips

    Use of cinnamon
    • Cinnamon refers to spicy spices that can turn a head to any gourmet. Probably only a few can refuse a sweet and delicate strudel or shortbread cookie, flavored with cinnamon. But if in our country this spice is used exclusively in cooking, then the Chinese, for example, use it for the treatment of colds and stomach problems.
    • They believe that useful substances that are in its composition can very well enhance immunity, remove the inflammatory process andto fight with pathogenic bacteria

    Interesting methods of using cinnamon:

    • Lighten your hair. If you want your locks to be a few tones lighter, but do not want to spoil them with chemical paints, then try to achieve the desired result with ground cinnamon. To prepare a natural color you will need cinnamon and natural honey. These products must be mixed together and doused for 10 minutes on a steam bath. After cooling, the mixture is applied to the hair and left there for about half an hour. But be prepared for the fact that at one time your hair will not brighten. Visible result can be achieved only after 3 procedures. More details here
    • We get rid of the unpleasant odor in the oral cavity. Cinnamon is pretty good, and most importantly for a long time, refreshing breath. So buy a cinnamon stick and always carry it with you. If necessary, you can literally make your breath quite pleasant in a couple of seconds. If you want the effect to last as long as possible, then rinse the mouth with the tea of ​​their cinnamon
    Cinnamon mask for lightening the hair
    • Get rid of excess kilograms. Scientists have long proven that quality cinnamon very good increases metabolism and prevents the deposition of fat cells in problem areas. Therefore, if there is it very often, then the weight will necessarily begin to decrease. And if you mix cinnamon with ginger and drink it with low-fat kefir, then this will help to establish the work of the digestive tract
    • . We fight with ants. Ants do not digest the taste and smell of cinnamon. Therefore, if sprinkled with her place of their dwelling in the house, then in a few days they will leave. But do not remove the surface, as soon as notice that the ants disappeared, to fix the result, leave it there for at least a week
    • Make plump lips. If you dream of lips like Angelina Jolie, then prepare a mixture of ground cinnamon and beeswax and a few minutes massage your mouth with them. Cinnamon for this time will start to irritate the skin and the lips will swell slightly. The effect of this manipulation will last for 3-5 hours


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