The effect of aloe during menstruation during different courses of treatment 1

Aloe is a popular houseplant. It is able not only to decorate the room, but also to strengthen the health of all members of the family. Aloe juice affects the human body as a biogenic stimulant, as a result, it is shown in almost all immunodeficient diseases, as well as for general strengthening of the body. You can prepare the medicine yourself, but it's even easier to buy ready-made ampoules for injections in the pharmacy.

Even aloe can be used with menstruation. What are the most effective recipes and patterns of application?


  • 1 Uses
    • 1 Uses
      • 2.1 For cosmetic purposes
      • 2.2 For various inflammations in the vagina and cervix
      • 2.3 For inflammation of the appendages
      • 2.4 Infertility
    • 3 Contraindications
    • 4 Side effects
    • 5 Is it possible with monthly and how affectscycle

Useful properties

For medicinal purposes it can be used as a plant juice, from which various infusions, decoctions, ointments, etc., and pharmacy ampoules are prepared.

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The latter contain a dry concentrate of aloe, dissolved in physiological saline. Each form has its own shortcomings and advantages, and therefore the indications for use are different. In particular, women are often interested in whether it is possible to prick the aloe during the menstruation. You can administer subcutaneous injections, but douching or tampons with the drug should be postponed for several days.

The composition of aloe juice contains the following active ingredients:

  • vitamin C or ascorbic acid;
  • tannins, vitamins A, E and B;
  • microelements iodine, bromine, and also some metals;
  • amino acids;
  • carotenoids;
  • catechins, flavonoids;
  • enzymes.

Ascorbic acid increases immunity, fights inflammation in the body. Vitamin C actively participates in the work of the body's antioxidant system, protecting cells from intoxication with metabolic products.

Iodine is necessary for normal functioning of the thyroid gland, it is a part of its hormones. And they directly affect the work of genital organs, including the ovaries.

Group B vitamins are necessary for the normal conduct of a nerve impulse, as well as for all the work of the brain and spinal cord. And they are known to regulate all processes in the body.

Amino acids are needed to build new cells. This is how regeneration processes occur. Because of this, it is useful to apply aloe juice to the skin of the face, which will help reduce fine wrinkles, slur the surface layer of the epidermis and renew the skin.

Enzymes are involved in the metabolism of cells, regulate metabolism.

Thus, aloe has the following properties:

  • has an anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effect;
  • promotes the normalization of metabolism;
  • normalizes the digestive system;
  • enhances the regenerative properties of the skin;
  • regular use improves the quality of hair, nails;
  • lowers cholesterol levels in the blood.
Aloe is actively used in gynecological practice. It is most often used in the complex treatment of inflammatory diseases( colpitis, adnexitis, etc.) of various etiology - mycoplasmal, chlamydial, ureplasm, and others. For this purpose, injections of aloe are carried out with monthly ones.

Also actively used medicine for infertility, for the treatment of cysts, various pathologies of the cervix.

Often, aloe injections are administered during a period of immunosuppression, including in the postoperative period. All this contributes to the speedy recovery of a person.

Useful video about the healing properties of aloe look at the video:

Uses of

Due to its multifaceted healing properties, aloe is widely used in many areas. In order to get juice at home, it is recommended not to water the plant on the eve of the plant for 3 to 5 days. And it is better to tear off the twigs not so young, it's better if they are already 1 - 2 years old. Usually they are located at the very bottom of the stem of the plant.

Ampoules with an already prepared extract are usually administered subcutaneously. On average, the regimens assume injections of 1 ml once a day or even a day or two.

For cosmetic purposes,

For this purpose, natural aloe vera juice and preparations prepared from it are mainly used.

Recipe 1 .You can get an effective mask for hair by mixing in equal quantities the liquid from the plant, egg yolk, honey, squeezed droplets of garlic. Prepared the composition should be applied to the hair, preferably vigorously rubbing into the roots and the skin around them. Let the balsam soak well, leaving it for about 15 to 20 minutes. Then it is necessary to wash off with water.

Masks can be done 3 - 4 times a month, which will give shine and strength to the hair, accelerate their growth. Such a composition with aloe in the case of a delay in menstruation can also be used, it will not cause harm even in the case of pregnancy.

It is useful to use plant juice for the face. You can simply break off a part of the twig, and then immediately wipe the skin. Regular similar procedures will reduce inflammation, refresh the color, give a healthy appearance. Aloe has proved to be successful in acne. To do this, you can use the method of preparation for the second recipe.

Recipe 2. Mix in equal parts honey and aloe juice. Apply to face and allow to soak for 20 to 30 minutes. Then it is necessary to wash off with water.

For various inflammations in the vagina and cervix

Aloe vera injections can be used for this purpose, but more often these are various solutions for douching or tampon preparation.

It is better to use this kind of treatment after examination and doctor's recommendations as part of complex therapy. Especially it concerns syringing and pawning tampons. The fact is that under certain conditions, such procedures should not be carried out. Natural aloe juice and monthly are incompatible for the use of plants in the form of tampons and syringes. During critical days, you can only do injections from a drugstore.

Recipe 1. The following prepared formulation can be used as a therapeutic solution for vaginitis. It is necessary to take 2 tbsp.l. Aloe juice, 3 tbsp.l.honey, mix, dissolve in several spoons of alcohol or vodka. Also to the mixture should be added decoction of chamomile flowers and sea buckthorn berries. All thoroughly mix and drink before meals 2 - 3 times a day.

Recipe 2. You can use aloe juice for douching. To do this, take it 4 - 5 st.l.and dissolve in a liter of warm water. The procedure is to spend once or twice a day.

For preparation of medical tampons it is necessary to take aloe juice and moisten a piece of cotton wool wrapped in cheesecloth. Place in the vagina. The time of exposure and the number of procedures are determined by the doctor, taking into account the severity of the pathological process on the cervix or vagina.

In cases of inflammation of the appendages

When adnexitis is most often used, injections of aloe. He is appointed in complex treatment along with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents. Often, women are interested in whether it is possible to prick the aloe during the menstruation. Indeed, such treatment can continue without fear and during critical days. Often it is combined with various physiotherapy procedures. The standard scheme of prescriptions is 1 ml( ampoule) of the solution subcutaneously once a day.

In cases of adhesive process in the small pelvis, aloe is used every other day in combination with other resorptive therapy.

We recommend reading the article about adnexitis. From it you will learn about the causes of the development of the inflammatory process, the ways of infection, the acute and chronic course of the disease, and also about treatment.

With Infertility

Also in the treatment of infertility is often an extract of aloe. Especially effective is this therapy for tubal infertility, endometriosis, ovarian dysfunction and some other conditions. Typically, this is a subcutaneous injection after 24 to 48 hours.


Despite the fact that this is a natural preparation, there are a number of contraindications to its administration. It is not recommended to use aloe in the following conditions:

  • If any form of drug intolerance is detected earlier. Also, if any symptoms of allergic reactions appear during this treatment, stop taking the medication immediately.
  • It is not recommended to use the drug during pregnancy because of unexplained effects on the developing fetus. In the form of tampons and syringings, do not use aloe juice with a delay of monthly until the fact of the occurred conception is excluded.
  • In case of exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including hemorrhoids, it is also better to refrain from this drug.

Side effects of

In addition to a possible allergic reaction, injections of aloe can increase intestinal motility, causing loosening of the stool. Also, the drug can promote some increase in blood pressure and body temperature. If such undesirable reactions occur, it is better to stop using the product.

Can it be used with monthly and how the cycle affects

Aloe can be used as an adjuvant therapy for various disorders of the menstrual cycle. So, with heavy bleeding should take a tablespoon of fresh juice three times a day. To do this, take the old leaves of the plant.

Aloe vera juice is also used to induce menstruation. To do this, the same scheme with fresh juice is suitable. But in such situations, always to begin with, it is necessary to exclude the fact of pregnancy.

Aloe juice has a restorative, immunomodulating property, positively affects the nervous system. All in a complex it contributes to the normalization of the menstrual cycle, which is often used for infertility.

Aloe is a well-known plant. At first glance, unsightly, it has a number of medicinal properties. Its effectiveness is proved by the fact that there is an industrial form of release - an extract in ampoules for subcutaneous administration. Aloe strengthens immunity, helps fight infection. Scheme of treatment with this drug, all the nuances of the therapy is determined by the doctor after the examination.

  • Mar 11, 2018
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