Regular painless menstruation for a woman is a health record. But the body of the fair sex is so sensitive that it reacts to almost everything: changing the climate and even moods, the slightest diseases and taking medications, which can lead to a cycle failure. The line between norm and pathology is subtle, more often than not a specialist can not do. Is it worth worrying if the monthly through every week? Is it normal?
- 1 Reasons for failure
- 1.1 ovulatory release
- 1.2 In the period of menstrual function
- 1.3 In perimenopausal
- 1.4 Against the background of hormone pills
- 1.5 Dysfunctional disorders
- 1.6 Hysteromyoma
- 1.7 Ovarian tumors
- 1.8 Pathologycavity and cervix
- 1.9 In pregnancy
- 1.10 With oncological pathology
- 2 When it's time to see a doctor
- 3 Diagnosis
- 4 Treatment
Causes of failures
Each woman should be led at least the simplest menstrual calendars, which will visually show all the cycle failures as soon as they occur.
Then it is easy to calculate and determine whether the complaints fit into the norm or are already indicative of pathology.Ovulatory allocation
In the middle of the cycle( approximately 14 to 16 days with the ideal schedule), the hormonal background in the girl changes - the first phase is rearranged to the second. Sometimes, even normally, it can be accompanied by a slight spotting, called ovulatory bleeding. It should last no more than 1 - 3 days, while the girl is sufficient to use the means of daily hygiene.
When ovulatory bleeding occurs, it turns out that the menstrual bleeding has just ended and the allocation has started again. All this can lead to confusion and anxiety to a woman. But if this continues from month to month, it really should "sound the alarm" and undergo a checkup, as a similar clinical picture can have polyps of the cavity and cervix.
We recommend reading the article about frequent monthly. From it you will learn about the causes that cause monthly twice a month and more often, the impact of hormonal malfunction and gynecological diseases.
During the formation of the menstrual function
During the first two years after the menarche, the girl may have irregular periods, including sometimes they may appear less than 21 days later. This is considered the absolute norm, if the allocation is uninvested, do not violate the normal life of the girl. But if the like is observed after two years, you should consult a gynecologist.
In the perimenopausal period
When the function of the ovaries in a woman fades, there may also be various malfunctions of the menstrual cycle. But at this time it should already be more cautious about your health, since only in 10% of cases the violations will be functional. All the rest - serious diseases, including cancer.
Against the backdrop of hormonal tablets
Women are very often used for the protection and treatment of oral contraceptives. If there is a violation of the regimen, as well as in the first months of use, there may be various irregularities in the menstrual cycle. As a rule, with all the recommendations, the monthly ones are being adjusted.
Dysfunctional violations
The diagnosis of "dysfunction" is quite common. Usually, he is preferred when there are no obvious causes, and a woman has a "bunch of problems" of a gynecological and obscheomatic profile. In fact, dysfunctional disorders are not always innocuous.
Dysfunctional bleeding develops against the background of the following pathologies:
Cause | Why it happens |
Thyroid Diseases | All conditions that lead to a change in the concentration of its hormones in the blood somehow affect the functioning of the genital organs. The pathology of the thyroid gland can "trigger" polycystic ovary changes, which subsequently leads to delays or, conversely, frequent menstruation. |
Overweight | Many people know that adipose tissue is hormonal active, in which the adrogens are converted into estrogens. It is on the weight of a woman that her menstrual function largely depends. With a sharp decrease in body weight, there is an estrogen deficiency in the body, as a result, menstruation may disappear altogether. And with excess, the woman is exposed to excessive influence of sex hormones, which entails a number of pathological processes in the uterine cavity( for example, hyperplasia and polyposis), which lead to the fact that sometimes the monthly go through every week. Such conditions require mandatory additional treatment and timely diagnosis. |
Stresses and persistent psychoemotional overstrain | Eventually lead to various cycle failures in a woman. Menstruation can both disappear for a long time, become irregular and arise as bleeding, even less than 21 days later. |
Climate change, living conditions | This also affects the functioning of the female reproductive system. The adaptation is on average 3 to 6 months, during which various malfunctions can occur. |
Excessive physical activity | First, intensive training affects the body weight of a woman. Secondly, excessive exercises, as well as the intake of anabolic drugs, which is often practiced to quickly achieve results, lead to an imbalance of sex hormones and to various dysfunctional disorders. |
Inflammation of | Inflammation also often causes malfunctions of the menstrual cycle. This may be the only symptom of the infectious process, sometimes it is accompanied by lower abdominal pains, pathological discharge, etc. |
Myoma of the uterus
Myoma of the uterus - a consequence of hormonal disorders in the body of a woman and the growth of pathological foci. Against this background, and may appear various bleeding. But also with myoma increases the probability of hyperplasia of the endometrium, polyps - all this at any time can provoke the appearance of bloody salve, which can be mistaken for menstruation. Bleeding occurs with submucous myomas more often than with intramural or subserous arrangement of nodes.
Ovarian tumors
Not all, but some of the ovarian formations can affect their work, as well as the overall hormonal status of the woman. As a result, various failures occur.
Pathology of the cavity and cervix
Frequent menstruation of a different nature occurs against the background of hyperplasia, cervical polyps and cervical canal. There are many reasons for their formation. Treatment is not always effective, the percentage of recurrences is high.
When Pregnant
Sometimes menstruation-like secretions occur during pregnancy just at the supposed critical days, and then without any regularity. Similar interruption threats can last even a few months while a woman suspects a pregnancy. Pain in the abdomen, as well as other signs may not be. The intensity of excretions varies from a minor ointment to heavy bleeding.
In case of oncological pathology of
In acyclic secretions, the first to be eliminated is a different oncological pathology, since the nature of the treatment is radically different from all other diseases.
Frequent menstrual bleeding can manifest as malignant pathology of the uterine cavity, and ovaries, cervical canal.
Look at the video about the causes of menstrual twice a month:
When it's time to see a doctor
If a woman observes such violations for more than one month and without visible causes( stress, weight change), you should immediately seek medical help. The earlier the pathology is detected, the better it is amenable to therapy.
In the event that a provoking factor is found, for example, a woman used emergency contraception or disrupted contraceptive reception, after moving, you can wait a while for the body to independently balance. But if there is any doubt, you should consult your doctor.
Why every month there are monthly, you can say for sure, having carried out a certain complex of examinations. The main ones are :
- examination of the cervix and vagina in gynecological mirrors;
- cytological examination, if necessary - cervical biopsy;
- ultrasound examination of pelvic organs;
- hysteroscopy or laparoscopy;
- diagnostic curettage is the most common procedure for pathological discharge from the uterine cavity;
- examination for hormones, sexual infections.
Treatment of
Treatment depends on the revealed pathology. So, if the cause is of an organic nature( tumor, endometrial hyperplasia, etc.), the monthly ones will pass every 2 weeks only if the pathological focus is removed. Most often, this curettage of the uterine cavity with the removal of its internal membrane. Hysteroscopy is also widely used, during which it is possible to remove polyps and hyperplastic areas of the endometrium under the control of vision, as well as small submucous myomas and the like.
Sometimes, there is a need for serious surgical interventions, such as removal of the ovaries and even the uterus.
We recommend reading the article how to distinguish the monthly from bleeding. From it you will learn about the difference between heavy menstruation and bleeding, ways to distinguish normal monthly from pathology, the necessary treatment.
If violations of a functional nature, here is used the entire arsenal of conservative gynecology. Most often the preference is given to the following:
- vitamin therapy,
- hormonal drugs( gestagen-estrogenic or monocomponent),
- antibacterial agents,
- hemostatic,
- physiotherapy and some others.
Irregular monthly - this is no longer the norm. And if bleeding is repeated more than 21 days later, in 80% of cases, serious diseases that require competent and timely treatment are hidden behind it.