Important facts about whether you can syringe during periods of menstruation

Critical days, even coming exactly on schedule, sometimes happen very inappropriately. For example, if there is a gynecological disease, the treatment of which includes locally used drugs. Is it possible to douche during monthly periods in this case, or is it better to wait out this period?


  • 1 Why is douching
  • 2 Is it possible to carry out the procedure for menstruating
  • 3 Other contraindications for syringing
  • 4 Can syringe and how to do it?

Why is douching?

Irrigating the vagina with a medicine or decoction of plants is one of the components of the complex treatment of various gynecological problems. It can be candidiasis, an inflammatory or infectious disease. Many of them are characterized by the presence of signs that change feelings in the internal genital organs. The woman is bothered by itching and burning, pain, a different kind of discomfort. Douching facilitates them and eventually removes completely.

Irrigation is also used in the absence of these features. After all, with its help, the medicinal components fall directly into the zone of genital organs affected by the disease. This helps to cope with malaise more quickly, to exclude relapse.

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Douching allows you to wash out pathogenic microorganisms and the consequences of their vital functions from the walls of the vagina.

Is it possible to carry out the procedure for menstruation

Monthly is the process of removing the old layer of the uterine mucosa with the replacement of it with a new one. The internal surface of the body at this time is very vulnerable. After all, blood is a favorable environment for pathogenic bacteria. In addition, the cervix with the monthly open is wider than usual. And access to bacteria inside the body is not limited.

These reasons explain why experts do not recommend patients to do syringing on critical days.

Despite the fact that it is carried out with the use of medicinal herbs or preparations, it can become a provocateur of the inflammatory process. Or cause a chemical burn with a gentle mucous membrane.

But what about treatment? After all, its continuity is one of the conditions for recovery. There are nuances:

Look at the video about the benefits of douching:

Other contraindications to syringing

Irrigating the vagina is prohibited and for many other reasons. The procedure can cause new health problems in the following cases:

Contraindiction Why can not
Pregnancy Douching can result in miscarriage or premature birth.
Preparing to visit a gynecologist A specialist during a survey may need to take a swab from the vagina. And if you wash its walls, using irrigation, information about the organ's microflora will be false. This entails the appointment of an incorrect treatment.
Acute stage of inflammatory disease In this case, the procedure can serve to spread and aggravate the problem.
Any intervention on the uterus( abortion, miscarriage, diagnostic or therapeutic curettage, recent childbirth, etc.). The body should receive conditions for recovery, and douching will break the process.
Myoma and endometriosis These pathologies are not treated with douching, and the procedure can be harmful.
Itching and other discomfort in the genital area Douching does not solve the problem, but it can be aggravated if you choose the wrong composition for irrigation. First, we need a diagnosis.
Hygienic procedures Douching is not applied for this purpose. Manipulation is curative and can only be prescribed by a doctor, but not used alone.

Can syringe and how to do it

Soda is one of the most commonly used in the treatment of gynecological problems of home remedies.

The solution helps with thrush, if used with other therapies.

To do this, prepare the liquid from 1 tsp.powder and 200 ml of boiled water. Then inject the product into the vagina, lying with raised hips and trying to hold it for 30 to 40 seconds. This helps to quickly neutralize the fungus and get rid of the sensation of itching.

Some women use a soda solution to increase their chances of conception. After all, it reduces the acidity of the vagina, hence, should favor the existence of spermatozoa. Although scientifically it is not confirmed.

We recommend reading an article on the treatment of erosion of the cervix with douching. From it you will learn about the disease, its symptoms and treatment, as well as effective prescriptions for syringing from erosion.

But it is unclear whether syringe can be syringed during menstruation. After all, in this period thrush often exacerbated. Nevertheless, it is impossible to fight with it irrigating the vagina in critical days. Soda can cause burns and pain.

Douching was once considered an effective auxiliary method for the therapy of female diseases. But now the procedure is no longer of such importance, because there are many other means of topical application. But if the doctor has appointed exactly syringing, do it outside the critical days.

  • Mar 11, 2018
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