Density and shine of hair are important criteria of beauty. And menstruation is an indicator of women's health. But not everyone is aware of the fact that hair during menstruation can tell about the problems with it. After all, their condition depends on the balance of hormones no less than the work of the reproductive organs.
- 1 Hormones and health of female curls
- 2 What causes fallout on critical days?
- 2.1 Pathological causes of severe hair loss during menstruation
- 2.2 Absence of menstruation and problems with curls
- 3 Haircut and menstruation
Hormones and health of female locks
In the structure of hair, the most part is occupied by protein compounds. Their volume and quality are dependent on the exchange of many substances. And it, in turn, is determined by the active components produced by the glands of internal secretion. Protein metabolism is due to sex hormones.
Violation of the balance of sex hormones, a deficiency of these substances simultaneously instantly affect the hair, when other signs are not so pronounced.
The composition of hormones does not happen in women unchanged. It varies cyclically, which ensures regular rejection of the uterine mucosa. It depends on it, how the monthly affect the hair. All the changes in full health look like this:
- At the end of menstruation, an increase in estradiol, which spurs protein metabolism. Its volume increases the entire follicular stage, that is, until the egg ripens. This is the period of growth acceleration of ringlets, which by the time of ovulation get their best shape. This is how estradiol affects them;
- From the moment of ovulation, progesterone increases quantitatively, and the amount of estrogens decreases. The first substance is known for its quality to activate the activity of the sebaceous glands. Curls are made more fat, more quickly get dirty. Just before menstruation, there is a "rivalry" between hormones, which inevitably affects the state of health and appearance. Hair before the month is also under stress from this storm. They become weaker, look worse, their loss is activated.
What causes fallout on critical days?
The existence of the hair reaches 3-7 years. Then its bulb weakens, it falls out. In its place grows different. So the loss of hair is a routine process, because thanks to it they are replaced. What can be more natural than renewing the body?
Monthly and hair loss are not just coincidental events. After all, critical days - this is also an update of the reproductive system, when the uterus is released from the old layer of the mucosa, the ovaries are preparing to isolate the next follicle, the lost blood is replenished.
But changes are always associated with a lot of stress for the body. Therefore, in addition to the known manifestations of menstruation, there is an increase in hair loss. It is important that then each of them is replaced by a new one.
Natural slowing of the processes of body cell replacement begins before the menopause. This will affect the hair, which women also thinning, as the ovaries weaken their functions, and the hormonal activity decreases.
We recommend reading the article on how many years the first months can begin. You will learn about the first signs of the beginning of the menstrual cycle, the preparation of the child, the peculiarities of hygiene and the need for a first visit to the gynecologist.
Pathological causes of severe loss of hair on menstruation
Sometimes, during periods of hair loss, those who suffer from heavy discharge are stronger. If a woman loses more than 150 ml of a biological fluid daily, the body's resources are not enough for everything.
After a while, she can remember that her locks are "bunched up" during menstruation. This is one of the signs of anemia, that is, iron deficiency. It is necessary not only for the formation of new blood cells, but also for the regulation of metabolic processes. Consequently, and the fortress ringlets.
Dropping hair during a profuse period can indicate:
- Myoma of the uterus;
- Endometriosis;
- Hormonal disorder caused by improper contraceptive methods.
Absence of menstruation and problems with locks
It is alarming if a woman discovers that she does not have a period and hair falls out. This is a sign of a serious hormonal malfunction and often accompanying him or a gynecological disease caused by him. Both of these signs occur simultaneously with:
- Abnormal increase in the volume of androgens;
- Estrogen deficiency;
- Insufficient function of the thyroid gland, when it does not produce the right amount of TSH.
Many undetected diseases and conditions may become the reason for this:
- Pituitary tumors;
- Polycystic ovary;Cysts and neoplasms on the ovaries;
- Diabetes mellitus;
- Tumors of the adrenal glands.
Similar to hair with simultaneous absence of menstruation can be observed during pregnancy. But the combination of signs should convince a woman to go to a specialist to find out the reason for their appearance. It may be necessary to study blood for hormones, ultrasound of the pelvic organs.
We advise you to read an article about raising the temperature before critical days. You will learn about the causes of such an organism reaction, possible pathological processes, and also why it is important to monitor this indicator.
Haircut and menstruation
In connection with all that has been said, many women inevitably have a question about whether hair can be cut during menstruation. Strict instructions, like prohibitions, do not exist on this score. Caring for yourself is regardless of the phase of the cycle. But in order not to cut hair with monthly, there may be several reasons:
- Decreased immunity. This is an established support for critical days, caused by a decline in all the same hormones. Visiting places of a large congestion of people, which always happens in salons, will facilitate the path to the body of viruses;
- Not very well. This sign does not pass almost all, and sit out in the barber's chair will have more than a dozen minutes. And inhaling cosmetic odors does not help improve the condition;
- Weakening of hair. Haircut in the month can lead to an increase in their loss. It will require intensive combing, drying. The locks are now thinned and weakened, which can prevent them from properly lying down. And this will affect the quality of haircuts and appearance;
- No possibility of staining. Many people prefer to cut hair at the same time and refresh the color. With menstruation, there is a risk of not getting the desired shade, but absolutely unimaginable.
For these reasons, many women prefer to deal with hair outside the critical days. The optimal period is the time immediately before and after ovulation.
This is known to physicians, so do not be afraid of the seeming frivolity of the situation, you should hurry for help. The time of treatment for her can be decisive in the treatment.