Caloric content of
products One of the most important principles of rational nutrition organization is the replenishment of the energy expenditure of the organism. The potential energy value of products is measured in kilocalories. To do this, use the special tables to determine the amount of assimilable components( nutrients) in the prepared portion and multiply their mass in grams: proteins by 4, fats by 9, carbohydrates by 4. For example, 100 g of pasteurized milk contains 2, 8 g of proteins, 3, 2 g fat, 4, 7 g carbohydrates, which, given their digestibility, is 58 kcal( kcal).
About the relationship between the calorie content of a number of fairly common dishes and energy costs for many known physical exertion is somewhat arbitrary, but can be judged by the following calculations. Portions of fried potatoes( 330 kcal) is enough to 40 football, and a few dried fruits( dried apricots, raisins)( 20 kcal) to perform morning exercises.
Portion of boiled potatoes in 200 g( 170 kcal) will provide energy for dancing 40 minutes, banana and apple( 290 kcal) - to 1,5 hours without rest to clean the apartment, a portion of goulash with vegetables( 570 kcal) to1 hour to engage in wrestling judo. And to 2 hours to row on the boat with oars, it is enough to eat a portion of roast chicken with potatoes( 180 kcal);so that 10 football, enough to eat an egg, hard-boiled or soft-boiled( 157 kcal).A portion of grated carrots( 60 kcal) will provide enough energy for 20 for a typewriter. The fish, sprinkled with grated cheese( 725 kcal), will give an opportunity to walk about 20 km in 3-3.5 hours.1 hour and 5 minutes you can perform simple gymnastic exercises, eating a portion of whipped cream( 150 kcal);without interruption you can perform a six-minute exercise with a rope, drinking a glass of beer( 95 kcal).The energy value of a handful of almonds is enough to perform for 50 minutes. Painting works that require approximately 190 kcal, and portions of fruit with cream( 440 kcal) - to clean the snow for an hour. Even a half liter bottle of milk( 290 kcal) provides energy for a healthy person to ride a bicycle for at least an hour( of course, at a moderate speed).
The long excess of caloric content of a daily ration of 300-500 kcal is inevitably accompanied by a disturbance of metabolic processes. In this regard, everyone needs to know that food products are divided according to their energy value, again somewhat conditionally, into four groups.
The first, the most caloric and "harmful" for the body group, include rich in fat and easily digestible carbohydrates confectionery. Close on the energy intensity to the first group of cream and vegetable oil, cream.
To the second group it is customary to include fat beef, lamb, goose, duck, fat cheeses and cottage cheese, sausages, and sometimes semolina, rice and potatoes.
Beef category II, low-fat cheese and cottage cheese, ordinary bakery products, buckwheat, millet, pearl barley, oatmeal, fruits and vegetables, relatively rich in easily digestible carbohydrates, and many types of fish are considered to be simply caloric foods.
A separate and very useful group is low-calorie products. In particular, fruits and vegetables that are not high in easily digestible carbohydrates, skimmed milk, buttermilk, skimmed milk products and fish.