How to relieve tension from the eyes of working on a computer
Currently, many people sit for hours on the computer monitors or in front of TV screens, which, as a rule, although not causing obvious damage by medical indicators, can make the eyes tired,their master. Eyes experience tension and fatigue when the muscles that cause the eyeball to move are tired from staying in the static position for a long time. It's like running all day without a break. Those who constantly use the computer at work are probably familiar with such symptoms as headache, blurred vision, irritation, excessive moisturizing or dry eyes, doubling of the image, increased blinking.
If you suffer from dry eye syndrome, prolonged exposure to the computer screen can only worsen the situation. The above symptoms are usually caused by poor lighting or blinding light, poor positioning of the workplace, and vision problems that you do not yet know, and simply because you do not blink often enough.
As a rule, we blink twelve to fifteen times per minute. However, when concentration or reading, blinking slows down. This can cause dry eyes.
When you blink, the upper eyelid acts like a "wiper" on the windshield - it lubricates the eyes with tears. Blinking gives the eye a brief rest, while at the same time cleansing and moisturizing the surface of the eyeball, so that a clear image is preserved.
Permanent users of the computer, in addition to eye problems, often experience pain in the neck, a feeling of tension in the shoulders and back, because they keep their head in an unusual position for a long time. Points for such a user should be carefully adjusted, their design should meet the requirements of working with a computer. If the person is sitting too close to the screen, spasms may appear in the muscles of the neck, shoulders and back.
If you spend a lot of hours at the computer every day, it does not matter - at work or at home, using the Internet to send letters, try to carefully check your eyes with an ophthalmologist. If you have an unpleasant feeling in your eyes, they give you trouble, perhaps you need a new prescription for glasses. In some cases you have to use glasses for monovision, multifocal or special computer glasses.
Now produce several types of lenses for computer users. Most of them are multi-focus glasses without a dividing line, the upper part of which is designed to work at the computer, and the lower part of the lens is adapted to work near, for example, typing on the keyboard. Due to the fact that such glasses do not correct the distance, as do general-purpose lenses, they are designed solely for computer use. You can use special computer contact lenses.
The glasses for the average distance provide the same quality of vision for working with the computer and the keyboard, focusing on the distance chosen for the eyes when using the monitor. There are also several simple ways to relieve muscle fatigue and let your eyes rest.
Even if you are completely absorbed in work, be sure to take small breaks. Every few minutes, take your eyes off the screen and look out the window to let your eyes rest from fixing in one position. Every 20-30 minutes try to stand up and warm up. Burst from time to time, make circular motions to help the muscles recover( although it is better if you do some exercises sitting at the table).If your computer is equipped with a timer, set it to remind yourself of the exercise, or attach a note to the monitor to refresh the memory. The same breaks should be done for any work that requires visual exertion, such as reading, working with documents, embroidering.
If the eyes are constantly feeling dry or irritated, use moisturizing eye drops( artificial tears).If you choose generic medicines without a protective film, you can cause eye irritation. Therefore, your doctor should offer you high-quality medicines.
To reduce the glare effect from the computer screen, move the light source or install a visor or protective screen;It is also possible to select a screen with anti-reflective effect. Do not place the monitor against the light emanating from the window. It is necessary to observe the proper angle in the location of the monitor in relation to all natural light sources.
Clean the screen frequently with a clean, damp cloth.
Try to choose a light background for work with a dark font, it is more convenient for the eyes than a dark background with light letters.
Set the monitor 4-9 inches below eye level and 20-26 inches from the eyes.
Try to take a natural posture for work that does not cause tension in the back, neck and muscles of the shoulders, which will allow the eyes to calmly look at the screen:
- sit down, completely leaning on the back of an armchair or chair. Do not press the calves to a chair. If you are unable to control the position taken, place a supporting pillow under your lower back( you can buy it at any computer store).The feet should stand firmly on the floor. If they do not touch the floor, use a stand or a thick book, such as a telephone book;
- put the monitor and keyboard right in front of you, without moving one way. Try to place the processed document approximately on the same level with the screen, so that the stand and the screen are at the same distance from the eyes;
- keyboard should be located flat or with a slope to the seated, the mouse is placed at the same height. Ideally, the elbow should be positioned at an angle greater than 19 °, and the wrists placed flat. If you can not accept this situation because your table is too tall, use an additional shelf with a retractable keyboard located under the table top;
- , sit at arm's length from the monitor screen to avoid unnecessary eye strain and neck tilt. By taking the correct position, you can only touch the monitor lightly with the palm of your hand.
Yu. Saveleva "Methods of vision improvement"