- Pharmacological properties of
- Why do I need Eleutherococcus tincture?
- How to use
- Contraindications
The pace of modern life sometimes does not allow you to sleep properly, the number of stressful situations is increasing every day, and as a result - low efficiency, sluggish immunity and chronic fatigue. If these symptoms occur, Eleutherococcus tincture can help. Subject to regular application, it restores vitality and energy. Liquid extract perfectly tones up and promotes concentration of attention.
But this is not the only indication for the use of Eleutherococcus. This tool can be used as a caring product for hair, as well as a powerful stimulant during sports. The range of use of tincture is very wide, and its price will please any consumer.
Eleutherococcus plant is a spiny shrub with a highly developed branching rhizome. Its trunk is covered with numerous spines and can reach 4 meters in height. The leaves of this plant are complex on long petioles. Inflorescences consist of small flowers, they are collected in the form of umbrellas in the upper part of the shoot, some are located singly along the branch.
From the root of Eleutherococcus an alcoholic tincture is produced, which can be shown for use in a number of different cases. It can be used both for prevention and treatment of diseases, it is prescribed during pregnancy and promotes immunity in adults and children.
Pharmacological properties of
Eleutherococcus tincture is a liquid extract of rhizomes of a plant with roots joined in a ratio of 1: 1.As an auxiliary substance, ethyl alcohol 40% is used. The product is colored in a dark brown color and has a specific flavor. With prolonged storage, a precipitate may appear.
Eleutherococcus rhizomes have the following composition:
- vitamins - A, B, B1, C, D, E, F, G;
- eleutherosides;
- flavonoids;
- coumarin derivatives;
- essential oils;
resin, vegetable wax; - starch.
Substances called eleutorusozy promote mental and physical capacity, improve visual acuity, help the body resist adverse environmental conditions, stimulate metabolic processes and exert hypoglycemic effects.
Note! Very often, many people confuse eleuterococcus and ginseng, as these plants are similar in their qualities. At its core, the tinctures of these two plants really do not differ much, although they have some individual characteristics. But still it is not necessary to make a decision on the replacement of eleutherococcus extract with tincture of ginseng, when the first drug was not available.
Why do I need Eleutherococcus tincture?
Liquid extract of Eleutherococcus possesses amazing properties that help the human body in conditions of modern ecology and vital rhythm. It perfectly removes fatigue and tones, raises concentration of attention and promotes increase of resistance of an organism to various sorts of diseases.
Eleutherococcus is used to prevent and treat acute respiratory infections, with neuroses and atherosclerosis. Its use favorably affects the work of the brain and allows you to overcome a difficult adaptation period after a craniocerebral trauma. With a comprehensive approach tincture is highly effective during the fight against malignant neoplasms and diabetes mellitus.
Important! In the case of such a severe disease as diabetes mellitus, the liquid extract shows a vasodilating property, as a result of which the sensitivity of the membrane cellular structures to the carbohydrates is activated and the excess glucose begins to "leave" the blood.
If you are concerned for a long time with non-healing wounds, then in this case this drug comes to the rescue. In this situation, eleutherococcus shows regenerative, anti-inflammatory and healing properties, and thus contributes to the fastest possible tightening of complex skin injuries. Also, this remedy is able to significantly improve the skin condition with seborrheic dermatitis, and with regular use completely rid of this disease.
Eleutherococcus extract is an excellent tool for the prevention of atherosclerosis, as it has the ability to clean the walls of blood vessels from cholesterol plaques and restores the basic functions of the entire vascular system.
But some of the beneficial properties of Eleutherococcus and, of course, the contraindications of alcohol tincture should be discussed in more detail.
pressure As a rule, hypotension is accompanied by low blood pressure, and with this disease, the funds based on Eleutherococcus are quite effective. To use, the tincture or liquid extract of this plant is most commonly prescribed, which show a powerful tonic effect, normalizing metabolic processes and calming the central nervous system. The course of treatment lasts about a month, during which take an average of 25 drops of the drug in the morning 30 minutes before eating.
Important! Remember that eleutherococc is categorically contraindicated in hypertension, characterized by high blood pressure, as well as atherosclerosis, sleep disorders and acute heart failure.
For the immune system
Eleutherococcus is indispensable for immunity, as it is a very strong adaptogen that helps the human body adapt to various environmental conditions in record time. Means, which include the rhizomes of this plant, are often prescribed during the period of adaptation after complex diseases such as pneumonia, as well as vibratory and pulmonary diseases in the chronic stage.
Eleutherococcus tincture is an excellent prophylaxis of immunodepression. It is prescribed in the preoperative period with thymomegaly, which makes it possible to eliminate the risk of recurrence and a new disease almost twice.
There is a positive trend in the use of this drug in the conduct of radiation and chemical therapy. After such procedures, in combination with the treatment of eleutherococcus and antibiotics, a significant improvement in the condition of patients suffering from radiation and cancer diseases was noted.
During pregnancy
During pregnancy, very often there is a feeling of fatigue, which you can deal with on your own is quite problematic. In this and many other situations that accompany the period of pregnancy, effective tincture of Eleutherococcus is able to provide. It exhibits the following positive properties:
- increases the vitality of the body;
- helps to overcome various stressful situations;
- is effective for mental and physical overwork;
- has a curative effect in vegetovascular dystonia, asthenia, low blood pressure, chronic pyelonephritis, herpes;
- removes a feeling of drowsiness, dizziness and general weakness.
. Attention! Remember that pregnant women are not recommended to use medicines without acute need. Although it is believed that the funds based on Eleutherococcus in small doses are absolutely harmless, yet before using them it is necessary to consult with your doctor.
For children
Eleutherococcus has been shown to reduce the risk of infectious diseases in children by about three times. It is prescribed for both prevention and treatment of such ailments. The drug perfectly strengthens children's immunity, and its properties are not weakened throughout the year.
Note! The tincture of eleutherococcus surpasses even the famous ginseng in these cases, since it has a prolonged effect.
This tool will help in situations stressful for the child, it well relieves nervous tension, excitement and emotions arising on minor occasions. And even with a single admission eleutherococcus will show high efficiency. The use of drugs based on this plant is indicated for hyperactivity and for the treatment of severe diseases, as well as after chemical and radiotherapy, which lead to a significant weakening of the body.
Important! Despite the fact that the extract contains alcohol in its composition, its use will not harm your child, since the concentration of alcohol component is insignificant.
For men
Since eleutherococcus is similar in its properties to ginseng, and in some ways even exceeds it, it is a rather useful root for men. It is established that its use has a beneficial effect on sexual function and helps in the treatment of sexual disorders. The extract of this plant can also be taken to prevent sexual impotence in 35 drops in the morning before meals.
Important! Remember that with hypertension, dysfunction of the heart muscle, insomnia and increased excitability, you should stop using this drug.
But this is not the only benefit of this plant for representatives of the strong half of humanity. Being a strong adaptogen, eleutherococcus has found its application in bodybuilding and other sports that assume the presence of extreme conditions. And this root shows the following effects:
- tones up the body;
- improves the metabolism;
- normalizes blood sugar levels;
- improves overall well-being;
- helps to increase stress resistance;
- enhances the adaptive abilities of the body.
Note! To confirm these useful properties, studies were carried out that revealed that people who took the preparations of this root under extreme conditions felt a significant improvement in their health, they had a decrease in morbidity, increased lung capacity, increased endurance, and an early restoration of strength.
For these reasons, eleutherococcus has gained the widest distribution in sports. This adaptogen relieves drowsiness and gives a charge of energy, improves the function of the respiratory and vascular systems, quickly normalizes the pulse and blood pressure.
For hair
Eleutherococcus preparations are prescribed for alopecia, seborrheic dermatitis and brittle hair. They normalize the lipid metabolism and positively affect the condition of the scalp.
To prevent the loss of hair follicles, it is recommended to rub the products on the basis of this plant into the roots before each washing. It is desirable to take the extract and inside. The duration of the course should not be less than one month. The drug should be taken from 5 and fined with 40 drops, diluted in a glass of water.
How to use
Now you should consider how to take Eleutherococcus. First, the vial must be shaken to mix the contents. The scheme of reception is as follows:
- for adults - 20-30 drops diluted in a small amount of water and drink half an hour before meals in the morning;
- for children the dosage is calculated by the attending physician, which should not exceed the following ratio - 1 drop for 1 year of life.
The duration of the course is from 25 to 30 days.
Eleutherococcus has the following contraindications:
- chronic hypertension;
- sleep disorders;
- arrhythmia;
- myocardial infarction;
- period of viral disease;
- menstrual period;
- diarrhea;
- period of lactation;
- is an individual intolerance.
In most cases, no side effects are observed. But if you notice the occurrence of any anxiety symptoms, then the use of preparations of Eleutherococcus should be discontinued.