Tincture of valerian relieves stress and treats diseases in one sitting!

Use of Valerian officinalis
  • How to prepare tincture
  • Valerian tincture in folk medicine
  • Rules for admission
  • Valerian and pregnancy
  • Valerian and young children
  • Contraindications

  • Valerian has been known since the time of Avicenna, who used it for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract,kidney and cardiovascular system. Today, the range of her healing effects is extensive: she masterfully copes with stress, nervous overexcitation, expels insomnia, relieves panic attacks.

    Valerian tincture calms the nervous system, relaxes the body, relieves headaches and normalizes appetite. This is truly an indispensable tool in the realities of our existence, filled with conflict, emotions and nervous tension.

    The use of Valerian officinalis

    The rich tincture of valerian is distinguished by its rich chemical content. The plant contains essential oils, borneol( having a soothing effect), tannins, alcohols, starch, alkaloids, resins, pinenes, acetic and formic acid, endowed with a relaxing effect.

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    Warning! Means, called us "valerian", are made from the roots of a plant and ethyl alcohol, with a strength of 70%, in a 1: 5 ratio.

    Tincture gives amazing results only if it is systematically applied, and in conjunction with sedatives and basic therapy.

    Due to its calming and relaxing features, valerian tincture is indispensable in the prevention and treatment of cardiac ailments: hypertension, angina, tachycardia. In addition, it is widely used for nervous disorders, frequent headaches, neuralgia and migraine. The product perfectly removes spasms, so it is used for intestinal and stomach neuroses, chronic diarrhea, spastic colitis.

    Infusions of valerians have a multifaceted effect on the body

    Valerian eliminates the increased nervous excitability, heals epilepsy, improves appetite due to increased secretory function of the stomach, pancreas and bile secretion. Regular use of tincture of valerian eliminates worms in humans and animals.

    How to prepare tincture

    Procurement of raw materials

    For the tincture use the roots of valerian, which is excavated in early September. Washed, cleaned from unnecessary outgrowth of rhizome dries in a draft away from the rays of the sun.

    Warning! For the preparation of medicinal products, it is necessary to use only those roots that have turned more than two years old. It is in this raw material contains the greatest number of useful substances.

    The process of cooking

    The tincture of valerian, the recipe of which is quite simple, is prepared on water and alcohol. Both drugs have the same healing power.

    Recipe on the water. Rinse thoroughly one root of the plant and grind it in a coffee grinder. Separate from the received weight 1 tablespoon of raw materials, put in a thermos and pour a glass of steep boiling water. Leave to infuse for 12 hours. Filter and squeezed out liquid take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment should not exceed 60 days.

    Recipe for alcohol. Shredded valerian roots in a bottle of dark glass and pour 70% alcohol( ratio 1: 5).The container tightly clog and insist for 14 days in the heat( and in the sun).

    Alcoholic valerian tincture acts faster than water.

    To avoid problems with how to drink valerian tincture on alcohol, simply measure 20-25 drops and drink 3-4 times a day for insomnia, heart pain, neuroses, stomach and intestinal spasms.

    Attention! Spirituous infusion, unlike water, acts faster and is slightly more effective.

    Valerian tincture in folk medicine

    From abdominal pain

    Water tincture of valerian is an excellent remedy for small children's organisms. It removes severe pain in the abdomen and flatulence. To make a medicine, crushed roots of the plant( 1 teaspoon) pour boiling water( 1 glass) and insist 2-3 hours. Filtered broth, give the child every 2-3 hours for 0.5-1 teaspoon.

    There is another recipe: take chamomile flowers, dill seeds and finely chopped valerian roots( in equal parts) and make a decoction out of them. Accept it by the above instructions.

    Warning! With a warm water infusion, you can rub the baby's belly, moving clockwise, and then warmly wrap the patient.

    With ailments of the gastrointestinal tract

    The tincture of valerian masterly copes with a variety of gastrointestinal diseases. For this, seeds of cumin and fennel are prepared, mint leaves, chamomile flowers and crushed valerian roots( all in 1 teaspoonful).The collection is poured with alcohol( 2.5 cups) and placed in a warm place for 12 days, after which the infusion is filtered and consumed 2 teaspoons twice a day.

    With cardiovascular diseases

    Valerian is usually taken with cardiac diseases

    Valerian is most often associated with people with heart disease treatment. For these purposes, you can take as an independent tincture, and a medicinal assortment made on cognac.

    To create such a tool, take the leaves of lemon balm, the roots of valerian( 1 tablespoon), yarrow and St. John's wort( 1 teaspoon).All ingredients grind, pour cognac( about 4 cups) and determine in a warm place for 5 days.

    Drink a tincture of 1 teaspoonful 2 times a day after you have had a bite.

    From stress and tension

    Multilateral therapeutic effect on the body has a tincture of valerian. Application of it under stress, nervous breakdowns, stress became practically a tradition. Ragged nerves perfectly restore the following recipe: tinctures of valerian, hawthorn, motherwort, peony and corvalolum, taken in equal parts( except for the latter, it will need 0.5 part), poured into a glass bottle, mixed and placed in a refrigerator. Mix the infusions use 1 teaspoon, diluted with cold boiled water, before going to bed. If the nervous excitement goes off scale, drink the medicine in the same dose twice a day.

    For insomnia

    1 tablespoon( without a slide) of the ground roots of the plant, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Capacitate the container and leave to stand for 10-15 minutes. Ready to take infusion at night looking. In order to achieve the goal, prepare each time a fresh decoction. Taking such a drink systematically, you will forget about insomnia for a long time and will sleep like a baby.

    Rules for taking

    In order for the treatment to yield the expected results, it is important to know how to take the valerian tincture.

    Usage rules( for the above diseases):

    • For children, the number of drops equals the age of the child( for example, if he is 10 years old, then measure 10 drops).
    • Adult patients - 20-30 drops three times a day.

    The daily dosage of the drug refers both to the pharmacological tincture, and to one's own cooked.

    Important! The number of drops is determined by the picture of the patient's well-being, therefore the dose prescribed by the doctor does not always coincide with the standard standard specified in the instruction.

    Valerian and pregnancy

    Many mothers are asked a very topical question: "Is the tincture of valerian is allowed during pregnancy?" According to doctors, such a useful remedy is simply necessary for the normal development of the fetus and successful delivery. Valerian eliminates expectant heartbeat, insomnia, anxiety, stress, depression from expectant mothers.

    Warning! In pregnancy, you should take valerian infusions on the water, and not on alcohol. The latter are prohibited.

    Valerian tincture on water is just necessary for pregnant women

    Decoction from the roots of the plant should be taken 1 tablespoon twice a day 30 minutes after a meal. But nevertheless it is necessary to discuss this point with the gynecologist.

    Valerian and young children

    The next no less burning question is: "Can I give valerian tincture to children?" Just like pregnant women, children can drink infusions and decoctions on the water. The exception is children under 3 years old.

    For the children the plant is shown:

    • for problems with digestion;
    • for sleep disorders;

    • with a strong fright;
    • with fast fatigue;
    • as a biliary excretory;
    • with flatulence and abdominal pain;
    • with worms.

    Warning! Before giving the child a medicine, make sure that he does not have any allergies to the plant.


    Valerian tincture has the following contraindications:

    • increased sensitivity to the plant;
    • period of carrying and feeding the child( it is an alcoholic drug);
    • chronic and acute enterocolitis;
    • liver disease.

    Warning! Valerian is a very useful plant, but as long as the dosage is maintained.

    Excessive use may cause increased drowsiness, dizziness and headaches, heart palpitations, nausea, poor eyesight and hearing, abdominal pain. If such symptoms occur, immediately rinse the stomach with large volumes of liquid and take activated charcoal.

    Valerian is prohibited for admission with enterocolitis and liver diseases

    Valerian tincture can boast of healing qualities. Benefit and harm from it go side by side. And if you want a plant to give you good health and an unshakable nervous system, just do not go beyond the prescribed dosage.

    • Mar 11, 2018
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