How to remove the ears on the hips at home with exercise and diet

Nature took care of the female body, preparing it for procreation, so it laid the inclination to fat deposits in some places. This is the lower part of the abdomen, the chest and thighs, which this only adds to the attraction. However, sometimes the hips lose a beautiful outline, gaining "ears".Where do they come from and what are they afraid of?

Why the breeches appear on the hips of the

Even a woman who controls her food and does not have a lot of extra pounds may have unfortunate "ears" that spoil the figure if any of the following reasons are observed:

  • Sedentary life. Office work, evening gatherings on the couch, the lack of frequent active physical activity: all this gradually leads to the fact that the buttocks appears cellulite, and the area of ​​the breeches increases in volume.
  • Hormonal failure( estrogen and progesterone) is a frequent provoker for the appearance of fat deposits on the hips.
  • Stress and fatigue also affect hormones, are reflected in the figure.
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  • Genetic predisposition is a hard-to-solve problem that provokes a severe low, even with the thinness of the remaining parts of the woman's body.

How to remove the breeches

The scheme of work is divided into several parts that are executed simultaneously. None of them can be eliminated if you need a quick result. How to remove the ears from the thighs forever? Change the diet, increase the level of physical activity, do a number of cosmetology procedures and daily gymnastics. Note that such an algorithm will only work with acquired fat deposits that are not caused by hormonal disorders and genetics. Below are detailed ways how to remove the "ears":

  • Do wraps. The most effective recipe is any clay, citrus essential oil, cinnamon. Mass is applied over the outer and back surfaces of the thigh, then wrap the leg with polyethylene and put on warm pantyhose or pants. With the goal of preventing and eliminating cellulite, you can also treat the buttocks with the same tool. Duration of exposure is 25-30 minutes.
  • More go. Hiking perfectly tighten the contour of the legs, strengthen the muscles, relieve flabbiness and fat deposits on the hips. This is an excellent option for those who do not have full training.2-3 hours of walking at a leisurely pace or 8-10 km, as a daily practice, will soon give the first results.
  • Change the food intake. Short-term diets will not do anything, so be prepared for a long-term failure of harmful food.

How to remove fat from the thighs with proper nutrition

It should be immediately understood that local action diets are fiction. Fat reserves are burned in the body unevenly only because of genetic characteristics. Correct the force of impact on the ears, buttocks or sides can only exercise, while the diet will reduce the overall percentage of body fat. How to remove the ears on the hips by feeding:

  • Reduce the carbohydrate share: 3 g / kg - the norm when losing weight. The proportion of fats should not exceed 1 g / kg.
  • Baking and sweets form the ears on the hips are among the first, so they need to be removed from the menu.
  • Get rid of salt, alcohol, marinades: they lock liquid in the tissues, increasing body volumes.

How to remove the hips on the hips with additional loads

Physical activity is the main enemy of the "ears".First, go for a walk. Secondly, be sure to conduct training aimed at overall fat burning and local hip correction. Decrease in volume is achieved due to aerobic loads: jumping, running, dancing, biking. As for removing the riding breeches on the hips, a separate set of exercises is needed here.

The ideal program for physical activity for the hips looks like this:

  • Beginning from jumping and running without breaks or with minimal rest( 30 sec) - 20 min.
  • Main complex: squats, flies, lunges - 20 min. The number of repetitions for each is from 20.

Exercises from the ears on the hips

In the training program for local fat burning, the following exercises should be present from the riding breeches on the hips:

  • Squats with dilated widths of the shoulders, with the back of the buttocks and back in the slope( not more than 30 degrees from the vertical) - the most effective exercise from the ears. Try to remove the load from the knees, strain the buttocks and thighs.
  • Flies in a vertical position quickly remove the ears. It is recommended to raise the foot forward and to the side no less than to the parallel with the floor when performing slowly. When fast it needs to be kept as high as possible.
  • The mahi and the rotation of the raised upper leg, lying on its side, combine to sensation of burning in the muscles of the thigh.
  • It is useful and, lying on the back, to raise raised perpendicularly to the floor, making it very slow. Advice of professionals: if you raise your legs only 30 cm above the floor, you can add pressure to the area of ​​the press.
  • Drops forward and / or sideways are an effective exercise against the ears. When the muscles get stronger, combine them with the swing free leg at the moment of lifting - this will increase the load on the hips.

How to remove the ears from the sides with plastic correction

If the previous schemes for getting rid of fatty deposits from the hips have not produced a result, then there are several radical methods that women rarely use:

  • liposuction is a surgical disposal of fibroblast tissue,sites and its subsequent pumping out together with fat;
  • laser liposuction assumes additional processing of the changed site by the laser which stimulates collagen synthesis for preservation of elasticity of a skin;
  • manual plastic is a non-surgical method that shows high results on the hips from the first session.

Video: exercises for breeches


Lily, 30 years old : I never tried to adjust the figure until it changed due to pregnancy. After the birth, I had to look for how to remove the ears on the hips and reduce the waist. On the advice of her friend began to twist the hoop and do sit-ups. It gave almost nothing to the waist, but the buttocks were slightly tightened for 4 weeks, the area of ​​the breeches decreased.

Elena, 24 years old : Trying to figure out how quickly to remove the ears on her hips, she went through a lot of hard diets, but there was no sense. Sports began to deal with - also the ears did not affect, although the weight shifted from the place. I had to completely eliminate all the harmful from the diet, start going to an anti-cellulite massage: only so I saw a gradual decrease in the thighs.

Lydia, 27 years old : I have not struggled with anything so long, as with fat deposits in the hips! Already on carrots with a cucumber passed: favorite dishes at night dreaming, and the ears stood steadily.2 months of power and cardio combined, the buttocks became more beautiful, the hips did not go away. As a result, the tests showed a hormonal failure, I had to select a therapy with the doctor.

  • Mar 11, 2018
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