How to care for a hamster - the content and proper feeding of the rodent at home

Furry pets depend on the quality of care they provide. The value of a cell with a properly selected filler, diet, the organization of washing and drinking water - all these factors contribute to good health of rodents. We should not forget about the attention that pets demand to themselves.

How to contain a hamster

A live rodent in a natural habitat is very mobile, because he must regularly get himself a feed. Pets of this species can run several kilometers in a short time. The content of hamsters at home is based on the provision of sufficient space for movement. The cage should be large( for example, 50x30 cm), and the number of floors does not play a role, but it is also made of strong materials( not wood).Its area and accessories are important: labyrinths, a wheel( necessarily large diameter), a ball.

How to care for pets? The cell needs to be cleaned, because any filler exudes an odor, resulting in the ability to absorb moisture. When caring for hamsters, remember that toys must be washed. It is important to carefully care for hamsters, for example, to properly select the material that is used for flooring the dwelling. Existing materials:

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  • paper( napkins, newspapers, etc.);
  • fibrous material( fabric, cotton);
  • corn filler;
  • wood chips and pellets( pressed and simple sawdust);
  • cellulose filler.

House for a hamster

A cage for furry rodents is large, which complicates the task of finding the place of its installation in the house / apartment. If the problem is solved, how to care for a hamster, you need to consider the requirements for its location. It is recommended to avoid places near the batteries, because the minimum allowable distance from heat sources is 2 m. There should not be windows / doors and other sources of draft( fans, air conditioners in the room) nearby. Hence, the corridor, kitchen and balcony for this task will not work. Such restrictions are due to the predilection of hamsters to diseases.

In addition to accessories, you need to take care of even where will be located and how to attach a drinking bowl and a bowl for feed. Air in the room should be acceptable temperature, hamsters like heat, but not hot( 22-28 degrees).It is necessary to protect the pet from stresses, which significantly shorten the life of small animals. Hence, the children's room is not suitable for installing the cage. To care for the house of a hamster, it should be washed every two months. It will be correct to use baby soap because of the minimal or total absence of flavorings. You should wash all the toys of the rodent.

On the question of how to care for a hamster, you need to know that the cleaning of the filler should be made at least 1 time within 3 days. However, this period can be extended by using non-hygroscopic materials that do not absorb moisture. Closer than others to this group is corn and granulated wood filler. Paper quickly becomes wet, which immediately gives rise to a smell. A bit better on the properties of ordinary sawdust.

What do hamsters eat

In a natural environment, small animals of this species feed on plant and animal food. The basis of ration of hamsters is seeds of cereals, legumes. At the end of winter, rodents eat green grass. Closer to summer, the diet changes, seeds, berries are added to it. In the same period - tubers. Animals can eat insects and even carrion. If an individual belongs to a large species, it hunts small animals.

How to feed a hamster at home

You can enter into the diet special compounds. Popular feeds from the producers are Homky, Rodent, Little Beast, Little One, Prestige, Vitapol, Benelux, Fiory. Select granulated, grain mixtures. In addition to dry food, you need to give hamsters moist food. It can be fruits, vegetables, low-fat or fat-free cottage cheese, chicken meat( breast), boiled egg. Wet food is given with varying frequency and in certain quantities. How to care for a bowl for eating? It should be washed every day, constantly maintained in full condition, so that the lack of food does not put the animal into stress.

On the question of how to care for a hamster, you need to know that it is recommended to periodically give the pet gnawing branches, to maintain a normal level of calcium in the body add chalk / mineral stone. Pumpkin seeds, nuts, sunflower seeds and herbs( clover, lettuce, dandelions) - all this should enter into the diet of the rodent. Do not give sweets, fatty and salty foods. Spices should be excluded, as well as citrus. Stone fruit( apricot, cherry) is also not suitable.

Food for hamsters of different breeds

Jungarik is unconcerned, the usual diet described above is quite suitable for him. The main food is grain of cereals. Lack of special preferences makes it easier to care for jungar hamsters. Dwarf pets consume portions equal in volume to individuals of large species, which is due to accelerated metabolism. Necessarily add carrots, apples, breadcrumbs of white bread and grass( same as for jungar and other types).

Siberian hamster should receive fruits in moderation, the basis of the diet: seeds, nuts, cereals, vegetables. Representatives of the Syrian species feed on fodder, as well as vegetables. Fruits should be in moderation. Syrian hamsters are finicky to choose food. It is recommended to pay attention to the brand of compounds that the rodent prefers.

Care for the hamster and its offspring

The pregnancy of the female lasts 16-18 days, in the jungariks this period increases to a month. Closer to the birth you need to provide the pet with complete peace, do not take it in your arms. A pregnant female hamster should receive an increased amount of nutrients: calcium, protein. In the diet, add fruit, eggs, cottage cheese, cheese, and more sprouted wheat. The basis of nutrition is cereals.

Care for hamsters

We need to ensure peace, which is important in the first week of life. Cleaning the hamster cells should also be done regularly. After about 7 days, you can give the kids water, for this use a drinking bowl. Progeny of hamsters should be divided: males and females separately, but it needs to be done some time after birth. For a child of Syrian rodents, the period is limited to 3-4 weeks. How to care for babies if they do not have a mother? A newborn that refused milk from a surrogate mother, feeds on a milk formula, for which a syringe without a needle is suitable.

How to wash a hamster

This should not be done without the urgent need, because fluffy pets are clean. However, if the question arose how to care for jungar hamsters or for other kinds of pets, water is first heated( 40 degrees).How to properly care for rodents and wash them? To wet a head it is forbidden, it is supposed to wet only a trunk. Bathing should be short-lived, after which the animal's hair is dried with a hairdryer.

Video: care for hamsters at home

  • Mar 11, 2018
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