There has never been a more popular drink in Russia than a well-refreshing kvass, which has been present in every home for a long time. Invented a lot of different recipes for such a useful drink, and made it from various components: ginger, berries, milk, rice. .. In this regard, there were many kinds of kvass: honey, bread, milk, dried, ginger, berry-fruit, berry, rice and many others.
However, such a variety of recipes was achieved due to any additives. And several components were constantly unchanged: water, yeast, flour and malt.
Kvass from antiquity to the present day
In ancient times, the procedure for the preparation of kvass was long enough, since a beverage was prepared mainly from grains, which were first soaked, then steamed, and then dried and ground. From the grains the leavened wort was prepared, and the entire process took two or three months.
Kvass played a very important role in the life of Russians, as it was considered not only a refreshing, but also a curative drink. So, with his help, effectively treated with scurvy, gastric and intestinal diseases, fever, colds.
There is nothing to be surprised at here, since the composition of kvass includes such important substances as micro- and macroelements, sugars, essential amino acids, vitamins, lactic acid.
Varieties of kvass
Kvass is now sold in two main types - barrel and bottled. More useful of them is considered a barrel. At the same time, the drink that is sold in barrels has the shortest shelf life, as it is obtained by fermentation. Barrel kvass has such a short shelf life that it is extremely difficult to sell this product.
As for bottled kvass, this drink is prepared according to a completely different technology, which allows storing the product much longer.
In addition, according to the method of production, kvass is also divided into two types. One kind of drink is prepared by blending, and the other by fermentation. The drink, which is prepared in the second way, is considered the most useful, as the result is a "live" natural product.
How to distinguish natural kvass from a leavened beverage?
Very often, in addition to kvass, you can find in stores and so-called soda fizzy drink, the taste of which is as close as possible to natural. Kvass drink is considered even more delicious than regular kvass, but it is much less useful.
The composition of this product includes a minimum of natural components and a large number of artificial elements, for example, acidity regulators, dyes, flavors and sweeteners. In addition, some manufacturers add sodium benzoate to the beverage, which is extremely dangerous for human health. And in the shops often there is falsified products, which can be imported from abroad.
Those who really care about their health and want to use only a high-quality product, it is recommended to choose such a drink, the shelf life of which is a maximum of three days. A good drink that really has the right to be called kvass, bites in just a day or two, because there is one acid, and the sugar is fermented completely.
You should also know that kvass of high quality will never be cheap, because at its manufacture only the best quality and all-natural components are used.