Causes of nasal bleeding, first aid, treatment and prevention

Epistaxis( nasal bleeding) is one of the most common types of bleeding. It is not an isolated disease, but a symptom of a number of other diseases. With epistaxis, the blood flows from the nasal cavity, the nasopharynx and the paranasal sinuses. In severe cases, blood can flow through the orbit or drain into the stomach. And although lethal outcome is very rare, but everyone should know the specifics of first aid.

  • Factors
  • External
  • Internal
  • Classification bleeding
  • Minor
  • Moderate
  • Strong
  • Profuse
  • reasons
  • Adults
  • Children
  • Pregnant
  • First Aid
  • Medical tactic
  • Prevention


factors for nosebleeds are external( local) or internal( system).

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External factors include:

  • nasal trauma( bruises, fractures, strokes);
  • presence of a foreign body in the nose, including the fingers;
  • various inflammatory processes;
  • vascular deformity( persistent enlargement or constriction);
  • instagram viewer
  • use of cocaine or other drugs through the nose;
  • malignant and benign neoplasms( cancer, sarcoma, polyps, angiomas);

  • dry air at low temperatures;
  • for overheating( thermal or sunstroke);
  • with barotrauma( with a sharp drop in external pressure);
  • kidney and liver disease;
  • use of nasal steroid sprays;
  • plastic and other operations in the nose;
  • emotional and physical stress, stress.
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Often there is blood from the nose due to such diseases:

  • allergy;
  • with arterial hypertension;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • catarrhal diseases( influenza, acute respiratory viral infection), with a snort, coughing and sneezing;
  • side effect of analgesic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory drugs( Aspirin, Diclofenac);
  • use of large doses of alcohol;
  • blood diseases( hemophilia, leukemia);
  • malignant and benign neoplasm;
  • deficiency of vitamins C and K in the body.
Read also how and what to properly wash the nose
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Classification of bleeding

Bleeding occurs due to damage to the blood vessels. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish their species in order to have time to properly provide first aid.

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Minor bleeding is almost asymptomatic, with a loss of blood of about a couple of tens of milliliters. Sometimes the patient is hysterical or fainting at the sight of blood.

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Moderate bleeding is accompanied by tinnitus, dizziness, weakness, thirst, palpitations. The loss of blood is up to 500 - 700 milliliters. Slightly reduced blood pressure.

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With severe bleeding, tinnitus, tachycardia, dizziness, and lowering of blood pressure are also observed. The loss of blood reaches more than 1000-1400 milliliters. Lips and nails turn blue, and his face turns pale.

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Massive or profuse bleeding is very rare, usually with damage to large blood vessels or nasal septums. The general condition of the patient is severe, blood pressure and hemoglobin content, tachycardia( more than 100 beats per minute) drop sharply. From severe bleeding, a loss of consciousness or coma may occur.

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Reasons for

Many questions arise about why blood comes from the nose in the morning or evening. This can contribute to fatigue, insomnia, damage to blood vessels in case of trauma, increased intracranial and arterial pressure in case of lack of sleep, early morning ascent, stress, high temperature in the sleeping room.

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In adults

In adults, after 50, nosebleeds occur due to the fineness and dryness of the nasal mucosa. For frequent short-term bleeding with a large blood loss should pay special attention, as they signal the rupture of a large blood vessel or malignant tumor.

The causes of bleeding also include:

  • damage to the integrity of the vessels by a foreign object, nasal trauma( thermal or chemical burn, stroke, bruise, piercing, finger);
  • rhinitis( acute or chronic);
  • benign and malignant neoplasms( polyps, cancer);
  • surgical intervention( rhinoplasty, puncture with genyantritis);
  • diseases of the heart muscle and blood vessels( heart disease, hypertension, arteriosclerosis of blood vessels);
  • blood diseases with insufficient blood coagulability( hemophilia, leukemia);
  • menopause and other hormonal imbalances in women;
  • overheating and sunstroke.
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In children

Most often there is blood from the nose in children under 10 years old. Usually, bleeding occurs for the same reasons as in adults. Note the most common:

  • due to blows, bruises, stuffed into the nose of foreign objects;
  • from excessive physical exertion;
  • for hormonal reorganization and hormonal imbalance in adolescence;
  • against air dryness and high temperature;
  • for lack of vitamins;
  • because of increased blood pressure( intracranial or arterial);
  • bleeding disorders;
  • neoplasm in the nasal cavity;
  • for infectious and colds during the common cold.
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Pregnant women

During pregnancy, bleeding can signal:

  • about increased blood pressure( blood circulation of the placenta is disrupted, resulting in a lack of oxygen and nutrients for the baby);
  • on the reduction of blood clotting;
  • about inflammatory processes in the body caused by infectious diseases;
  • about a deficiency of calcium, which is often deficient in pregnant women, and vitamin K.
During the period of gestation, hormonal changes in the whole body occur in women. There is fragility of the vessels and the slightest stress with a cold or cough can cause bleeding.
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First aid

To correctly assist the patient, it is necessary to establish the cause of epistaxis beforehand.

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You should know such rules for assisting with nasal bleeding:

  • if this heat or sunstroke should be placed in a more comfortable environment( in the shade of trees, in a cool room) and calm( if the child);
  • ensure the supply of fresh air;
  • if, due to the inhalation of frosty air, then on the contrary, take him to a warm room;
  • unbutton the collar, remove the cap;
  • to seat the patient on a chair with his head tilted so that blood does not enter the stomach;
  • can be laid on the couch, while raising, without fail, the upper part of the trunk and head higher, not allowing blood to drain into the stomach;
  • on the bridge of the nose, put a cold towel or wrapped in a cloth ice pack;
  • for 5-10 minutes, press the fingers of the fingers of the wings of the nose to the septum;
  • if the blood does not stop walking, then you can apply a tampon( moistened in a 3% peroxide solution with a swab);
  • it is possible to drip vasoconstrictive nasal drops( in the absence of a pair of drops of lemon juice);
  • pull the rope in the middle of the nail with the thumb of the hand and hold it for 10 minutes;
If after 15-20 minutes bleeding does not stop, then you need to call a doctor or an ambulance.
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Therapeutic tactics

During the examination, the otorhinolaryngologist determines the causes of nasal bleeding and conducts the following activities:

  • interviews the patient about the development of bleeding, suffered trauma and illness, the presence of allergies, chronic diseases - this allows diagnosis;
  • measures pressure and pulse;
  • examines the ENT organs to detect the source of bleeding;
  • conducts research on the blood coagulation system;
  • determines the degree of blood loss;
  • uses a 60 cm turundula for three days to conduct anterior tamponing, in case of ineffectiveness - rear tamponation;
  • , if necessary, appoints hemostatic medicinal preparations( sodium etamzilate, Vikasol, aminocaproic acid, calcium preparations).
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Prevention of

To prevent nasal bleeding it is necessary: ​​

  • to consume vitamin C( ascorbic acid);
  • to provide timely treatment of chronic diseases;
  • to avoid heavy physical and moral loads;
  • periodically ventilate and humidify the room;
  • to eat foods rich in vitamins( nuts, spinach, parsley, legumes, fruits and berries, cabbage, garlic);
  • dry crusts in the nose lubricate sea buckthorn oil.
  • Mar 11, 2018
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