Safe and effective use of children's Nurofen with teething

Each kid goes through such an unpleasant, but physiological phenomenon, like dentition. Often this process is accompanied by a runny nose, a cough, an increase in temperature. The child becomes very moody, does not sleep well at night, often wakes up.

If the baby is on breastfeeding, then he can not keep his breast out of his mouth for hours, thus obtaining some comfort. And parents should understand that the symptomatology of teething can only increase, causing their child incredible discomfort and anguish.

When teething is important, as much as possible to relieve the baby of his suffering, and from the main symptoms - heat and toothache, help to get rid of children's Nurofen.


  • Nurofen - is it effective and why?
  • Therapeutic effect of
  • When should I resort to medication?
  • Recommended dosage
  • Existing contraindications
  • Moms advise
  • Summing up

Nurofen - is it effective and why?

Nurofen belongs to the group of non-steroidal agents, which immediately relieve the inflammatory processes in the body. Thus, in its composition, the drug does not contain any hormonal substances.

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The main component of the drug is ibuprofen. This substance effectively cope with heat and has an analgesic effect.

It is important that ibuprofen underwent rigorous laboratory testing and was approved by the World Health Organization.

Nurofen also contains other auxiliary components that help the child's condition with teething:

  1. Maltitol syrup .It is a natural substitute for sugar. It gives the medicine a pleasant taste. Suitable for children with diabetes and does not provoke caries.
  2. Domiphene bromide .Has antiseptic and strong antifungal action, removes the started inflammation.
  3. Citric acid, water .These ingredients are completely safe for the child's body.

Therapeutic effect

Nurofen for children is available in the form of syrup and in the form of candles. If the baby refuses to drink the medicine, then it will be convenient to use the candles. Moreover, useful components from them are quickly absorbed by the body, and the therapeutic effect also comes almost instantly.

Nurofen has a complex therapeutic effect, its pharmacological properties, which are especially useful during the cutting of teeth, include:

  • blocking the flowing inflammation;
  • heat reduction;
  • elimination of wet and dry cough;
  • getting rid of a cold;
  • relief of the general condition of the child;
  • soothes irritated gum, relieves toothache.

When should I resort to medication?

Nurofen can be given without fear to children from three months - as an anesthetic, the drug is effective for toothache and inflamed gums, and how antipyretic it can be used at temperature, runny nose, headache and coughing.

The drug is also effective in acute respiratory infections, with local infections, with other inflammatory processes, and in cases where the code greatly raises the temperature, provoking aches and pain in the body of the baby.

The medicine will help to remove pain syndromes in head cramps, with throat inflammation and with angina, with ear diseases, sprains and with neuralgic ailments.

Recommended dosage

Thus, children's Nurofen can be used when babies appear in children, from the youngest age, the dosages are the following:

  • if the baby is three to six months old, then within a day the drug can be given in a dosage of 2.5 ml;
  • for older children( up to a year) the amount of the drug remains the same, but here the frequency is increased to four times a day;
  • for children from 1 year to 3 years, the drug is given three times a day for 5 ml;
  • from four years to six - the dosage will be 7.5 ml three times a day;
  • for children from seven to nine years of age, the drug can be given in 10 ml, but the frequency remains the same;
  • but from 10 to 12 the dosage will be 15 ml.

The duration of the entire treatment course is up to 5 days.

If Nurofen is taken as an antipyretic agent, it will be enough and three days of use, but with teething without the temperature, when the medicine is needed for a child for analgesia, it should be drunk for five days.

The rules for using the medicine are very simple. The jar with the drug composition is pre-shaken, after which the composition is dialed into a measuring syringe, and the product is poured into the mouth of the baby.

Existing contraindications to

Despite all the benefits of the drug, there are contraindications to its use. Sometimes there may be an individual intolerance to the active component of the child's body.

Also to refuse the use of the drug is necessary in those cases when there are other concomitant diseases:

  • urticaria;
  • rhinitis;
  • bronchospasm.
It is strictly forbidden to give Nurofen to children suffering from digestive system disorders. It can be inflammation of the intestines, ulcers, bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract. Children who have kidney failure or blood diseases, too, is not recommended to take this medicine.

Side effects when Nurofen is used may be in cases when the child suffers from asthma, gastritis, urticaria. It should not be combined with other antipyretic drugs or drugs that reduce blood coagulability. In these cases, it is possible to provoke complications and so a painful condition.

Moms advise

All parents who still doubt whether Nurofen should be given to their children in order to relieve them of toothache and temperature during teething, we recommend studying the reviews of more experienced "colleagues by happiness."

When our baby started to crawl the first teeth, my husband and I lost our peace. My son cried constantly. And we were helped only by one means - the children's Nurofen. His child swallowed normally, and relief came almost instantly.

Ирина, 32

Hello, My name is Anastasia, I'm from Moscow. During the period of teething in our daughter, the temperature in the first days increased greatly. The child constantly cried, nothing could calm her down. And then my friend advised me to take Nurofen's drug, which I'm very happy with. It really helps!

Anastasia, 29

Such a difficult period in our life, as the appearance of baby teeth in a child, we managed to survive only through the drug Nurofen. We finally managed to sleep at night, as the child also calmed down and fell asleep. After all, the pain receded, and the temperature lost. I recommend to everyone!

Ольга, 31

Good afternoon! I want to share my experience using the drug. He helped us when the child had teeth. This process was very painful, but thanks to the medicine, we practically did not feel all the complexities of the difficult period. If moms want to help their children, let them take this remedy for a note.

Karina, 20

Summing up

When teething, babies are very much in pain. They suffer from severe pain and high fever. And at such a time, parents want to help their child as quickly as possible. An excellent helper in this case will be the children's Nurofen.

It is completely safe medicine, which can be given to babies already from three months. The drug immediately removes inflammation and facilitates the serious condition of the baby.

However, in order not to provoke the appearance of side effects and not to harm at such a time to his child, it is necessary to first familiarize yourself with all contraindications and exactly follow the dosage specified in the instruction.

In this case, the use of the drug at home will not cause any difficulties and will help to cope with all the unpleasant symptoms that appear during the eruption of milk teeth.

  • Mar 11, 2018
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