How to quickly promote your business? That's right, with the help of advertising. But which advertising is best? By the recognition of the overwhelming majority of entrepreneurs, the optimal option is contextual advertising, and in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet, the domestic service is undoubtedly the leader.
What is Yandex Direct , how to use it, what this service has pluses and minuses - we will talk about all this today.
Yandex Direct - what is this system?
Yandex Direct is a system developed by the company of the same name, which allows you to place contextual advertising on the site of a search engine or third-party resources.
The work of the service is supported both by the forces of the office of the corporation itself, and by partners from the so-called."Advertising network Yandex" - known in the circles of marketers as an abbreviation of the RSA.
Essentially, YandexDirect is an addition to Yandex search service, selecting and displaying ads to the user in accordance with search queries, and on the sites of the participants of the RSA themselves, in accordance with the content of these online sites.
The system has been working since 2001 and is the first such system in Runet, which predetermined its leadership in the local advertising market: in Russia, this service accounts for about 70-80% of all contextual advertising.
He is in the lead not only in Russia, but also in the majority of post-Soviet countries, actively works in the Turkish and Caucasian markets, trying to develop other regions.
However, recently it was banned in Ukraine, which somewhat lowered the efficiency of the Ukrainian "daughter" of the Russian company - Yandex. Ukraine, and most importantly - blocked advertising campaigns of Ukrainian customers and in general all accounts of Yandex Ukraine.
During the period of the ban, the popularity of all Yandex services in Ukraine fell somewhat, including Direct, but according to the latest data on the activity of Ukrainian Internet users, this search engine retains the fourth position, even despite the restrictions.
However, for the Russian or Belarusian audience, Yandex remains fully accessible, and therefore retains leadership indicators in the future.
So for business in the Russian Federation and other countries of the Customs Union, contextual advertising Yandex Direct remains the most convenient and simple way to promote their products and services on the local market.
a) Advantages of the system Yandex Direct
This service is able to perform an independent evaluation of user requests.
And the received information on the moods in the Network is available in public, which allows you to conduct full-fledged marketing research in a matter of hours to set up relevant advertisements adapted to the needs of your target audience.
This increases the conversion of advertising, which means it raises the advertiser's revenue when the cost of a single click decreases.
Yandex Direct is one of the most convenient sites for contextual advertising in terms of the ease of setting up an advertising campaign. So, the client( webmaster) can independently select the necessary keywords for specific search queries.
The client can completely select advertising texts and format of blocks, customize targeting for a particular region or city, etc.
How to make money on contextual advertising:
manual b) Yandex Direct is a jack of all trades
One "cabinet" can be managedall kinds of advertising - both search and thematic on partner resources( including remarketing).
The first option we already mentioned - advertising on the pages of the search engine along with the issuance of results, and the second - the display of advertising on the resources of partners from the RSA.
And the system tracks cookies, etc., stored in your browser, and assigns you a "mark" on all Yandex services. Simply put, if you were looking for something on a specific request in Yandex, then this "optimized" for your requests advertising will haunt you everywhere.
Let's say you entered the query "what is Yandex direct", read it and went to another site, and then to the third, etc. If these sites belong to the RSA, then the service will persistently offer you yourself for a couple of weeks, or until you enter a new request into the search engine.
From the point of view of the user, remarketing and similar perseverance are not very encouraging, but from the business point of view it is a very convenient tool that allows relatively cheap( especially in comparison with Western systems) and maximally effectively communicate your advertising to the target audience.
And whether users will go to your site and make purchases - it depends on the talents of your marketers and the qualities of the product itself.
Help in the correct setting of advertising will help tools such as Webmaster, Metric, Wordstat and other systems with a prefix "Yandex", which in fact quite a lot and with all of them you can work by simply having a mailbox.
Guess where? Yes, to Yandex Mail. The only exception is Yandex Direct itself, which requires not only an account in the mail, but also confirmation of payment data.
Payment is made for "clicks" - clicking a user on your ad, which redirects it to your site. The cost of one click can be from a couple of rubles to a hundred - it all depends on which segment you choose yourself, the size of the ad, where it will be placed( at the top of the site or at the bottom), how often, etc.
Payment of the displays is based on a prepayment.
Step-by-step instruction for creating your first advertising campaign in Yandex Directive
Are you a beginner entrepreneur or do you want to transfer your old business into a modern way? Then you have two options: apply to advertising agencies, where everyone will do it for you, but they will take a rather large commission, or try to set up everything yourself, paying only for Yandex services.
Which is better - a big question, because if you misconfigure ads, then you'll waste your advertising budget without getting customers. But the appetites of many advertisers are great. ..
If you still decided to master Direct on your own, then the next instruction is for you.
1) How to get started in Yandex Direct?
To get started, you need an account in Yandex. If you already have mail on this service, then it's good, if not - you'll have to start it. In the first case, you just need to log in Direct using a mail account, and in the second - to register.
In order for the registration form to appear, you need to click on "Place Advertisement" on the main page.
Next, you will go to the registration or the tab "create a campaign" if you have already logged into your mail account.
registration form * The form of launching your advertising campaign.
The next step after registration is setting up your personal cabinet. Experts recommend working with a "professional" option( indicated in the settings).It is more complicated than "easy", but it allows more fine-tuning of advertising campaigns.
After that you can go directly to setting up your advertising campaign.
2) Yandex Direct: 3 steps before displaying ads
By clicking on "Advertise", you go to the ad setup menu, where we will take a closer look.
Service indicates that ads can be placed in just three steps, although this is not entirely true. Each "step" is a separate form with the ad settings, and each such form, in turn, contains quite a few functions.
So it's unlikely that the advertising campaign will be launched in a couple of minutes.
However, most options are understandable to the bulk of confident users of personal computers without further explanation.
If such explanations are still required, Direct has a good built-in system of hints - you just need to move the cursor to the question mark beside the required setting item.
To begin with, it's better to focus on contextual advertising in the search engine itself, so you can turn off additional relevant keys, as well as display ads on third-party sites close to your subject.
All this is more suitable for professionals, since it requires fine-tuning. To start an advertising campaign, you also need to specify the time targeting - when and how long your ad will show for the maximum coverage of your target audience.
3) The first step in Yandex DirectiveThe second step, according to Yandex Direct developers, is the design of your ad: visual settings, text, etc.
Direct is a contextual advertising service where thousands of customers already work,all, someone has already advertised goods or services similar to yours. Before writing the ad text, learn how and what your competitors wrote.
Take at least three examples( preferably successful ones that led to their customer sites) and compile on their basis something fourth, their own.
Important point: do not completely copy other people's blocks, otherwise there is a risk to be at the very bottom of the list. Yes, and plagiarism is clearly not what should be in your first advertising campaign.
Specialists recommend making a bet when working with Direct and other similar services on creative and non-standard: you need to stand out against the background of your competitors, and not become one of many.
Do not forget about some of the key elements of the ad. In the case of Direct "key" in the literal sense - each ad should contain a keyword or phrase that is required to maximally characterize your product or service.
When selecting keywords for queries, it is best to use Wordstat( or special third-party services, but the latter are often paid.
Important in this context: in one ad there should be only one key phrase. Do not try to cover everything at once - most likely, you will "blur" the target audience, which means your ad will not hit the target exactly.
4) Yandex Direct as a tool with an accurate "sight"
The third stage - the final stage - involves setting up a region to display ads. If you work in the real sector, it is better to set up Direct to show ads not just in your area, but in a specific locality.
The more accurately you specify geographic targeting, the faster you will attract your customers.
However, one must remember here about the uniqueness of the business and the features of each sphere. If you provide some online services, then you need the broadest possible coverage - the Internet is without borders.
In this case, it's also best to look at the experience of competitors. You can do this simply by entering in the search engine requests for your product. Put yourself in the place of a potential buyer and Yandex will show you everything you need to compare.
Having dealt with the region, we get to the "click-through exchange".Here you need to set the display price for your ad for specific search phrases. In theory, you can enter any number in the "cost per click" field, but in practice everything is somewhat more complicated.
Yandex Direct is a kind of exchange of contextual advertising that shows first the most expensive ads( with "special placement"), then those that are cheaper, and the cheapest can ignore altogether if your segment is highly competitive and you have someone to replace.
Yes, an important point: Direct even though the Russian service, but all calculations are made in.e.( dollars).So the price for clicks in individual segments can "bite".
An example of a highly competitive segment is the sale of PVC windows in Moscow. Direct sets a price limit of 10 cu.per click, and in this segment prices just reached the "ceiling".
In fact, it is not necessary to win in the auction and necessarily take first place - it's enough to be in the top ten or even twenty. But we must remember that the lower your final result of the auction, the less there will be an impression. However, their price will be lower.
The developers of Yandex Direct have taken this into account and offer two basic strategies for trading behavior: "the highest price" and "blocks at the lowest price".Evaluate your advertising budget and choose what suits you best.
By participating in the bidding for clicks, you must consolidate the success - wait until specialists from Direct will check your ad for compliance with the company's rules and Russian legislation.
How long it takes moderation is a big question. Let's just say: once in no time, but often this process takes no more than a couple of days. If everything is in order, then you can proceed to pay for your ad.
Is there life after registration in Yandex Direct?
The section is headlined at first glance strange, but this is only the first: many newcomers think that by placing an approved ad and paying for it, you can forget about Yandex Direct for a while. In fact, this is not so.
Your new account requires constant attention. The market as a living organism - your competitors do not slumber, and buyers are too scrupulous. Therefore, a full-fledged advertising campaign requires constant monitoring and adjustment.
For example, you already paid advertising for a week at a price and were, for example, in the 5th place in the bidding. How long do you think it will last?
Sooner or later there will be your competitor who will kill your price and be higher than you in the list, then the second such, the third, etc.
Simply put, if you want to be on top all the time, you will have to pay extra. But this is relevant only for highly competitive segments.
You also need to constantly monitor the behavioral factors of your target audience, the conversion of clicks and visits to the site, etc.
You have to work with the already launched advertising campaign according to the following scheme:
It looks rather confusing, but in reality everything comes down to two principles:
- Riseconversions.
- Reducing the advertising budget.
In other words, you need to adjust your system to your buyer so that your ad hits exactly in the target. Then the order of displays can be reduced, and the income from sales, on the contrary, to increase.
How to create an advertising campaign in Yandex Direct?
Step-by-step instruction for beginners in this video:
The general conclusion about the system Yandex Direct
Yandex Direct is a service that is basic for all Russian( and not only) e-commerce. If you intend to work in the future, then without contextual advertising can not do. As you can see, placing an ad is not so difficult, it is much more difficult to properly configure it.
Success comes with experience, so it's not worth it to get frustrated after the first failure. The main thing to remember is that is Yandex Direct - the main tool for attracting customers from 70-80% of Russian companies. Could they, you can also!