How to learn to communicate with foreigners easily?

It's not enough to know languages, you need to own them.

It does not matter how much time you spent at the desk, and what kind of foreign language you were studying, contacts with carriers, at first, would be very difficult.

The notorious language barrier, which we, perhaps, would not have known if our beloved teachers did not tell us about it, is firmly stuck in the brain and can show up both in a teenager and in a fully held person.

In addition, difficulties in communicating with foreigners are experienced even by those who gave most of their lives direct work with the language.

For example, people working with translations often pass before a live speech, and those who have been thoroughly trained by an interpreter for five years and how they have changed their activities may also experience some discomfort in the category "but suddenly I forgot everything".

Talking to foreigners: the usual difficulties of

So, how do you establish communication, make speech easy, relaxed and begin to finally use your impressive vocabulary and beautiful grammatical constructions?

instagram viewer

It's simple: stop thinking, just say it!

The reasons for intercommunication are simple:

  1. the dominance of templates in speech;
  2. bad pronunciation;
  3. little vocabulary;
  4. no topics for conversation.

Too clever

Most of the difficulties are created by excessive education.

A person who makes a "Speech From May Map" is more likely to be understood than one who carefully observes the order of words in a sentence and does not make mistakes in times.

Igor lived in a small city on the border with China.

After completing the English and Chinese courses in the early 2000s, he left for the neighboring state and tried to start working at customs, helping the Chinese and Russians to properly handle the goods.

Despite the good vocabulary and developed communication skills, it did not go.

Frightening the Chinese with memorized phrases from the phrase book, Igor could not conduct a dialogue, breaking the rumor of unfamiliar words.

And then he took the bike and rode on it to the provincial center.800 km one way.

One, with a passport and a thousand yuan in your pocket.

Sleeping in strange villages and repeatedly explaining the patrol that a Russian boy is doing on a Chinese bicycle in the middle of a soy field, Igor learned local slang, stopped scrolling from the dialect and gained a great knowledge necessary for everyone: a foreign language can be shown!

After returning from a train trip, having lost a passport at the station, Igor reached enlightenment, still works in China and is not afraid of anything.

On the example of our Igor, you can understand that the right speech is not the basis.

The base is your fearlessness, if you will.

When you speak in phrases, it's hard for you to understand.

How to learn Chinese?

If you are corrected, and this is often the case when talking with a foreigner, when he, like a shadow, whispers your words for you, adjusting mistakes at the same time - do not pay attention.

He does this, rather for himself, and not to emphasize your ignorance.

"I have a bad speaking in Russian"

A frequent difficulty is pronunciation.

Any native speaker with closed lasers will determine that there is a foreigner in front of him. And this also needs to be understood. And even forgive.

Because you can not finally defeat the accent, but you can make the speech smoother by bringing it closer to the type pronunciation, you can.
To do this, you need to sing.

Even if you do not have a hearing.

And there's no voice either.

Write down your favorite songs on the disc, print out the words on the Internet( at the same time you will find out what is being sung) and waste time at the wheel for good.

Choose songs with different rhythms from lyrics to rap - this will help your language, as an organ, to abstract from the physiology of Russian speech and develop its flexibility in the pronunciation of foreign words.

After all, many "not our" sounds are inconvenient for a Russian person, just like Russian speech is difficult for a foreigner.

For example, ask the Chinese to say "Y", and he will suffer no less than you are in trying to pronounce the sonorous in French correctly.

More, more

Of course, the fluency of speech also contributes to the large vocabulary. But even with constant contacts with foreigners, its spontaneous increase is not guaranteed.

Communication, even on the job, happens on the same subjects, and domestic mezhdusoboychiki revolve around movies, matches and politics, and can also manage the same set of phrases and year in a year.

Therefore, if your goal is the development of knowledge - read, watch movies, learn new words, like in school.

Let's talk

The topic for conversation is one more thing that makes communication difficult.

For the sake of justice it should be noted that with the Russian person whom you see for the first time, there is not always something to talk about.

The difference in ages, interests and position in society becomes a powerful barrier, allowing us to spread only a few words through a thick wall of boredom.

And then everything depends on you. Start first.

Prepare at home the story "About myself" and forward!

Of course, you do not need to tell the daily routine and run to this knowledge to everyone you meet.

But prepare a couple of phrases relating to your kind of activity, age, addictions, hobbies, and a couple of funny cases from life - you can.

Taking into account the peculiarities of interethnic communication, the availability of forbidden topics, such as salary, position, the number of cars and attitudes to different kinds of minorities, one can simply be interested in weather, complain about a sick child or show a cat photo.

It's important to find common points, and this has nothing to do with how well you know the language.

If you are generally interesting, as an interlocutor and you can carry on with the conversation of others, the ease of communication will appear itself, roughly between showing children photos and toasting "on the stick".

Experienced path

Abroad to practice in colloquial speech is the easiest.

The greatest communication skill, strangely enough, causes stressful situations.

Exit the hotel with a couple of dollars in hand, take any public transport route and drive to the unknown end of the city. Next, we recommend walking several blocks, and then manfully find the way home, asking the way for passers-by.

If you do not go abroad a lot, but you want to communicate with foreigners and raise the oral speech skill, you want to use their helplessness in a country that is alien to them, but native to you.

Museums, exhibitions, attractions and even shops, massively visited by tourists from other countries, is your goal.

There is always a lazy lady who does not understand Russian vodka, a couple of lovers who need a photo on the background of the temple, and others, in our case, "guinea pigs", who need your help in exchange for a communication experience and a plus in karma.

Short, non-committal conversations, at the end of which you will certainly be thanked for your help, perfectly stimulate and help to believe in yourself.

We offer you to watch a video with a list of template phrases

you will need when communicating with a foreigner:

In conclusion, I want to say that the ability to communicate is a skill that needs to be developed.

In the absence of practice, the sense of language is lost, the fluency of speech is lost, words are forgotten.

If you need to "shake your brains" - you can sign up for courses.

Many language schools offer express programs of very different orientations, lasting literally up to a month.

These classes do not necessarily enrich your vocabulary, but refresh knowledge, and therefore - and the willingness to communicate with foreigners.

The article is provided by the Foreign Language Study Center:

Moscow, January 2016

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