Peristalsis of the intestine is a process characterized by a wavy movement of the walls of the tubular organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
This process is designed to promote the contents of the stomach and intestines.
It is very important for the proper functioning of the whole organism, as it is responsible for excretion of feces and harmful substances from the body, as well as for the absorption of useful microelements.
Violation of peristalsis can cause various negative consequences in the form of diarrhea, constipation, hemorrhoids and other unpleasant diseases.
It is necessary to carefully monitor the state of your intestines so that the body functions correctly.
Contents of
- Causes of peristalsis disturbance
- What is the danger of the disorder?
- Symptoms of violation of
- Ways of improvement and enhancement of peristalsis
- Preventive measures
Causes of peristalsis
Each disease has its own causes that are long-term in nature and intestinal peristalsis is not an exception
The main causes of peristalsis disturbance:
loading. ..- This frequentthe use of high-calorie food in large volumes of .If you constantly eat foods with a high content of starch, flour and vegetable oil, then on the walls of the intestine a layer of slag is formed, which must be removed. To check the availability of this fact, you can drink a couple of spoons of beet juice. If urine turns red - this is an occasion to reflect on the state of your intestines.
- Genetic predisposition of .This reason can relate to any disease. Follow the history of illness of your relatives to be ready for the unexpected occurrence of diseases. It is necessary to pay special attention to those problematic organ systems and restore them in order to avoid the appearance of diseases. The same applies to violations of intestinal motility.
- Constipation and diarrhea that occur regularly .This can be both a cause and a consequence of a violation of intestinal motility.
- Excessive mental stress .This is typical for athletes involved in extreme sports, students, military personnel and other people who work in the field associated with increased mental stress. Intestinal peristalsis can be affected by severe stress, nervous breakdown or fright.
- Increased irritability of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract .
If there is at least one of these reasons, then it is best to undergo a test appointed by a medical specialist.
What is the threat of violation?
This is a violation of a vital process in the body. He threatens with a violation of the metabolism, both in the direction of acceleration, and in the direction of slowing down. In the first case, this threatens frequent and regular diarrhea, and in the second - constipation.
The slowing of metabolism in turn leads to the appearance of excess weight and deterioration of well-being.
With diarrhea, the body loses a large amount of moisture and beneficial trace elements. Diarrhea does not allow you to properly and fully absorb vitamins, salts, electrolytes and minerals.
Violation of intestinal motility can lead to deterioration of the intestinal microflora. This, in turn, can lead to disruption of metabolic processes in the patient's body.
Another dangerous manifestation of intestinal peristalsis is hemorrhoids. As you know, this disease can lead to disastrous consequences, and the course of the disease itself can not be called pleasant.
Periodic exacerbations characterized by prolapse of hemorrhoidal cones, regular bleeding with varying intensity, itching and pain.
The disease requires timely comprehensive treatment. It is necessary to use both medicamentous and folk methods of treatment in the form of special exercises.
Kegel exercises are known, which doctors often prescribe at various stages of hemorrhoid development. In the latter stages, the disease can be cured only surgically and with long-term therapy.
Hemorrhoids occur when intestinal peristalsis disrupts in the direction of metabolic slowdown. If it is complicated by this unpleasant fact, it is necessary to clean the body with special procedures, as well as preparations that improve intestinal peristalsis.
Symptoms of violation of
It is quite difficult to detect violation of intestinal peristalsis without examination by a qualified specialist.
Therefore, at the slightest deterioration in the state, both physical and mental, you must immediately consult a doctor.
Patient has:
- Prolonged absence of defecation .This symptom can cause other, accompanying symptoms: headaches, a state of unexplained anxiety, dizziness, weakness, depression, depressed state and so on.
- Flatulence , mild pain, bloating, a state of overcrowding.
- Decreased appetite .
- Heartburn .
- Insomnia .
- In rare cases, sharp severe pain may occur.
- In general, violation of defecation .A person with a metabolic rate within the limits of the norm commits acts of defecation at least 3 times a week and as a maximum - 3 times a day. Deviations from the norm - an occasion to apply to a medical institution.
- Painful sensations when defecating .This symptom also characterizes the manifestation of hemorrhoids, which may be a consequence of intestinal peristalsis.
Ways to improve and strengthen peristalsis
When solving this issue, it is important to know the causes of the problem. Therefore, before taking any action, it is necessary to recall all the details that are included in your habitual lifestyle and the symptoms by which you determined this disorder.
To stimulate this vital process, in addition to the medical methods that your doctor tells you, there are folk methods that will somehow have a beneficial effect on your body.
So, how to improve intestinal peristalsis with folk remedies:
- If you often take high-calorie food in small portions, then you need to eliminate this fact from your lifestyle .It is necessary to give time that the food is digested and left the stomach before the next meal. Focus on the signals that your body gives. The next meal should be started no earlier than half an hour after the onset of hunger.
- Include in your diet as much as possible fruits and vegetables in its raw form. This is a natural way to accelerate the metabolism. The same applies to freshly squeezed natural juice. In this case, it is practically not important, from what fruits or vegetables the product is obtained.
- The intestine is beneficially affected by the intake of germinated wheat grains .
- In no case do exclude porridge( buckwheat, oatmeal and wheat) from your diet.
- In modern stores is sold mineral water without gases, which doctors recommend for problems with the intestines.
- Some products may produce a long-term laxative effect of .Such products include prunes, crabs, dates, radish juice, spinach and many others. It should be said that each organism is unique and different products can have a different effect on two people.
- Fermented milk products also normalizes the work of the intestines.
Intestinal peristalsis - how to improve it and what foods to eat:
Preventive measures
To avoid problems with intestinal peristalsis, attention should be paid to one's lifestyle. Become more active, do exercises in the morning, visit the gym at least once a week, stick to a healthy balanced diet.
It is important to observe the correct mode of work and rest, sleep and wakefulness. Even if you just set up your lifestyle, many diseases that might otherwise arise can disappear by themselves.
Intestinal peristalsis is a very important process of the body. Try to keep an eye on him and even with minor abnormalities, immediately consult a doctor. Take care of the most valuable thing that you have - your health and be happy!
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