About the sour eyes in children

Eye sights in everyday speech are a number of symptoms that indicate the presence of inflammatory processes in the conjunctiva.

First of all, this is the appearance of purulent and mucous discharge in the corners of the eyes, as well as the appearance of baggy swellings in these places.

In children, eye sore is more common than in adults, which is due to the weakness of their immune system and the unformed ocular membrane.

In this article, we will consider the problem in more detail, and also give methods of prevention and treatment to get rid of eye souring in a child.

  • 1. Symptoms of
  • 2. Causes of
  • 3. Treatment of
  • 4. Results of
  • 5. Useful video of
  • Symptoms of

    In most cases, characteristic discharges appear at night and are detected by morning. They can have different colors: brown, green, yellow, white and transparent.

    Isolations of brown and green colors indicate significant purulent processes in conjunctival sacs, and white and transparent - about the early stages of pathology.

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    During the night, mucus freezes and the eyelids stick together - the eyes become difficult to open on awakening, and it is not possible for babies to do this at all, as their eye muscles are still very weak.

    The child rubs his eyes, trying to remove the accumulated formations, thereby bringing dirt to the damaged organ, causing it to irritate and promote the development of infection. This is accompanied by the sensations of a foreign body in the eye and burning.

    In a number of cases, after rinsing the eyes, their souring does not occur until the next morning, but sometimes mucous discharge may appear in just 20-30 minutes.

    Reasons for

    The most common cause of eye souring in children is conjunctivitis. In total, this disease has three triggers:

    1. Allergic reactions.
    2. Virus.
    3. Bacteria.

    The protective envelope of the cornea becomes inflamed and this leads to an increased release of protective fluids through the tear duct.

    If the nature of conjunctivitis is allergic, then pure white mucus is released, if it is caused by infection with bacteria or viruses, then in addition to mucus, green or brown pus appears.

    Infants with conjunctivitis often have a fever.

    Eye sore in children aged one month to six months may be caused by a more rare and specific disease - dacryocystitis.

    A cork is formed in the tear duct, which does not allow the secretion to be released in sufficient quantity and leads to its stagnation in the conducting paths."Cork" consists of embryonic tissue, which was not completely removed at the birth of the child.

    Inadequate supply to the eye of protective fluids leads to the fact that even the most insignificant infectious foci grow and cause serious inflammation.

    In children of a more adult age, dacryocystitis can be provoked by narrowing of the lacrimal canals due to the transferred infectious diseases, ingress of foreign bodies, inflammatory processes in the nasal canals( sinusitis, rhinitis, sinusitis).

    It is not possible to clearly distinguish between dacryocystitis and conjunctivitis at home, as these diseases have similar symptoms.

    For an accurate diagnosis, a visit to the doctor is necessary. But there are some suggestive factors that will help make an initial assumption about the exact cause of souring:

    • dacryocystitis is not allergic, it is always characterized by purulent discharge;
    • with conjunctivitis often inflames skin on the surface of the eyelids and sclera, with dacryocystitis inflammation is localized in the depths of the lacrimal sac.

    These articles will help you take care of the health of the children's eyes:

    • Charge for the restoration of vision for adults and children
    • Exercises while working on the computer
    • Prevention of visual impairment in schoolchildren


    First of all, the sour eyes should be rinsed with clean water. Do not make it unfiltered tap water - the chlorine contained in it can cause deterioration.

    Do not apply ice or other cold objects to the affected area. Although this can short-term reduce pain, in fact, such compresses lead to hypothermia of tissues and the creation of an even more beneficial environment for the multiplication of bacteria and viruses.

    After removing the souring products, you should determine the drug therapy.

    Allergic conjunctivitis is treated with antihistamine preparations of local and systemic use: Kromogeksal, Allergodil, Vizin, Claritin.

    It is important to find the cause of such reactions and minimize contact with the allergen. The localization of allergies in the eyes, usually occurs due to dust in the room, the presence of pets, during the flowering period of plants.

    Bacterial conjunctivitis is eliminated by antibacterial and antibiotic ointments and drops: Cipromed, Ophtadex, Normax, Albucid.

    Viral conjunctivitis is harder to treat, but you can cope with it when using drugs such as Oftan Ida, Gludantan, Aktipol.

    For viral and bacterial conjunctivitis, daily eye rinses with a 0.25% solution of Levomycetin will benefit.

    Treatment of dacryocystitis requires complex therapy: some drops and ointments will not be enough here. It is necessary and outpatient treatment. The child must attend UHF procedures, which will soften the plug in the conductive ways.

    UHF infants are not prescribed and use more gentle methods: massage of the lacrimal sac, washing of the nasal and lacrimal canals, sounding of the mucous sacs.

    The picture shows how to properly massage in this situation:

    When the infiltration is eliminated, it goes directly to antibacterial and antiviral therapy: drops of the intended purpose are applied to the conjunctival bag.

    Folk remedies against sourness are represented by tea compresses, lotions from laurel leaves, decoctions from dill.

    Do not replace them with drug therapy and outpatient procedures, folk recipes are only suitable as an adjunct to the main treatment.

    Results of

    Eye sore in children is characterized by purulent-mucous discharge in the corners of the eyes and around the perimeter of the conjunctival sac. They can be caused by allergic and infectious conjunctivitis, as well as dacryocystitis.

    Dacryocystitis is the overlap of lacrimal ducts with embryonic tissue or other formations, more often this disease occurs in newborns. In its presence, the sourness of the eyes always takes the form of pronounced purulent discharge.

    Useful video

    Massage against eye souring:

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