Crawling in the development of the child is an important stage that prepares the locomotor system for walking. Scientists have proved that in doing so, the baby is connected between the two hemispheres of the brain, contributing to the elimination of dyslexia and better coordination.
At what age does the child begin to crawl
Karapuz is studying his own body and its possibilities from the very young age. When a child begins to crawl - this is the threshold of perception of reality, because the crumb itself can get what was previously unattainable for him. The child learns to control the body, developing a comprehensive brain. One can not accurately answer the question of how many months the baby starts to crawl, because every new little man is individual. Pediatricians call the abstract figure - 6 months, but sometimes the child starts to master the world, getting on all fours in 4 months.
The benefits of crawling
How to teach a child to crawl, interests all parents, because the benefits of independent movement are indisputable. A breakthrough in the development of space occurs between five and twelve months. The baby begins to gradually get on all fours, then creeps back, then forward with increasing speed. Young mothers are interested in how to teach a child to crawl and why.
Crawl strengthens the muscles of the back, legs, arms, shoulder girdle, improves coordination of movements, promotes the development of the baby's musculoskeletal system. Such activity contributes to the stimulation of cortical areas, which are responsible for the regulation of movements, improves the interaction of the two hemispheres of the brain, stabilizes the coordination of the movement of cross legs and hands( the left arm is the right leg).
The importance of crawling is emphasized by both educators and psychologists. Thanks to the movement on all fours, the child develops tactile sensuality. Moving on various surfaces, the child meets on the way a lot of new things( chair legs, sofa, chair) and studies them. Also, visual perception is improved, because the panorama of the same object from different sides is different.
How to help a baby crawl
A well-known pediatrician, Dr. Komarovsky, asks how to teach a baby to crawl, responds that the child will stand, walk, sit and crawl himself whenever he wants. The main role of parents is to educate him so that all these movements do not turn into crumbs into hard work. The only help for adults should be the hardening, development of muscles and prevention of rickets.
When a baby begins to crawl, parents need to learn how to not restrict freedom of movement. In order to protect the crumb from troubles, the best way is to stand on all fours to look around and check the space for sharp angles. If dangerous objects are seen, then you need to remove them, so as not to turn the study of the world of the baby into solid prohibitions.
Sometimes, even after 8 months, the baby does not want to start moving independently. In this case, parents begin to contact pediatricians with the question of how to teach their child to crawl. Children's doctors say unequivocally: do not forcefully stimulate the movement of your child, because a baby can simply be weakened by the body. First you need to undergo examination and strengthen the musculoskeletal system with the help of special gymnastics. There are several factors that influence the formation of the desire of the baby to crawl:
- personality traits;
- state of health;
- psychological situation in the family;
- physical data.
Exercises for the child to crawl
Help to learn how to crawl with the help of classes can be spread out on the floor children's books, bright toys, covers, boxes to stimulate the interest of the study. But before that, you need to check if the crumb is in the draft zone. To avoid a cold, you should lay a carpet on the floor, put a mattress or a warm blanket on the floor. Absence of prohibitions on independent movement much faster will help to teach the baby to crawl. The baby will feel more confident if during the trip the mother will be near.
How to teach a child to crawl with specially designed exercises:
- Support on straight arms. Put the crumb on your stomach, hang your favorite toy slightly above your head. The child to grab the object, will rise on the handles and will drag on.
- Strengthening the vestibular apparatus. You can teach you how to work with your hands by making a platen from a pillow or a blanket, which is put under the baby's chest. The head and handles should hang, and the legs should be in an even state. A child in this position will turn the head in different directions, and take with both hands the objects you like.
- Standing on your knees and knees. Press the child to your belly, wrap it with one hand under the arms, and put the second on the surface with the knees. The smooth back of the baby should stay pressed to you. When the child is comfortable, lower it slowly forward so that the handles lean against the surface.
- Teach rearrangement of handles. It is better to conduct the exercise above the table. With one hand, hold the baby under the breast, the other - lift the legs. With open palms, the kid must rest on the surface of the table. Push the child so that the handles begin to move forward independently.