Egg Diet

Egg diet is successfully used by many people who want to part with extra pounds. And this is not surprising, because the product on which it is based is truly unique, even though it is the most common chicken eggs that are familiar to all from childhood.

Eggs are a very useful product, they contain phosphorus, iron, potassium, calcium, manganese, zinc and other essential microelements, vitamins of B group, vitamins A, E, D, K, that is practically all substances necessary for growth and development of the body. The egg is digested to 98% and therefore does not leave any slag. Eggs are perfectly saturated, and the feeling of satiety lasts longer than from many other foods. At the same caloric content of eggs is low.

It used to be that many eggs can not be eaten because they contain a lot of cholesterol. However, recent studies have shown that "egg" cholesterol is practically not deposited on the walls of our vessels and does not cause the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

General recommendations for the use of egg diets

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The main, perhaps, lack of eggs is their high allergenicity, and therefore egg diets in any variants are categorically contraindicated to allergy sufferers, even those who have not previously had any allergies to eggs. The rest can also try some of the options for this diet, after consulting with a doctor, especially if you suffer from some chronic diseases, especially kidneys, heart and blood vessels.

And before proceeding to a detailed description of the egg diets, there are a few more tips for applying their long-term( for 2 and 4 weeks) options.

  • Drink as much liquid as you want. It is recommended to drink at least 1.5-2 liters per day, however, through the power to pour a drink into itself, of course, it is not necessary. To drink it is better simple water or green tea, but black tea, and coffee without milk and sugar are not forbidden in small quantities.
  • If the eggs are very tired, you can occasionally replace them with fat-free cottage cheese.
  • Vegetables can be eaten fresh or boiled, it is possible to add seasonings, greens, onions, garlic, slightly podsalivat( unless otherwise specified in the description of the ration of a particular day).
  • Try not to go beyond the dietary restrictions, make the diet as varied as possible, first of all it is possible at the expense of fruits, remember only that during the diet you can not eat grapes, mangoes, dates, bananas, figs.

Well, now a detailed description of the different options for the egg diet.

Three-day egg diet

Daily ration:

  • Eggs boiled( without salt) - 3 pieces;
  • Grapefruit - 1 piece;
  • Water and unsweetened green tea.

You can sit on this menu for 2-3 days, every day is dropped from a pound to a kilogram.

Egg Diet for 7 Days

Over a week, with this variant of the egg diet, you can lose 3 to 7 kilograms of excess weight.

First day.
For breakfast: grapefruit( 1 pc.), Boiled egg( 2 pcs), a glass of green tea( 1 pc).
For lunch: orange( 1 piece), boiled egg( 1 piece), boiled chicken fillet, can be salted( 150 g).
For dinner: boiled chicken fillet without skin and salt( 200 g), kefir( 1 glass).

The second day.
For breakfast: boiled egg( 2 pcs.), Juice of any citrus( 1 glass).
For lunch: orange( 2 pcs.), Boiled or braised chicken with salt without skin( 150 g), clean water( 1 glass).
For dinner: boiled egg( 2 pcs.), Grapefruit( 1 pc.), Milk( 1 glass).

The third day.
For breakfast: a glass of clean water with a teaspoon of juice, squeezed out of fresh lemon, boiled egg( 1 piece).
For lunch: boiled meat( 200 g), grapefruit( 1 pc).
For dinner: boiled egg( 2 pcs.), Mineral water( 1 glass).

Fourth day.
For breakfast: an omelette( 3 eggs) with salt and herbs.
For lunch: salad, cooked or stewed chicken legs without leather, with salt( 2 pcs.).
For dinner: grapefruit( 2 pcs.), Boiled egg( 1 pc.), Clean water( 1 glass).The fifth day.
For breakfast: salad( boiled carrots( 1 pc.), Boiled egg( 2 pcs.), Low-fat sour cream( 1 tbsp.), Greens).
For lunch: fresh carrots( 2 pcs.), Orange juice( 1 glass).
For dinner: sea fish cooked or stewed, with a teaspoon of lemon juice, boiled egg( 1 pc.), Clean water( 1 glass).

The sixth day.
For breakfast: cottage cheese( 150 g), citrus juice( 1 glass).
For lunch: grapefruit( 2 pcs.), Boiled egg( 2 pcs).For dinner: mineral water.

The seventh day.
For breakfast: grapefruit( 1/2 pc.), Boiled egg( 2 pcs).
For lunch: boiled meat( 200 g), orange( 1 pc).
For dinner: mineral water.

Two-week egg diet

In this version of the diet, you must strictly adhere to the proposed diet and do not change the products to others. On this depends the effectiveness of the diet. The diet provides for 3 meals a day: first breakfast, lunch and lunch, which should be no later than 18.00.And no snacks.

The first breakfast is always the same: grapefruit, 2 eggs, black coffee.

Diet of other meals:

1st day.
Second breakfast: 2 eggs, tomato, herbal tea.
Lunch: 2 eggs, vinaigrette without oil, grapefruit, herbal tea.

Day 2.
Second breakfast: grapefruit, 2 eggs.
Lunch: a dish of lean meat, tomato, lettuce, cucumber, celery.

Day 3.
Second breakfast: 2 eggs, spinach, tea.
Lunch: 2 eggs, cottage cheese, cabbage, beet, herbal tea.

4th day.
Second breakfast: 2 eggs, spinach, coffee.
Lunch: fish, vinaigrette, coffee.

5th day.
Second breakfast: 2 eggs, spinach, coffee. Dinner: fish, vinaigrette, cabbage, coffee.

Day 6.
Second breakfast: fruit salad.
Lunch: steak, celery, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, coffee.

Day 7.
Second breakfast: grapefruit, cold chicken, tomato.
Lunch: chicken, tomato, carrots, cabbage, coffee.

In the second week, the ration of the first is exactly the same.

Egg Diet for 4 Weeks

Also requires strict adherence to the prescribed diet.

First week of

Breakfast all week is the same: 1/2 oranges or grapefruit and 1-2 boiled eggs.

Other meals:

Lunch: any one kind of fruit and in any quantity( oranges, apples, pears, apricots, melons, watermelons, etc.).
Dinner: fried or boiled meat( slices or minced meat without fat), except lamb.

Lunch: boiled or fried chicken without skin.
Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, salad( it can cut cucumber, lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, carrots), 1 toast or 1/4 cake, 1 orange or grapefruit.

Lunch: any cheese( fat-free) in any quantity, 1 toast, tomatoes.
Dinner: fried or boiled meat( slices or minced meat without fat), except lamb.

Lunch: any one kind of fruit and in any quantity( oranges, apples, pears, apricots, melons, watermelons, etc.).
Dinner: fried or boiled meat( slices or minced meat without fat), except lamb, salad.

Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, boiled vegetables( zucchini or beans or carrots or green peas).Dinner: fish boiled or fried, salad, 1 orange or grapefruit.

Lunch: any one kind of fruit and in any quantity( oranges, apples, pears, apricots, melons, watermelons, etc.).
Dinner: fried or boiled meat( slices or minced meat without fat), except lamb, salad.

Lunch: boiled or fried chicken without skin, tomatoes, boiled vegetables, 1 orange or grapefruit.
Dinner: boiled vegetables.

Second week of

Daily breakfast: 1/2 oranges or grapefruit and 1-2 boiled eggs.

Lunch: fried or boiled meat, salad.
Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, salad, 1 orange or grapefruit.

Lunch: fried or boiled meat, salad.
Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, 1 orange or grapefruit.

Lunch: fried or boiled meat, cucumbers.
Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, 1 orange or grapefruit.

Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, any white cheese( skimmed) in any quantity, boiled vegetables.
Dinner: 2 boiled eggs.

Friday. Dinner: fish boiled or fried.
Dinner: 2 eggs.

Lunch: fried or boiled meat, tomatoes, 1 orange or grapefruit.
Dinner: a mixture of fresh fruits( orange, mandarin, melon, peach, apple).

Lunch: boiled or fried chicken without skin, tomatoes, boiled vegetables, 1 orange or grapefruit.
Dinner: boiled or fried chicken without skin, tomatoes, boiled vegetables, 1 orange or grapefruit.

Third week

Throughout the day, any fruit in any quantity, at any time, in combination with any other fruit except: grapes, mangoes, dates, bananas, figs.

Throughout the day, any cooked vegetables and any salads, except for combination with potatoes and dry cereals.

Throughout the day, any fruits listed above, any boiled vegetables, salads in any quantity, at any time.

Fish boiled or fried in any quantity, salad( cabbage or salad only) in any quantity, boiled vegetables.

Meat cooked or roasted lean, except lamb, or chicken, cooked vegetables.

Saturday and Sunday.
Throughout the day, one type of fruit in any quantity, at any time( only apples or only pears, or only peaches, or only apricots).


Mentioned products are distributed for a whole day without a certain time, however without additions.

4 slices of fried or boiled meat or 1/4 of boiled chicken.
3 tomatoes, 4 cucumbers.
1 can of tuna without oil( or washed with water).
1 toast.1 orange or grapefruit.

2 slices of fried or boiled meat( maximum 200 grams).
3 tomatoes, 4 cucumbers.
1 toast.
Apple or pear, or 1 slice of melon, or orange, or grapefruit.

1 spoon of cottage cheese, or any white cheese( low-fat).
A small plate of boiled vegetables.
2 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers.
1 toast. Orange or grapefruit.

1/2 of boiled or fried chicken.
3 tomatoes, cucumber.
1 toast. Orange or grapefruit.
One kind of listed fruit.

2 boiled eggs.
1 salad, 3 tomatoes. Orange or grapefruit.

2 breast cooked chicken.
125 grams of cottage cheese or brynza.
1 toast.
2 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers, yogurt. Orange or grapefruit.

1 tablespoon of cottage cheese. Tuna jar without oil.
Small plate of boiled vegetables.
2 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers.
1 toast. Orange or grapefruit.

Weight loss diets
  • Mar 11, 2018
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