Is there always an operation for myoma of the uterus?

According to statistics, uterine myoma is one of the most frequently diagnosed gynecological diseases. The variety of its manifestations dictates the features of the choice of treatment in each specific case, although the main method, of course, is surgical. What operation with uterine myoma will be the most optimal option?

Contents of

  • 1 Is the uterus removed?
  • 2 Consequences of operation
  • 3 Recovery after
  • 4 Is there any chance to save the organ?

Is the uterus removed?

The operations carried out to get rid of myoma are of several kinds. Radical way - removal of the body or hysterectomy. There was a time when only this and surgical intervention was performed even for young women who could still have children. Many even now, having learned about the diagnosis, panic, thinking that they will have a hysterectomy.

Types of uterine fibroids

In fact, this method of treatment is not always used. There are more sparing methods, giving an excellent result. But the indication to the choice of the type of intervention is, of course, not the patient's desire, but more precise criteria:

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Criterion Indications for operation
Age of the woman If she is over 40, she probably realized her reproductive function. Nevertheless, this is not the main reason why a specialist will prescribe a hysterectomy.
Symptoms of fibroids If they are pronounced, the woman is tormented by frequent bleeding, pain, weakness, anemia is diagnosed, and this is the reason for considering the radical method.
Dimensions and rate of development of the tumor The removal of uterine fibroids together with the organ is indicated at a high value( over 12 weeks of pregnancy) and rapid growth. In this case, the symptomatology is strong, there is a risk of degeneration of the nodes.
Obstruction of the work of neighboring organs Squeezing the bladder, intestine creates additional conditions for the removal of the uterus.
Family history of the patient If other relatives had cases of uterine cancer, there is a high probability that myoma will be a malignant tumor.

Consequences of operation

Fears in connection with carrying out a radical intervention are related not only to the operation itself, which, of course, is more traumatic than the removal of only the tumor. And do not be afraid to stop feeling like a woman. After a hysterectomy, a whole complex of symptoms develops in patients, called post-stroke syndrome:

  • Cardiovascular pathologies. May occur, including with the preservation of the gonads. But removal along with the uterus and ovaries will soon lead to such consequences.
  • Increased likelihood of developing kidney, thyroid or breast cancer. This is a kind of "compensation" for a distant tumor.
  • Symptoms of menopause, that is, hot flashes, depression, insomnia. Preservation of the ovaries from this does not save, since their blood supply, and hence the functions are violated.
  • Increased fatigue. It leads to the presence of other signs of deterioration of well-being, as well as the suppression of immunity.
  • Problems in intimate life. Because of the decrease in the volume of hormones, libido disappears, but pain can occur during intercourse, orgasm becomes less intense.
  • Omission of the walls of the vagina. Their weakening is due to a hormonal disorder.
  • Urological problems. It can be a frequently occurring cystitis or simply increased bladder activity, urinary incontinence.
  • Problems with bones and joints. Changes in the balance of hormones lead to osteoporosis. Joints begin to ache, as they collapse more quickly.
  • The appearance of endocrine diseases. The metabolism is broken, as a result of which weight may increase, the functions of the thyroid gland and pancreas may be disrupted.
  • Chronic pelvic pain. Adaptation to the absence of an organ is often accompanied by them.

Given these difficulties, cavitary removal of uterine fibroids, as well as surgery through the vagina, are prescribed in extreme cases, when other methods are obviously useless, and the life and health of the patient due to the tumor are under threat.

Recovery after

Rehabilitation after a hysterectomy is quite long, has its own nuances:

  • The first 2 hours after awakening from anesthesia, nausea worries. But this is normal, even if the sensations last longer. After 3 to 4 hours, some can eat or at least drink water.
  • Pain in the abdomen is also noticeable, it is stopped with medications( 5 - 7 days).In the future, it weakens, but sipping in the abdomen, tingling can disturb up to a month.
  • The first days the temperature is raised to 37.5 degrees. It happens even after discharge, but it is not dangerous if the values ​​are not higher than indicated. To prevent fever, that is, the development of infection, prescribe antibiotics.
  • You need to get up in bed a few hours after laparoscopy. If a cavitary operation was performed to remove the fibroids, they arise after 2 days. This is important to prevent complications, more rapid recovery.
  • There is a first time will have liquid food, gradually moving to a more varied diet. Drinking plenty of water is necessary so that there are no problems with stool and tension during defecation. Ration 2 - 4 months sparing, that is, with a minimum of salt, refractory fats, fractional food. You can not eat what helps flatulence. You need fiber, vitamins, lean meat, dried apricots, pomegranate juice.
  • It is forbidden to lift weights and strain in every possible way 4 - 6 weeks. And then the physical load should increase slowly and gradually.
  • Do not have sex for at least a month and a half. Someone may have this period of time up to six months.
  • The seam is treated with alcohol-containing compounds. This is important to avoid infection. As the healing progresses, the seam can itch, pinch and after 2 months after the operation.
  • From the vagina there will be discharge with blood, which should stop after 4 - 6 weeks. Tampons with them can not be used categorically. If the volume of secretions increases, the odor becomes unpleasant, purulent, additional treatment will be necessary.

We recommend to read an article about the monthly with uterine myoma. From it you will learn about the disease and its effect on the nature of menstruation, the causes of meager or abundant discharge, as well as the nature of the monthly after the operation.

Is there any chance to save the organ?

Most patients are frightened by a lumbar operation, uterine fibroids seem to them no worse than the fact that the organ is removed through a cut in the abdominal wall. The panic before intervention, and still the unwillingness to acquire problems associated with hysterectomy, causes the search for opportunities to save the organ.

Before, physicians often insisted on the removal of the uterus in any case, to once and for all do away with myoma. But modern methods have allowed to struggle with a pathology, keeping an organ.

This can be done with:

  • Embolization of the uterine artery. The method is the introduction of a blocking diet of myomas in the composition. Having lost the stimulus, the tumor decreases.
  • Operations to remove only fibroids. Intervention can be cavitary, laparoscopic( through small incisions in the abdominal wall) or hysteroscopic( access to the nodes is through the vagina).

But all methods make sense only with a small myome. That is why it is important at any age to visit the gynecologist twice a year.

Early detection of the problem, control of it makes the removal of the uterus minimal. If the doctor insists on hysterectomy, it is worthwhile to get the opinion of other specialists too. It is better to go to a modern clinic, where there are more opportunities for quality examination and experienced, knowledgeable gynecologists.

  • Mar 11, 2018
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