Products useful for liver health

In the human body, the liver performs a very important role, it is our main biochemical laboratory, in which a huge number of vital chemical reactions occur. In addition, it is engaged in cleansing the body, about 70 percent of toxic by-products of metabolism are excreted through it, and only 30 percent through the kidneys. Therefore, from the impeccable work of the liver depends the work of other organs, health, skin condition.

If the liver starts to malfunction, the skin may appear pigmented spots, its elasticity, color will be lost. But these are only external manifestations, much more serious negative processes take place inside the body. And that this does not happen, it is necessary to take care of your health and to know about those products that can improve the liver, activate the formation of enzymes, and other biologically active substances, so necessary for the normal functioning of the body, its purification from toxins and toxins.


The first place in the list of foods useful for the liver can rightfully take garlic as the most active activator of enzymes. The presence of ingredients such as allicin and selenium allows the liver to be purified. In order to increase the absorption of these useful ingredients, you need to mash the garlic. It also improves metabolism, has a rejuvenating effect on the body, cures of sclerosis, cough, strengthens the vessels, making them more elastic.

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People who consume garlic, a strong immune system, good eyesight and are less prone to cancer and colds. It is very useful garlic tincture, which can be cooked at home. To make the tincture is used garlic, lemon, chilled boiled water. This tincture for health improvement was used and used by Tibetan monks.


A natural cleaner and stimulator of liver function can also be called grapefruit. It acts very gently on the liver, eliminating functional disorders. Grapefruit stimulates digestion, relieves heartburn, strengthens the heart, lowers blood pressure, cleans vessels, improves mood and performs many more useful functions for the body.

Apples help the gastrointestinal tract work well, producing toxins from the liver through the production of certain substances. They also saturate the body with vitamins, so they are recommended for daily intake.

Vegetables and greens

In the daily diet, you must enter fresh herbs. It is not only rich in vitamins, which helps the body fight colds, but also serves as an activator of the liver's defense mechanisms.

It is not necessary to exclude from the diet beets and carrots, rich in plant flavonoids. Fresh juices from these vegetables are considered powerful and beautiful cleaners.

A cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower allow the liver to produce more enzymes and thereby free of toxins and carcinogens, which reduces the risk of cancer.

There are many other useful vegetables, fruits, nuts, spices that improve liver function. Especially from them it is possible to allocate walnuts, avocados, turmeric.

Other foods and drinks that are useful for the liver

Salads are best dressed with olive, hemp or flaxseed oil, as these oils are very useful for the liver in small amounts.

Of cereals, buckwheat and millet are very useful.

Very useful for stimulation of liver function of lime and lemon juice.

Many women can not imagine their day without a cup of green tea, and do the right thing. After all, tea contains antioxidants that have a mild cleansing effect.

Nutrition and Health
  • Mar 11, 2018
  • 31
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