Quickly want to remove the pimple? Honey and cucumber it's time to get

Table of contents:

  1. Home acne remedies
  2. Folk remedies for acne for external use
  3. Masks
  4. Lotions
  5. Lotions and compresses
  6. Ointments and creams

Currently, the cosmetics industry produces a large number of new drugs that promise to quickly get rid of acne. These funds are actively promoting, emphasizing the fact that they contain only natural ingredients.

Also a huge role is played by the world renown of manufacturers, which is very captivating. Why pay fabulous money for a brand, if you can just use the same natural ingredients, only at home? Traditional medicine is no less effective, but more safe and, naturally, are much cheaper. There are a lot of folk recipes, which detail how to quickly remove the pimple. Moreover, eggs, vegetables or fruit used for masks can not be faked, but a drug worth two thousand rubles is very easy.

Home Remedies for Acne

All folk remedies used to control acne are divided according to the method of their application into two large groups:

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  • for external use;
  • for oral use.

The first group includes masks from acne, tonics, scrubs, which have their therapeutic effect by directly affecting the skin of the face.

To the second - decoctions, infusions, which take inside. They eliminate acne, affecting not the skin itself, but the processes and mechanisms that occur in the body and contribute to the development of the problem. At the same time, the means for oral administration improve the general condition of the body and, in particular, the skin condition.

Folk remedies for acne for external use


Household soap, help to get rid of acne
  1. Household soap - a remedy for acne, which is quite effective and in the manner of application resembles a mask. Take a piece of ordinary household soap and wipe with a moistened piece of each pimple, leave for the whole night. In the morning they wash with cool water. Healing properties of laundry soap, which allow using it to fight acne, are cleansing oily skin and drying pimples.
  2. Cucumber mask is an excellent tool that is used not only to treat acne, but also for their prevention.
    • Take one unrefined fresh cucumber, rub it on a grater, pour three tablespoons of the received mass with two glasses of boiling water, insist, and then apply a smooth layer on the face.
    • Take the ripe cucumber, grate it, apply it to your face for twenty minutes, and then wash it off with cool water.
  3. To prepare a mask from yeast, dilute a tablespoon of yeast with warm water to a consistency of thick sour cream, and then apply the mixture on your face for twenty minutes. Wait until the mask has dried and rinsed off with cool water. In this mask, add lemon juice for simultaneous drying of acne and light bleaching of the facial skin.
  4. Mask of carrots, egg yolks and honey helps to get rid of acne. To do this, mix in equal amounts of ground on grater or meat grinder carrots, egg yolks and honey. The mask is applied to the face for twenty minutes and rinsed with water.
  5. Clay mask

    • White clay - take three tablespoons of white clay powder, add to it thirty milliliters of alcohol, mix thoroughly and add to the mixture fifteen drops of lemon juice to dry the pimples. The resulting product is applied to the face skin for twenty minutes and rinsed off with cool water. This mask is very effective from juvenile acne.
    • From green clay - mix until a homogeneous mass of a spoon of green clay powder, egg white, a teaspoon of olive oil and the pulp of one peeled kiwi. Apply this mass to the face for ten minutes, and then wash with cool water.
  6. Quail eggs, grapefruit juice and strawberries are folk remedies for the treatment of acne. To prepare the mask mix strawberries and grapefruit juice, and then add to this mass a whipped egg quail. All is well mixed to a homogeneous consistency and applied with a cotton swab on your face for twenty minutes, rinse.
  7. Of ordinary garlic, prepare a face mask, as garlic effectively fights acne and acne, especially with pink. Take garlic, prepare from it a gruel immediately before use, apply to the face for fifteen minutes and rinse with cool water. Repeat the procedure twice a week.
  8. A mask made of quince is prepared very simply and quickly. Ripe quince is rubbed on a grater and applied to the face for twenty minutes, after which it is washed off with cool water. Such a mask can be done every day without restrictions.
  9. Mask from pimples from honey and lemon is prepared as follows: mix honey and lemon juice in the same amount, apply the mass to the face first point to the pimples, and after drying the second layer on the entire surface. This mask is recommended to be done every day or two days later. The therapeutic effect of the mask is due to the bactericidal properties of honey and the drying effect of lemon.
  10. To prepare a mud mask from acne, take fifty grams of a powder of therapeutic mud and mix it in milk. A half-gram of sulfur is added to the resulting thick slurry and all is thoroughly mixed. Apply the mask to the face area, affected by pimples, for half an hour, and then rinse with cool water.
  11. Mask of black tea is a simple and effective means of folk medicine for acne. The cleansed face skin is wiped with gauze soaked in ordinary tea brewing and left on those areas on which there are inflamed pimples. Withstand for twenty minutes and rinse with water.


Lotions - products also intended for external use. They are applied point-wise on acne, rub face skin or make baths.

The infusion of the leaves of aloe - a unique tool that will help you
  1. The infusion of aloe leaves is one of the most effective remedies for acne. Freshly cut lower leaves are placed in the refrigerator for ten days, and then they are ground in a meat grinder to the state of gruel. Fill it with cold water: one part of aloe needs five parts of water. Insist the mixture for about an hour and boil for three minutes. Apply this infusion after percolation for wiping the face in the mornings and evenings.
  2. Juice from the leaves of aloe is used only in fresh form, since any storage, even short-term, results in the loss of the medicinal properties of the plant. To obtain a useful aloe juice, cut the leaves and stand them in a dark and cool place for ten days, then grind and squeeze the juice. They rub their skin three times a day, paying special attention to the areas with inflamed acne and acne.
  3. Calendula extract is recommended for use in individuals with oily and porous skin. Pour a tablespoon of dry marigold half a liter of boiling water and insist thirty minutes. Then the infusion is cooled and filtered. Such an infusion is wiped face and make lotions on problem areas.
  4. The tincture of St. John's wort is prepared as follows: take dry grass and fill it with 40% alcohol. Insist two days and rub face skin. This is a very effective remedy for the treatment of oily face seborrhea, acne and inflamed acne.
  5. Apply for treatment of problem skin and acne lotion from wormwood, which is easy to prepare at home. To do this, pour a glass of boiling water a spoonful of dry wormwood and let it brew for thirty minutes. Infusion filter and add to it a tablespoon of lemon juice, viburnum and apple cider vinegar, and a teaspoon of salt. The obtained lotion is wiped.
  6. Sage lotion at home is prepared by brewing two tablespoons of dry sage leaves with boiling water. Insist for two hours, filter and add a teaspoon of honey. Wipe such lotion with problem areas of facial skin every morning and evening.
  7. With the help of birch juice, you can quickly remove acne
    How to quickly remove acne with the help of birch sap? They can just wash themselves or make a birch kidney acne lotion. To do this, pour birch buds with boiling water and boil over low heat for fifteen minutes. Birch juice is very effective, but only in the spring, as it is not stored, and the kidneys can only be used fresh.
  8. Infusion of raspberry berries rub face skin and wash.
  9. Another effective means of folk medicine for acne is tomato juice. It is mixed with glycerin and this mixture is used to rub the face. Expected results can be obtained in two weeks.
  10. Chop the leaves of parsley and squeeze out of them the juice that the face wipes. Folk remedies based on parsley juice help not only to cure acne, improve and lighten the skin, but also to get rid of spots after acne.

Lotions and compresses

  1. Gadgets made from elecampane are made once a day. After the first procedure, peeling of the skin is possible. To prepare the infusion from the eleventh, pour a glass of boiling water on a spoonful of grass and insist until it cools completely. Then wet in a tincture with a cotton swab and apply to the problem areas for thirty minutes. After that, the face is moistened with a moisturizer.
  2. Pour boiling water on the dry grass of the string and wait for complete cooling of the infusion under the covered lid. Filter and take away the gruel. Put it on a cotton swab and keep on the spots with pimples for fifteen minutes. After that, wipe the face with a swab dipped in the remaining infusion of the turn.
  3. Calendula inflorescences are poured with a liter of boiling water and insist for half an hour. Then insist, filter and apply to the pimples with a tampon. This is the ideal prescription for lotions for people with oily skin and large pores.
  4. They also use pimples from pimples from St. John's wort, infusion of sage leaves, althea roots, flax grass, celandine.
  5. Popular popular recipes of hot lotions-poultices, which are prepared from infusions of sage, chamomile and horsetail. Mix the infusions of sage, horsetail and chamomile, warm up the mixture and moisten the napkin in it, which is laid to the sites with pimples. After cooling, the napkin is dipped into another infusion. The main rule of lotions-poultices is the use of only hot napkins, which must be changed as they cool down.
  6. Compress from camomile from acne affects the metabolic processes in the skin, normalizes them, eliminating the cause of the appearance of acne. Kipyatkom pour dry flowers of chamomile, insist half an hour, filter. In a warm infusion, dipped a napkin and cover it with problem areas on the skin of the face. Leave until completely cooled and repeat the entire procedure. Make such compresses first a month daily, and then a month later in a day.
    Chamomile is widely used not only to eliminate acne, but also to combat wrinkles, to restore hair, to lose weight. In addition, it is used for inflammatory processes, with spasms, as well as for cleansing the body. If you are interested in all the useful properties of the plant and the preparations prepared on its basis, we recommend reading the article: Chamomile tincture is a magic remedy, it will kill all diseases and disasters!
  7. Compress with rosehip: grind the hips of rose hips, pour them with boiling water, keep in a water bath for ten minutes, insist an hour and apply to the face.

Ointments and creams

  1. Ointment from St. John's wort is easy to prepare at home. To do this, grind dry grass or St. John's wort flowers and fill them with a glass of vegetable oil. The mixture is placed in a glass container with a tightly closed lid and insisted for three weeks, periodically shaking. Then the mixture is filtered and smeared with pimples and acne in the mornings and evenings every day. The course of treatment is ten days.
  2. Fir oil is recommended to apply punctually on acne two times a day. This natural elixir not only fights against skin inflammations, but also is used to treat various diseases. Learn about its useful properties and use in folk medicine can be found in the article: Learn more safely with fir oil - Symptoms of angina will be extinguished immediately!
  3. Celery ointment: chop the celery leaves into a meat grinder and mix with butter in a one to one ratio.

Ointment is acutely lubricated with pimples three times a day. Celery is a wonderful anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent, very effective for the rapid elimination of acne.

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