The importance of caring for vision

The importance of caring for the

vision What do you do first, when you sit down to read a magazine or a book? If you have already reached a mature or old age, then, most likely, take your glasses for reading. And if you do not already have them, be prepared. By the age of 65, most likely, they will have to buy them. By this age, the eyes of almost every person face the problem of aging.

Similarly, like the whole body, your vision changes throughout your life. But when you get older, the effect of changes is more tangible, as the tissues and drainage apparatus of your eyes lose their elasticity. One of the first problems that you may encounter, beginning at the age of forty, is a change in vision when looking at closely located objects. You can suddenly find that you see the crossword is not as good as before, but only when you stretch your arms;you can hardly thread the needle;or maybe it's difficult for you to focus your vision in low light. And although these changes seem to appear overnight, they actually develop over the years. But there is good news: age-related vision problems can be solved with the help of contact lenses.

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Nevertheless, more serious eye diseases can take a wide variety of forms that require intensive treatment, and the result of their actions is often the complete loss of vision or its significant deterioration. Some people see objects in a vague or foggy form, or in their eyes is twofold. Others see everything except what is directly in front of them, and vice versa: only closely located objects, but nothing further. And although the symptoms vary in nature and severity, the final consequences are the same: falling eyesight makes it difficult to do the usual daily work, for example, when you read a newspaper, watch TV, make financial calculations, cook food or cross the street. Weak vision can ruin the whole joy of life.

To save the ability to perfectly see much you can do now. It is estimated, for example, that in about one third of new cases, preventive care and early diagnosis would help to avoid blindness. In short, the timely detection of the disease in the early stages of its development can change or stop the course and progression of many ailments.

Yu. Saveleva "Methods of vision improvement"

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