Competent skin care - use olive oil

  1. About the use of the product
  2. Proper skin care

Olive oil is one of the few products that has been in demand since ancient times. As history shows, its ancient properties were known to the ancient Egyptians and Greeks, who believed that this is a true divine gift. And even today, cosmetologists agree that this product can perfectly complement not only home, but also professional care for dry and fading skin. Using olive oil for the face, you can get rid of small wrinkles, clear pores, eliminate flaking and preserve natural beauty.

Natural olive oil rightly deserved the title of youth elixir

About the use of the product

Why is olive oil so popular in cosmetology? Primarily because it is the source of a huge number of nutrients that have a beneficial effect on any skin type. In addition, it can replace a whole arsenal of purchased caregivers, because only one small spoon of this oil is the optimal number of important vitamins and trace elements. Thanks to them the following occurs:

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  • intensive moistening;
  • soft soothing irritated areas;
  • the skin becomes more elastic and elastic;
  • regeneration of damaged cells occurs significantly faster;
  • skin gets reliable protection from the negative influence of environmental factors;

  • leveled relief;
  • intensity of expression of existing wrinkles decreases;
  • is prevented premature aging of the skin.

Thus, olive oil is considered one of the best care for the face. But it will be especially useful in dry type, when there is often a feeling of tightness, there are peeling and weathered areas. For the fading skin, natural olive oil will be a real salvation, as with its daily use it will receive a sufficient portion of nutrients and gradually pull up, rejuvenate and transform.

Note! In spite of everything, olive oil can be recommended even for oily skin: where necessary, it will dry out inflammation, perfectly clean the pores, moisturize and relieve acne. But only with this type of use this product in its pure form should not be!

Olive oil will allow you to forget about all possible cosmetic defects

Speaking about the benefits of olive oil for the skin of the face, you should also pay attention to those cases when it can cause and harm. For its external application, there are only two limitations: allergy and individual intolerance. Due to possible problems before using this product for cosmetic purposes, it is advisable to check its effect. Plus, after each procedure, it is superfluous to track the skin reaction for rash and irritation. And if the skin condition worsens, you should either reconsider the formulation of the home remedy, or completely abandon the use of olive oil.

Proper skin care

First. First of all, when creating face masks and other home cosmetics, you should purchase natural olive oil, and if there is no allergy or an individual intolerance of the product, then it is guaranteed to be extremely beneficial. For skin care it is desirable to choose the highest quality unrefined oil - Extra Virgin;this inscription is an indication that before you is an oil that was obtained from fresh fruits by mechanical pressing.

And the second. Can I smear olive oil on my face? If you use a really high-quality product, then, of course, you can, but only do it right. A small amount of oil is applied to a clean cotton pad and rub the skin solely over the massage lines. And this technique will be effective not only for cleaning, but also during the removal of cosmetics.

Note! There is an opinion that olive oil because of the large amount of fats in its composition, can provoke the formation of acne. But this is not so. Such problems depend on many factors, for example, hormones, bacteria or lack of care!


Natural olive oil is an excellent facial cleanser that is able not only to remove dirt, but at the same time intensively moisturize and give elasticity to the skin. The procedure can be carried out as follows:

  • pour the required amount of oil in a small container;
  • put it in a pot of hot water and wait a few minutes for the product to warm up;
  • soak a cotton ball in warm oil and squeeze it lightly;
  • wipe the skin of the face, neck and décolleté smooth movements on the massage lines;
  • after a couple of minutes, pat dry skin with a dry cloth and rinse it with warm water.
After using olive oil, the skin becomes softer than silk

Make-up remover

How to gently remove make-up while eliminating existing flaking and inflammation? Easily! It is sufficient to apply olive oil:

  • thoroughly wash your hands;
  • soak in a warm medium wadded disk;
  • gently remove makeup;
  • after a quarter of an hour wash with cool water.

Tip! If you use olive oil as a make-up remover before going to bed, you can not wash off its residues from the skin, but leave it till the morning!

Your skin will be grateful for the use of such a gentle and useful make-up remover

Around the eyes

Olive oil is often used in the care of the skin around the eyes. It intensively moisturizes and relieves wrinkles:

  • warm olive oil should be applied to the area around the eyes and gently hammer it with your fingertips;
  • thus to move it is desirable from an internal corner of the upper eyelid, avoiding getting of a means on its moving part, further on a circle to an internal corner of the lower eyelid;
  • after half an hour, the remainder of the product should be soaked with a dry cloth.
Olive oil perfectly copes with puffiness, wrinkles and dark circles arising in the eye area


The skin of the lips is also known to need some care, especially in the cold season. And in order to make it soft and heal cracks, it is enough to lubricate your lips daily with warm olive oil. The agent is left on the lips until it is completely absorbed.

A little olive oil, and your lips are not afraid of wind or frost

Eye care

Olive oil can also be used to strengthen the eyelashes. Apply it with a normal brush from under the old carcass, only before pouring oil from the tube, the brush should be thoroughly washed under running water. Applying oil to the eyelashes can also be done with a cotton swab or a toothbrush, but the brush is most convenient.

The best time for the procedure is evening. Using a brush, we distribute the oil on the eyelashes and go to bed. In the morning we wash with warm water. If it is more convenient for you to conduct this session in the daytime, then the residual oil is soaked in half an hour after it is applied with a dry napkin. Full course usually takes no more than six weeks.

The secret to the recovery of eyelash health is hidden in two drops of olive oil

Mask for combined skin

To prepare this mask for the face, take a couple of pinch of oatmeal, 5 ml of liquid honey and the same amount of olive oil. Ingredients are mixed and applied to the face. After a quarter of an hour, remove the product with warm water. As a result, your skin will clear, become more fresh and moisturized.

Mask for dry skin

Mask for the face, which is suitable for dry skin type, is prepared as follows: in a bowl combine yolk and a teaspoon of honey, add 15 ml of olive oil. Mix everything and stand on the skin for about twenty minutes. Rinse off with water at room temperature.

Mask for oily skin

Face mask from olive oil, protein and honey perfectly cleans and narrows the pores, which is important when caring for oily skin. For its preparation, take one teaspoon of oil and honey and one protein. The components are mixed, if the mass is too liquid, then you can add a little rice or oatmeal. We keep on the skin for about a third of an hour, then wash off with cool water.

Mask for fading skin

Olive oil is effective against wrinkles. This mask contains 50 ml of oil and oil vitamin E( 10 ml).Ingredients are connected and applied to the skin in problem areas, slightly driving the product with the fingertips. After a few minutes, the remnants of the mask can be removed with a dry napkin.

Do not deny yourself and your skin in pleasure - use olive oil and be beautiful!

  • Mar 11, 2018
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